Expert Review

Patent Citations Analysis and Its Value in Research Evaluation: A Review and a New Approach to Map Technology-relevant Research

  • Anthony F.J. van Raan ,
  • Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
Corresponding author: Anthony F.J. van Raan (E-mail: ).

Received date: 2016-11-23

  Revised date: 2016-11-29

  Accepted date: 2016-12-03

  Online published: 2016-12-03


Open Access



First, to review the state-of-the-art in patent citation analysis, particularly characteristics of patent citations to scientific literature (scientific non-patent references, SNPRs). Second, to present a novel mapping approach to identify technology-relevant research based on the papers cited by and referring to the SNPRs.


In the review part we discuss the context of SNPRs such as the time lags between scientific achievements and inventions. Also patent-to-patent citation is addressed particularly because this type of patent citation analysis is a major element in the assessment of the economic value of patents. We also review the research on the role of universities and researchers in technological development, with important issues such as universities as sources of technological knowledge and inventor-author relations. We conclude the review part of this paper with an overview of recent research on mapping and network analysis of the science and technology interface and of technological progress in interaction with science. In the second part we apply new techniques for the direct visualization of the cited and citing relations of SNPRs, the mapping of the landscape around SNPRs by bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis, and the mapping of the conceptual environment of SNPRs by keyword co-occurrence analysis.


We discuss several properties of SNPRs. Only a small minority of publications covered by the Web of Science or Scopus are cited by patents, about 3%-4%. However, for publications based on university-industry collaboration the number of SNPRs is considerably higher, around 15%. The proposed mapping methodology based on a “second order SNPR approach” enables a better assessment of the technological relevance of research.

Research limitations

The main limitation is that a more advanced merging of patent and publication data, in particular unification of author and inventor names, in still a necessity.

Practical implications

The proposed mapping methodology enables the creation of a database of technology-relevant papers (TRPs). In a bibliometric assessment the publications of research groups, research programs or institutes can be matched with the TRPs and thus the extent to which the work of groups, programs or institutes are relevant for technological development can be measured.


The review part examines a wide range of findings in the research of patent citation analysis. The mapping approach to identify a broad range of technology-relevant papers is novel and offers new opportunities in research evaluation practices.

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Anthony F.J. van Raan . Patent Citations Analysis and Its Value in Research Evaluation: A Review and a New Approach to Map Technology-relevant Research[J]. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2017 , 2(1) : 13 -50 . DOI: 10.1515/jdis-2017-0002

1 Introduction

Given the increasing emphasis on the “societal impact” of scientific research it is important to analyze the role of patents in the monitoring and evaluation of research groups and programs (see for instance Chowdhury, Koya, & Philipson (2016) in the context the UK’s Research Excellence Framework 2014) and particularly the analysis of the link between patents and research. Obviously, in this way a specific part of societal impact of research is analyzed, namely technological, possibly followed by economic relevance.
This paper consists of two parts. We first present in Section 2 a review of the research on patent analysis, particularly on characteristics and context of patent citations to scientific publications (scientific non-patent references, SNPRs), on the problem of time lags between scientific achievements and inventions, and on the economic value of patents. Section 3 reviews the research on the role of academic scientific work in technological developments, in particular the role of universities as sources of technological knowledge and the importance of inventor-author relations. We conclude the review part of this paper with Section 4 by an overview of the recent research on mapping and network analysis of the science and technology interface and of the monitoring of technological progress in interaction with science. After these review sections, we discuss in Section 5 a novel approach to identify publications with technological importance by analyzing and mapping the citation links and conceptual relations of SNPRs with other publications. Finally, in Section 6 the potential of this approach for evaluation practices, particularly the assessment of the technological relevance of research is addressed.

2 Review of Patent Citation Analysis Research

2.1 Patents and Their Citations: Basic Properties

Patents are documents with a legal status to describe and claim technological innovations. Figure 1 presents as an example the front page of a recent patent (patent publication year is 2014) of a membrane fuel cell. In this front page we find the data related to the patent publication date, the patent number, the international patent classification (IPC) codes which indicate the relevant fields of technology, and the names and affiliations of the inventors. Figure 2 shows the first page of the list of claims.
Figure 1. Front page of patent WO2014/009721A1 as an example.
Similar to scientific publications, also in patent documents references are given. These references mainly concern earlier patents (patent-to-patent citations) in order to prove novelty in view of the existing technological development (“prior art”) and, generally to a lesser extent, to non-patent items (non-patent references, NPRs), particularly scientific publications (scientific non-patent references, SNPRs). References in scientific publications are the sole responsibility of the authors. References in patents, however, can be given by both the inventors as well as by the patent examiners. Figures 3 and 4 show the “international search report” part of the patent document in which the references to earlier patents as well as to scientific publications are given. One of the cited publications is the paper of Zarrin et al. (2011) on a functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposite membrane for low humidity and high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells, an issue strongly related to the invention described in the patent.

2.2 Characteristics of Patent Citations to Scientific Literature

Pioneering work on patent citations to scientific literature (SNPRs) was done by Narin and colleagues (Carpenter, Cooper, & Narin, 1980; Carpenter & Narin, 1983; Narin & Noma, 1985; Narin, Rosen, & Olivastro, 1989). The number of SNPRs was considered to be a measure of the “science intensity” of technological fields. In the follow-up work of Narin it was found that about three quarters of the papers cited by US industry patents were public science, authored at academic, governmental, and other public institutions; only about a third was authored by industrial scientists. The SNPRs showed a strong national component. The cited US papers are from the mainstream of modern science; quite basic, in influential journals, often authored at top research universities and laboratories, relatively recent, and heavily supported by NIH, NSF(1)(1)NIH refers to the US National Institutes of Health and NSF refers to the US National Science Foundation.), and other public agencies (Narin, Hamilton, & Olivastro, 1997). This work shows the importance of a well-developed public research system for the technological development and the economy of a country.
Figure 2. Claims of patent WO2014/009721A1; the first page of the claims section is shown as an example.
After the pioneering work of Narin the number of studies on patent citations to scientific literature rapidly increased. We mention the early work at ISI(2)(2)ISI: Institute for Scientific Information, the original producer of the Science Citation Index (SCI). The Web of Science (WoS) is the successor of the Science Citation Index, until recently part of Thomson Reuters, now owned by Clarivate Analytics.)to match patent data to a bibliometric model (Coward & Franklin, 1989); the early Leiden (CWTS) work on patent citations (van Vianen, Moed, & van Raan, 1990) where it was found that over half of the NPRs in Dutch patents in the first half of the 1980s were journal document citations, mostly SCI-(WoS) covered journals, and the other references were mainly books, abstracting services, and meeting abstracts. The Fraunhofer Institute in Karlsruhe started at the beginning of the 1990s a research program on the dynamics of science-based innovation with patent analysis studies (Grupp, 1992; Schmoch, 1993). CWTS continued its work by Tijssen and colleagues with patent-citation analysis focused on global and domestic utilization of industrial relevant science (Tijssen, Buter, & van Leeuwen, 2000; Tijssen, 2001).
Particularly the Leuven group developed a broad research program on patent analysis and the relation between science and technology. For instance Verbeek et al. (2002) found a skewed distribution of NPRs in patents, with a majority of patents containing no references, and only a small number with numerous references. The majority of NPRs are journal references and thus SNPRs (Callaert et al., 2006). Furthermore it was found that the SNPRs are published in a small group of scientific journals. Van Looy et al. (2006) found that national technological performance positively correlates with the scientific strength of a country, particularly when this strength is present in a wide variety of companies as well as knowledge institutes. In new and emerging fields of technology the number of SNPRs in patents is higher, which indicates that new technological developments are generally more science intensive (van Looy, Magerman, & Debackere, 2007).
The study of patent citations and particularly patent citations to scientific literature is not a piece of cake. SNPR information is often incomplete and not unified, and may contain multiple distinct references pointing to the same scientific publication. It requires, after the necessary “data cleaning” work, a careful merging of a patent database such as PATSTAT with the WoS or Scopus(3) ((3)Scopus is the citation index published by Elsevier.)in a bibliometrically advanced way in order to match with high precision SNPRs with publications covered by the WoS or Scopus. Different data analytical techniques are necessary to successfully perform such patent-publication data matching. For instance, Magerman, van Looy, & Song (2010) discuss text mining techniques to detect similarity between patents and scientific publications. In their recent studies the Leuven researchers remark that caution is needed in the interpretation of SNPRs as indicators of direct knowledge flows from published research to patented technology. It matters whether the patents with SNPRs originate from knowledge (R&D performing) institutions such as universities and other public research institutes, or from companies. Also there are substantial differences between countries, most probably related to the scientific strength of a country. Moreover, there are also differences between patent systems regarding the use of SNPRs: the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) requires more SNPRs than the European Patent Office (EPO) or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (Callaert, Grouwels, & van Looy, 2012; Callaert et al., 2014).
Patent citations to scientific literature can also provide insight into the globalization of technological developments. Ribeiro et al. (2014) analyze 167,315 USPTO patents granted in 2009 and the papers cited by these patents to identify the “scientific footprints of technology” that cross national boundaries, and particularly how multinational enterprises interact globally with universities and other firms.
Figure 3. International search report of patent WO2014/009721A1, page 1. The SNPRs are indicated with a light blue box, and the references to earlier patents with a red box.
Figure 4. International search report of patent WO2014/009721A1, page 2. The SNPRs are indicated with a light blue box, and the references to earlier patents with a red box.

2.3 Context of Patent Citations to Scientific Publications

Not every SNPR is a central reference to underlying research. SNPRs can also be meant as general background information and not necessarily as a source of inspiration. In quite a substantial number of cases the inventors regard the SNPRs as less important or even trivial (Callaert, Pellens, & van Looy, 2014). This latter situation is related to the differences between inventor- and examiner-given SNPRs. Examiners play an important role in adding citations to patents (63% for an average patent), there is a strong firm-specific (mostly technology-field specific) variation, and the highest proportion of citations added by examiners is found for foreign applicants to USPTO (Criscuolo & Verspagen, 2008; Alcácer, Gittelman, & Sampat, 2009). Examiner-given references, however, are not without problems. Wada (2016) analyzes obstacles to prior-art searching by examiners and found evidence of a negative effect of geographical distance on the probability to capture prior patents. Although this relates to problems in referencing to earlier patents, similar difficulties may also arise in proper referencing to scientific literature. Furthermore, the number of SNPRs in patents will depend on the stage of development of a technological field. A number of studies deal with patent citation analysis in developing and emerging fields, for instance nanotechnology (Hu et al., 2007; Meyer, 2000, 2001) and genetic engineering research (Lo, 2010). A rapidly developing technological field will generally be more based on recent scientific knowledge than a mature field.
From the above it is clear that the number of SNPRs in patents, and with that the probability that a publication may be used as an SNPR, depends on several different factors: the role of inventors versus examiners; characteristics of the patent office; characteristics of firms and of technology fields. Furthermore, the distribution of citations in patents to non-patent literature (of which SNPRs are the major part) is skew (see for instance Squicciarini et al., 2013, pp. 26-30). The number of SNPRs is also influenced by the large differences in the economic values of patents (see Section 2.5). Therefore it is sensible to focus specifically on the important patents, particularly patents in a patent familyPatent families are datasets consisting of patent publications that are equivalent and relate to one and the same invention.)with at least one US patent. As remarked above, with a US patent in a patent family many more SNPRs are obtained. It is a legal requirement in the US to send in as much possible relevant information in the patent-application procedure. Nevertheless, the real importance of SNPRs can only be determined by analyzing the patent’s main text and/or by querying the inventors. A general observation is that SNPRs indeed form a bridge between science and technology, but more in a broader sense, i.e. at a macro-level such as the “science intensity” of technological fields or the science-technology interaction at the level of countries.

2.4 Time Lags between Scientific Breakthroughs and Inventions

As always, there is the time dimension. In the relation between science and technology particularly the speed of transfer of scientific knowledge into the patenting process is important. This time lag, mostly defined as the time lapse between the publication year of a paper and the year this paper is cited in a patent, may differ substantially between the various fields of technology. This time lapse defines the age of the SNPRs. In emerging and developing fields this time lag is mostly relatively short. Finardi (2011) finds that for nanotechnology the time lag is between three and four years. Some authors find time lags of more than 20 years, see for instance the study on the technological impact of library science research (Halevi and Moed, 2012). Information about the age of SNPRs is important in order to know when scientific results are used in a technological innovation. Mehta, Rysman, and Simcoe (2010) discuss the problems involved in the determination of the time lag and the precise definition of the age of SNPRs.
Directly related to the time lags between scientific work and technological developments is the more fundamental problem to identify the “real” scientific basis of a technological innovation. Ground-breaking work was done in the 1960s with the Hindsight (Sherwin & Isenson, 1967; Isenson, 1969) and the TRACES studies (IIT, 1968, 1969; Heilbron, 1972) in the US(5) ((5)See for instance,, and Quite often it takes more than a generation before fundamental scientific discoveries can be used in new technologies. Grant, Green, and Mason (2003) found a time lag of about 20 years between clinical advances in neonatal intensive care and the underpinning basic research. The SNPRs may represent important recent scientific research but this research on its turn may be based on even more important, earlier breakthrough work, not cited in the patent but perhaps cited in the SNPRs. We come back to this important issue in Section 5. Another, more technical time-related problem is the delay between patent application and patent publication, mostly 18 months. Within this period the patent application is not accessible for analysis. Also a substantial amount of patent applications are never published, so these inventions are “invisible” but they may influence the development of a technological field.

2.5 Economic Value of Patents

In order to make patent analysis a valuable part of monitoring and evaluating research, we need to know how the economic value of patents can be assessed. The reason is clear: just as in the case of publications, also patents show a wide variety of impact. Only a relatively small amount of patents represents important technological breakthroughs (Albert et al., 1991). Therefore, specific patent indicators are necessary to assess the importance of patents (Carpenter, Narin, & Woolf, 1981; Hall, Jaffe, & Trajtenberg, 2005). In analogy to publications, patent-to-patent citations are often regarded as an indicator of patent quality (Trajtenberg, 1990).
Patent-to-patent citations provide a first indication of the importance of the cited patents, particularly if they are highly cited and belong to, for instance, the top 10% cited patents in their field. From the perspective of the cited patent, the citing patents (which are later in time than the cited patent) provide the “forward citations.” The “backward citations” are the citations in a patent to earlier patents or to non-patent literature such as the SNPRs. Harhoff et al. (1999) obtained through a survey private economic value estimates on nearly 1,000 US and German inventions. These authors found that patents renewed to full-term (which is the maximum duration of the patent protection, mostly 20 years) were significantly more highly cited than patents allowed to expire before their full term. The higher an invention’s economic value estimate was, the more the patent was subsequently cited.
Patent-to-patent citation analysis is also used to trace the evolution of new fields of technology. Bruck et al. (2016) show that laser-inkjet printer technology started from the merging of two existing technologies: sequential printing and static image production. Sternitzke (2010) investigated both radical as well as incremental pharmaceutical innovations. He finds that public sector scientific knowledge is important for all innovations. But radical innovations are based on a higher degree of basic research and on a significantly higher share of own prior scientific research than incremental innovations. Arts, Appio, and van Looy (2012) show that biotechnology patents representing important technological innovations have a high number of, particularly recent, citations to scientific publications, and these “radical” patents connect patent subclasses which were so far unconnected. The authors caution that these indicators are ex ante. In line with the earlier research discussed in the beginning of this section, the authors state that also ex post indicators such as forward citations (patent-to-patent citations) are necessary to identify breakthrough innovations more accurately.
Squicciarini, Dernis, and Crisculo (2013) assessed patent quality on the basis of a combination of several indicators of the economic value of patents: number of backward citations particularly SNPRs, patent claims which determine the boundaries of the exclusive rights of a patent owner, number of forward citations (up to five years after patent publication), patent renewal, and patent-family size. The authors develop a generality, originality, and radicalness index for patents on the basis of differences in IPC(6) ((6)IPC: International Patent Classification, for more information see classes between cited versus citing patents. Earlier work with partly similar approaches can be found in a preliminary report (PATVAL study) for the European Commission (European Commission, 2005). Benson and Magee (2015) find that patents contain significant information relevant to the quantitative assessment of technological improvement rates. In particular, these authors show that the importance of patents, the recency of patents, and the immediacy of patents are all strongly correlated with increases in the rate of performance improvement in the technology field of interest. These indicators appear to have good predictive power for more than 10 years into the future. A new measurement of technological novelty is developed by Verhoeven, Bakker, and Veugelers (2016). These authors characterize inventions ex ante along two dimensions of technological novelty: novelty in recombination of different technology fields, and novelty in technological as well as scientific knowledge origins. They use patent classification and citation information to operationalize the two dimensions.
More research is necessary on the economic value of patents. But also here, like in the case of scientific publications, it may take a long time before the true value of a patent for the socio-economic progress of our society becomes apparent. This means that in the determination of the top 10% patents a relatively long citation window, but at least several windows of different lengths are necessary. Moreover, patent mapping and network analysis are increasingly used to assess the impact of patents. We will discuss this further in Section 4 where we review recent research on the mapping of technological development and of the science-technology interface.

2.6 Summary of the Findings

On the basis of our review in this section we draw the following conclusions:

Majority of NPRs are SNPRs;

Majority of the SNPRs are published in a relatively small group of journals;

SNPRs show a strong national component;

SNPRs show a strong public science component;

The distribution of SNPRs over patents is skewed;

Patents in emerging fields have more SNPRs;

SNPRs are not a direct indicator of knowledge flows;

Patent office differences: USPTO requires more SNPRs than EPO;

SNPRs are not necessarily central references to underlying research;

There are inventor- and examiner-given SNPRs, and examiners play an important role;

Number of SNPRs is field- and developmental stage dependent;

Time lag between the SNPR publication year and citation in a patent can be 3-20 years;

Earlier breakthrough work not cited in patent but perhaps cited in SNPR;

Real importance of SNPRs can only be found by querying the inventors;

Only a small fraction of patent-relevant publications are SNPRs;

For university-industry collaboration papers the number of SNPRs is much higher;

Only a small amount of patents represents important, “radical” technological breakthroughs;

Patent-to-patent citations are regarded as an indicator of patent quality if patents are highly cited, particularly the top 10% patents;

Patents renewed to full-term are significantly more highly cited than patents allowed to expire;

The higher an invention’s economic value estimate, the more the patent was subsequently cited;

Radical innovations are based on a higher degree of basic research and on a significantly higher share of own prior research as compared to incremental innovations;

Radical patents connect patent classes so far unconnected;

Patent quality assessment can best be based on a combination of indicators of economic value of patents: number of SNPRs; patent claims that determine the boundaries of the exclusive rights; number of forward citations (up to five years after patent publication); patent renewal; patent-family size;

Generality, originality, and radicalness index for patents can be based on differences in IPC patent classes between cited versus citing patents;

The discussed work shows the importance of a combined patent- and publication-citation index system that covers both patents and publications as sources, enabling both patent-to-patent and patent-to-publication citation analyses. For instance, patent impact distribution functions based on patent-to-patent citations can be established in order to determine the top 10% patents, an important indicator of patent value. Furthermore, with a combined patent- and publication-citation index system it will be possible to measure more accurately, and on a larger scale, what fraction of all WoS covered publications is an SNPR, what the differences are between the fields of science, the changes in the course of time, and whether these publications are an SNPR in a top 10% patent and whether highly cited papers are more likely to become an SNPR.

3 Review of the Role of Universities and Researchers in Technology

3.1 Universities as Sources of Technological Knowledge

We already mentioned the pioneering work of Narin and colleagues on the important role of the public research system, particularly universities, in technological development. Recent work supports these early findings. In order to analyze the role of universities in technology-relevant knowledge production, Hung et al. (2015) study growth trajectories of the cumulative patent citations to scientific publications produced by individual universities. Their results indicate that not all top 300 research universities in the world perform well in knowledge utilization for patented inventions, and that university-industry collaboration plays an important role. In studies on the role of universities in technological development patent citations to scientific literature as well as patent citation to earlier patents (patent-to-patent citations) are analyzed. For instance, Guerzoni et al. (2014) investigate the creation of a new industry on the basis of funding sources of university patents. The authors argue that patent citations provide insight into the originality of patents. With data on patented cancer research they find that university researchers have a higher propensity to generate more original patents when they are partly funded by their own university in contrast to university researchers funded either by industry or other non-university organizations. Other research on funding is the study of Chai and Shih (2016) in which these authors focus on the transformation of new scientific knowledge from academic research into commercialized products of private firms. They assess the effect of funded partnerships between universities and private companies on the innovative performance of the participating firms. The authors compare patent counts, publication counts, and proportion of cross-institutional publications between funded and unfunded firms. The effects appear to differ depending on the type of firm, for instance small and medium-sized firms, or younger firms.
Mowery and Ziedonis (2015) compare the localization of knowledge flows from university inventions through market contracts (licenses) and nonmarket contracts (spillovers) on the basis of patent citations. They find that knowledge flows through market transactions are more geographically localized than those through nonmarket spillovers. Leten, Landoni, and van Looy (2014) investigate the impact of universities on the technological performance of adjacent firms. The results show a positive effect of both university graduates and scientific publications on the technological performance of firms with, however, considerable industry differences. Positive effects for scientific research are only observed in the science-intensive technologies such as the electrical and pharmaceutical industries. A difficulty in accounting the academic engagement and commercialization activities of researchers is the accurate quantification of these activities. Perkmann et al. (2015) combine university administrative records with data retrieved from external sources and surveys to quantify academic consulting, patenting, and academic entrepreneurship. They illustrate this approach with data for 10,000 scientists at the Imperial College London and find, with the exception of consulting, no significant differences between individuals involved in supported (university-recorded) and independent activity.
The time it takes for scientific papers to gain impact in related fields of technology is studied by Fukuzawa and Ida (2016). They analyze the citation linkages between articles and patents and find that the articles of leading Japanese scientists in the life and medical sciences reach on average in the fourth year after publication a peak in citations by subsequent papers; for citations given in patents it takes on average six years to reach a peak. Walter, Schmidt, & Walter (2016) investigate why academic entrepreneurs seek patents for spin-off technology in weak organizational regimes (the employee owns the inventions) and strong organizational regimes (the employer, i.e. the university or research organization, owns the inventions). They find that characteristics of the founding scientists (expert knowledge and entrepreneurial orientation) are important in weak but not in strong regimes. In contrast, organizational patenting norms are the main driver of patenting in strong but not in weak organizational regimes.

3.2 Inventor-author Relations

An important bridge between science and technology is built on the direct connections between scientists as inventors and as authors of publications. Packer and Webster (1996) described the emergence of a patenting culture in university science. The number of studies on inventor-author relations is, however, quite limited. One of the few early studies is the CWTS-Fraunhofer work on inventor-author relations in the application of lasers in medicine (Noyons et al., 1994). These authors found that inventors of patents with many SNPRs did not publish significantly more in science than inventors of patents with few SNPRs. The former did, however, use more basic scientific journals to publish their research work than the latter. It was also found that during the preparation of a patent application, co-inventors increase their co-activity in science, and companies and universities level up their co-operation. Related work are the studies of inventor-author self-citations in Dutch (mainly Philips) patents (Tijssen et al., 2000; Tijssen, 2001), inventor networks and universities (Balconi, Breschi, & Lissoni, 2004), and the study of the role of academic inventors in companies (Murray, 2004). Meyer (2005) compared the performance of inventor-authors in nanoscience with their “non-inventing” peers.
The central problem in inventor-author studies is the accurate identification of both the inventor as well as the author. An interesting method to identify inventor-author relations is a text-based approach as developed by Cassiman, Glenisson, & van Looy (2007). Here patents and publications were first matched by content-similarity, and then, for the highest ranked matches, a name matching was applied. However, for large scale studies the lack of unification of names and precise person identification in publication- as well as patent databases severely hampers the study of inventor-author relations. Therefore, most studies are still on a smaller scale, for instance a specific country, see Maraut and Martinez (2014) for inventor-author relations in Spain.
To our knowledge there are only two large-scale studies. The CWTS-Fraunhofer study on the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the EU countries (Noyons et al., 2003) is a very comprehensive inventor-author study. In this study over 15,000 inventor-authors combinations were identified with help of several text analysis techniques. Boyack and Klavans (2008) studied science-technology interaction on a large scale by identifying and validating a set of nearly 20,000 inventor-authors through matching of rare names obtained from paper and patent data. With rare names the probability to identify a specific person is considerably higher than in the case of common names. Magerman, van Looy, and Debackere (2015) investigate whether involvement in patenting hampers the dissemination of a scientist’s published research. The authors conducted a citation analysis of patent-paper pairs in biotechnology by using text-mining algorithms. In a dataset of 948,432 scientific publications and 88,248 EPO and USPTO patent documents, they identify 584 patent-paper pairs. Publications linked to a patent receive more citations than publications without a patent link. These findings show that researchers with patent-publication pairs develop a larger “scientific footprint” than colleagues without patent activity.
We conclude that inventor-author relations are an important indicator of science and technology (S&T) interaction, particularly between academia and industry. As discussed above, the precise identification of inventors and authors is still a major challenge. The big advantage of an as good as possible matching of inventors and authors is that more publications than only SNPRs relevant for a specific technological innovation can be found. This may also reveal the often more than just one developmental path in the course of time that has led to the innovation.

3.3 Analytical Requirements

The foregoing sections makes clear that the analysis of patent citations to scientific literature requires an advanced merging of a patent database (e.g. PATSTAT) and a scientific literature database (WoS or Scopus). This means that, technically, we can work from two perspectives: (1) taking patents as a starting point and identifying their SNPRs in the WoS or Scopus, or (2) taking the publications covered by WoS or Scopus as a starting point and find out whether they are cited in patents or not. Recent CWTS work shows examples of this first approach(7) ((7)As mentioned earlier, SNPR information is often incomplete and not unified, and may contain multiple distinct references pointing to the same scientific publication. The first approach is therefore considered to be more efficient as the SNPRs are classified into those that most probably might occur in a scientific database and those for which such an occurrence is highly unlikely or even impossible.).First, the study on the discovery of introns(8) ((8) An intron (intragenic region) is a part of a DNA molecule within a gene but it is not used for decoding proteins. It is still not clear what the precise function of introns is. The more developed organisms are, the more introns they have in their DNA. Richard Robert and Philip Sharp received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1993 for the discovery of introns, see )(Winnink, Tijssen, & van Raan, 2013) reveals that of the approximately 15,000 intron-related WoS publications in the period 1986-2001, only 175 are identified as an SNPR in 1,284 (1984-2012) intron-related patents covered by 677 patent families. Thus, around 1%, which means that 99% of the relevant publications does not “show up” in the patents relevant to the same topic. Looking from the other perspective, we find that 84% of the intron-related patents have no identified SNPR.
Second, in the Leiden Ranking(9) ((9) For more information see version used in the UMultiRank(10))((10) For more information see there are for instance 24,156 Leiden WoS-covered publications in the period 2005-2012. Of these 24,156 publications, 641 are cited in patents (from the period 2005-2008) which means 2.7% of the total number of Leiden publications is an SNPR. Of these 641 SNPRs, 42, thus 6.6%, are cited in the top 10% patents (i.e. the patents that are in the top 10% of the patent-to-patent citation distribution function). In other words: only 0.2% of all Leiden publications is cited as an SNPR in top-patents whereas Leiden is a university with a relatively high number of SNPRs as most research universities with a large medical school. Biomedical fields generally have higher numbers of SNPRs as compared to other fields of technology, even compared to the engineering-oriented fields. However, of the Leiden publications based on university-industry collaboration a much larger number, about 15%, is an SNPR, and for the top 10% patents it is even 22%.
Winnink and Tijssen (2015) recently identified about 1.2 million WoS publications (1980-2014) on the basis of all patents included (starting from the beginning of the 20th century) in the database PATSTAT Spring 2014 version. This means that about 3.7% of the WoS publications are identified as SNPRs with the preliminary search algorithms. Remind that these figures concern long periods of time, the Leiden data relate to much shorter periods of publication and patent years and hence they are related to more recent research and the numbers are lower. A recent, surprising finding is that 15%-30% of Sleeping Beauties (SBs) (11) ((11)A “Sleeping Beauty in Science” is a publication that goes unnoticed (“sleeps”) for a long time and then, almost suddenly, attracts a lot of attention (“is awakened by a prince”).)are SNPRs (van Raan, 2016).

4 Review of the Science and Technology Interface Mapping

4.1 Monitoring Technological Progress and the Interaction with Science

A challenging method to visualize the interface between science and technology is the use of bibliometric mapping methods such as co-citation, co-word, and co-classification techniques. A discussion of these bibliometric mapping methods can be found in van Raan (2015) and also in the next section. CWTS played a pioneering role in this mapping methodology by creating a time-series of co-word and co-classification based maps for the entire technological domain (Engelsman, van Raan, 1991, 1994; Noyons et al., 1991). A study of the interdisciplinary field of opto-mechatronics in which maps were created based on patents and on scientific publications showed the existence of similar subfields at both the science as well as the technology side (Noyons & van Raan, 1994). In this way, the field is mapped from a technological and from a research point of view.
Recent work shows an ongoing trend in mapping of the science and technology interface to detect and monitor emerging topics. However, these studies often focus on an early stage of the development of emerging fields, before these fields become a major source for patenting. An example is the study of the knowledge diffusion in two emerging fields, the therapeutic use of RNA interference and the application of nanocrystals in solar cells (Leydesdorff and Rafols, 2011). In this work knowledge diffusion between publications relevant for the emerging fields is mapped with network techniques. Given the early stage of these emerging fields, these networks, however, do not contain patents. Upham and Small (2010) and Small, Boyack, and Klavans (2014) use co-citation based mapping techniques to identify emerging topics in science with technological relevance. But also here no patent analysis is involved. Another approach to map technological development was developed by Lee and Jeong (2008). These authors identified trends in the development of robot technology by applying co-word analysis to the metadata of Korean national R&D projects. However, also here no patents were used for the mapping.
Only in a few studies combined patent-publication mapping is used. This is the case in two recent studies of the Leiden group, one on the discovery of introns (Winnink, Tijssen, & van Raan, 2013) and one on the invention of the anti-HIV medical drug Isentress (Winnink & Tijssen, 2014). In both studies network maps are created on the basis of patent-to-patent and patent-to-publication links. Such patent-publication networks are important because scientific progress is a crucial but certainly not the only basis of technological development. Also progress in other and not necessarily directly related fields of technology contribute strongly to the development of a specific field. We show in Figure 5 the patent-to-patent and patent-to-publication citation network around the patent of the anti-HIV medical drug Isentress (Winnink and Tijssen, 2014). In Figure 6 the patent-to-patent and patent-to-publication citations are separated to illustrate the S&T interface of authors and inventors around the Isentress publication of Hazuda et al. (2000).
Figure 5. Patent-to-patent and patent-to-publication citation network around the discovery of Isentress. Network of patents and publications connecting Hazuda et al. (2000) which is the “discovery paper” (green circle), and the Isentress patent (2007)(red circle). Blue circles represent patents; white circles represent publications. From: Winnink and Tijssen (2014).
Figure 6. This network configuration shows the citing-cited relations between the publications with the co-author relationships between researchers. Blue circles represent scholarly publications; white circles represent (co-)authors. The two closely interconnected clusters are centered around the discovery paper Hazuda et al. (2000). From: Winnink and Tijssen (2014).

4.2 Further Diversification of Technology Mapping

In the last few years we notice a strong increase in the application of mapping and network methods to analyze technological developments. The major issues in these studies are monitoring technological state-of-the-art as recent as possible; identification of important, high-impact patents in new fields and in technological improvement; diffusion of technological knowledge, technological change and technological learning capacity; detection of emerging as well as converging fields of technology; and research focusing on improvement of mapping methods. We will briefly discuss recent work on the above issues.
Tackling the problem of monitoring the technological state-of-the-art as recent as possible, Ko et al. (2014) argue that patent-citation networks are insufficient to capture the most recent technological information, particularly the direct and hidden impacts among technologies. To improve technology-impact networks they integrate patent co-classification, decision making algorithms, and social network analysis. The method is illustrated using all Korean patents in the United States patent database from 2008 to 2012.
Identification of important, high-impact patents in new fields and in technological improvement is a hot topic that attracts a lot of attention. Luan et al. (2014) use technology co-classification analysis to show that significant inventions are more technologically diversified and that specific core-technology domains are probably better for creating significant inventions when R&D activities are considered as a whole. Yang et al. (2015) combine four types of patent-citation networks (direct citation, indirect citation, bibliographic coupling, and co-citation networks) and discuss why their approach performs better in covering valuable patents than a direct citation network. Briggs (2015) finds that multi-country jointly-owned patents receive more forward patent citations than patents co-owned within a single country. This indicates that multi-country joint patent co-ownership positively influences the impact of patents. Also the role of university partnerships is investigated, and the author concludes that co-ownership with a university does not result in a direct but more probably in a later impact.
In the mapping and network approaches the focus is not only on patents or on technology-related papers, but also on the performance of the patent assignees. For instance, Huang et al. (2015) use metrics based on traces of matrices composed of vectors describing the distribution of patents, the distribution of their citations, and the difference between these distributions to calculate technological performance of patent assignees. By comparing the results of this traces-based metrics with patent citation counts, with the Current Impact Index and with the patent h-index, they conclude that traces-based metrics provide a valuable complement to patent citation analysis. Guan and Yan (2015) study the impact of multi-level networks on innovation. By using the patent classification system they construct with subclass co-occurrence analysis inventor collaboration networks at city and as well as country level. They find that inter-country collaboration moderates the relationships between inter-city collaboration and innovation performance. Bakker et al. (2016) discuss the pitfalls of using patent-to-patent citations to assess the quality and impact of the patent. Depending on procedures of the patent office and whether the presence of patent families is taken into account, the calculated citation indicators may differ substantially. It is found that corrections for patent families based on a broader definition reveals the most uniform results.
The process of the diffusion of technological knowledge is studied by Ho, Lin, and Liu (2014) using patent-citation network analysis in the field of fuel cells. With help of path analysis, the authors investigate knowledge diffusion across different locations and the role played by specific technological knowledge in the diffusion process. They also find that the technological diversification of a patent had no substantial influence on its network position. Geographical locations also play an important role in the work of Morescalchi et al. (2015). These authors investigate the evolution of networks of innovators within and across borders of institutes and countries. They analyze the impact of physical distance and country borders on inter-regional links in four different networks based on co-inventorship, patent citations, inventor mobility, and the location of R&D laboratories. One of their conclusions is that they cannot detect substantial progress in European research integration other than the common global trend. Wang, Zhang, and Xu (2011) take the entire domain of technology as a starting point and analyze how the developments in the different fields of technology are related at the firm level. They use patent co-citation networks to identify the technological links between 500 important companies. Park and Yoon (2014) use IPC patent co-classification network analysis to study technological knowledge diffusion to measure the long-term role and the intermediating potential of technology sectors. The method is demonstrated with Korean national R&D patents from 2008 to 2011. Hung and Tu (2014) use forward patent citations in the analysis of complexity and chaos in the process of technological change. Learning is a specific topic within our understanding of the diffusion of technological knowledge. Wang, Roijakkers, and Vanhaverbeke (2014) use patent citation analysis to assess how fast Chinese firms learn and catch up.
In technological development the emergence as well as convergence of fields play a crucial role. Kim, Cho, and Kim (2014) use patent-citation network analysis in the field of printed electronics in order to identify key technologies in the convergence process. Kim et al. (2014) study the timely identification of potential technology opportunities by measuring connectivity between clusters of patents using both patent textual data and patent-citation networks. After identifying technology groups with high convergence potential, pairs of core patents based on their technological relatedness are selected. The method is illustrated with a set of US patents in the field of digital information and security. Another approach to study technological convergence is developed by Cho and Kim (2014) who apply the physical concepts entropy and gravity to patent-citation networks. The aim is to discover patterns of the international patent classification codes in printed electronics, and to analyze the role of each technology. The authors discuss how their findings on the evolutionary patterns of technological convergence provide implications for technology foresight. Breitzman and Thomas (2015) develop a tool for locating emerging technologies close to real time across multiple patent systems by using patent-citation techniques. They find that patents in emerging clusters consistently have a significantly higher impact on subsequent technological developments than patents outside these clusters.
Finally, at the more methodological side we find work on the effect of patent-family information on patent-citation network analysis. Nakamura et al. (2015) find in the case of automobile-drivetrain technology that technological trends cannot be understood only with the analysis of patent data issued by a single authority and they discuss the effect of bundling patent-family information. Rodriguez et al. (2015) criticize the use of text mining and keyword analysis for patent relatedness because word choice and writing style of authors may influence the patent-similarity calculations. Therefore, they focus on citations and propose to base patent-similarity measures on normalized direct and indirect co-citation links between patents. Aharonson and Schilling (2016) use network algorithms to calculate the distance between patents with path-length analysis in order to assess technological overlap, similarity, and proximity of firms and to identify outlier patents. Appio, Cesaroni, and Di Minin (2014) use co-citation analysis to map the structure of papers in the intellectual property management and strategy literature to identify its main research areas. Five clusters were found: economics of patent system, technological and institutional capabilities, university patenting, intellectual property exploitation, and division of labor.

4.3 Summary of the Findings

On the basis of our review in this section we draw the following conclusions:

Bibliometric mapping enables the visualization of technology fields and related science fields;

Mapping can be based on several methods such as co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling analysis, co-word analysis, and co-classification analysis;

Time-series of maps enable the discovery of knowledge flows between science and technology as well as between countries or between firms;

Time-series of maps may also have a prospective potential, for instance the early detection of emerging or converging technologies.

Also for mapping and network analysis the combined patent- and publication-citation index system is of crucial importance. It enables the construction of different types of large-scale network structures of publication-patent links. These structures can be based on different bibliometric mapping procedures such as co-citation, bibliographic coupling, co-word, and co-classification analysis. This offers us a reliable, effective, and much less time-consuming way to discover important knowledge flows between science and technology, to identify the publications and patents that play a pivotal role in these flows, and to find the first signs of emerging technological themes. It will also be interesting to study more thoroughly the statistical properties of these networks (e.g. in- and out-degrees of the linkages, characteristics of the emerging clusters, and power-law scaling behavior). A time series of such maps may enable to make extrapolations in time and thus predicting developments in the near future of, say, the next five years.
We conclude the review part of this paper with a co-word analysis of papers published in 2014-2016 (up till November 7, 2016; total number of papers is 327) in the journals Scientometrics, Research Policy, Journal of the American Association for Information Science and Technology, Research Evaluation, and PLoS ONE with the author- and/or database-given keyword “patent*.” The results are shown in Figure 7. We notice that the main clusters (indicated with colors and topic-connecting links) correspond well with the themes discussed in the review part, for instance bibliometric methods in patent analysis to find the links between science and technology (blue); patent citations of the innovation (light blue), the role of universities, academic research, non-patent references, and university-industry collaboration and technology transfer (red); patent citations, R&D and firm performance (purple); and collaboration networks (green). In addition, we see at the right hand side a somewhat isolated cluster (light yellow) on topics for which patents are granted, particularly medical issues.
Figure 7. Concept (co-word) map of the patent-related papers as discussed in the text. (mapping parameter: co-occurrence threshold = 3, full counting).

5 A Novel Mapping Approach: Second Order SNPRs

5.1 Direct Visualization of Cited and Citing Relations of SNPRs

In the foregoing sections we presented a review of the state-of-the-art in patent analysis literature. This last section represents the second part of this paper in which we propose a new way to assess the technology-relevance of publications by identifying publications of a research group (or program, institute, university, country, etc.) that have citation-relations with SNPRs. As discussed earlier, only a small minority of publications covered by the WoS or Scopus “act” as an SNPR, about 3%-4%. This means that an SNPR-based indicator cannot play a crucial role in the evaluation and monitoring of research group or research programs. On the other hand, statistically this probability is comparable to, for instance, the top 1% highly cited publications indicator. Thus, the SNPR-based indicators can be used in an experimental way in evaluation and monitoring provided that the analyses and calculations are performed in an advanced combined patent- and publication-citation index system. Also we discussed that for publications based on university-industry collaboration the number of SNPRs is considerably higher, around 15%. A new method to assess the technological relevance of research is a “second order SNPR” approach: are publications of a research group directly related to an SNPR, more specifically, are they—within a certain time window—cited by or citing to a specific SNPR? In other words, we need an analysis of the citation network of SNPRs. As an example we take the Zarrin SNPR in patent WO2014/009721A1 discussed in Section 2.
For the analysis of the publications cited by an SNPR we use the CWTS bibliometric instrument CitNetExplorer(12)(12)The CitNetExplorer is a software tool specifically designed for analyzing and visualizing citation networks of scientific literature; it can be uploaded with sets of publication records directly from the Web of Science (WoS) or Scopus. Citation networks can then be explored interactively, for instance by drilling down into a network and by identifying clusters of closely related publications. More about CitNetExplorer see applying this CitNetExplorer we map the target SNPR with its references (cited papers) on a time scale. This enables us to find the scientific roots of the SNPR, and possibly an older but important breakthrough-paper. With the CitNetExplorer also the target SNPR can be mapped with its citing publications, as we will see further on. For a more extensive analysis of the publications citing an SNPR we use the CWTS bibliometric instrument VOS-viewer(13) ((13)The VOS-viewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing (mapping) a broad range of bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or individual publications, and they can be constructed with co-citation, bibliographic coupling, keyword co-occurrence, or co-authorship relations. In particular, the VOSviewer also offers a text mining functionality that can be used to construct and visualize conceptual (co-word based) networks of terms extracted from a body of scientific literature, particularly titles and abstracts of publications. The VOS viewer can be uploaded with any type of relational information and particularly with publications records of the WoS as well as of Scopus. More about VOSviewer see citing publications with their references (for all citing publications the SNPR is one of the references) enable us to create two different networks. First, the citing publications will have references in common; the more references they have in common, the stronger their relation. This is the bibliographic coupling network in which the citing publications are mapped on the basis of the co-occurrences of references. With advanced clustering techniques, a bibliographic coupling network transforms into map which visualizes a structured landscape of all publications citing an SNPR. It thus provides us with information on the research building on the SNPR. Next, a network of the references of the citing publications can be created. Two references are co-cited if they have a citing paper in common. The more citing papers they have in common, the stronger their co-citation strength. Thus, in the co-citation network the references of the citing papers are mapped. Again with advanced clustering techniques, a co-citation network transforms into map which visualizes a structured landscape of the references of the citing publications. The SNPR is the reference which is by definition a reference of all citing papers. So it will take a central position in the co-citation map. This provides us with information on which publications are often cited together with the SNPR, and therefore publications that are probably just as important for the patented invention as the SNPR.
Figure 8 presents the results of the CitNetExplorer application. The upper part of the figure shows the 63 cited papers (references) of the Zarrin SNPR and the lower part its citing papers (114 up till October 12, 2016; because of space limitations not all citing papers are represented). In both cases we marked the SNPR with a square in the figure. Connecting lines indicate citation relations, these lines always go in an upward direction, which is backward in time. In the upper part of Figure 8 we observe that the Hummers paper is prominently visible on the map as the oldest “building block”(14)(14)The authors of the Zarrin paper refer erroneously to a paper by F.Kim, L.Cote, and J.Huang in the journal Advanced Materials by indicating year of publication 1954. This is, however, the first page number, the correct citation must be Kim, F., Cote, L.J., & Huang, J. (2010) Adv. Mat, 22(17): 1954-1958.).The Hummers paper (Hummers & Offeman, 1958) is a very important one: it is a breakthrough paper in the preparation of graphitic oxide, which paved the way to the development of graphene. This work is known as the “Hummers Method”(15)(15)See it is cited (up till October 12, 2016) 11,872 times (in the WoS Core Collection). Furthermore, about half of the Zarrin references (34) is cited more than 100 times, 10 of them are cited more than 1,000 times. This clearly shows that within the Zarrin references influential papers are present that are also important for the invention described in the patent WO2014/009721A1, but not cited in the patent.
Figure 8. Maps of the citation links of the Zarrin SNPR. Upper part: the cited papers (references) of the SNPR; lower part: the citing papers of the SNPR. Connecting lines indicate citation relations, and these go always in an upward direction. Colors indicate clusters on the basis of mutual citation relations.
For evaluation and monitoring purposes it seems reasonable to focus on the most recent references of an SNPR with, for instance, publication year up till five years before the publication year of the SNPR. In the Zarrin case this procedure would render 29 publications, and of these 29 again about half (15) are cited more than 100 times, and 4 more than 1,000 times. The most cited paper (6,107 times) is by Stankovich et al. (2006) on graphene-based composite materials published in Nature. This paper is also marked in the upper part of Figure 8. Further on we will discuss how papers related to an SNPR can be included in an assessment of technological relevance. But we first continue with an analysis of the papers citing an SNPR and again we take the Zarrin SNPR as an example.
The lower part of Figure 8, which is like the upper part also created with the CitNet Explorer (by uploading the set of all papers citing the Zarrin SNPR into the CitNet Explorer), presents the citing papers up till 2015. These citing papers do, of course, cite more papers, including mutual citations within the set of citing papers. These mutual connections are also visible in the lower part of Figure 8. With the uploaded set of citing papers a much more comprehensive analysis of all citation links can be carried out but this must be done in an interactive way with the CitNet Explorer.

5.2 Mapping the Landscape of the Papers Citing SNPRs

The extent to which citing papers have cited papers (references) in common, is a measure of similarity of these citing papers. As we discussed above, the method to map these similarities is called bibliographic coupling. Thus this method provides a landscape of the relations between the papers citing an SNPR on the basis of reference similarity. In Figure 9 we show the bibliographic coupling map of the papers citing the Zarrin SNPR. It reveals a visualization, including clustering, of the recent research based on the SNPR as one of the building stones. We find in Figure 9 the same papers as in the lower part of Figure 8, but now they are clustered and mapped on the basis of all their mutual citation relations (using a lower threshold than in Figure 8) in a landscape structured by bibliographic coupling.
Figure 9. Bibliographic coupling (minimum citations = 1) map of the papers citing the Zarrin SNPR. This is a detailed visualization of the links between these citing papers, thus providing a map of the recent research based on the Zarrin SNPR as one of the building stones. The size of the circles is proportional to its impact, i.e. the extent to which a paper is cited in the entire Web of Science (mapping parameter: minimum citations = 1).
The counterpart of bibliographic coupling is co-citation analysis. The extent to which cited papers have citing papers in common, is a measure of similarity of these cited papers. Thus, with the co-citation method a map is created with the relations between the references (building stones) of the papers citing an SNPR. In Figure 10 we show the co-citation map of the papers citing the Zarrin SNPR. It is a visualization of the papers cited by these citing papers, and thus providing a map of nearly all building stones of the recent research, with the SNPRs Zarrin in a central position. We also observe at the left-hand side of the map the work on graphene of the two Nobel Laureates Geim and Novosolov (Geim & Novoselov 2007, cited (as of October 30, 2016) 16,506 times; Novoselov et al. 2004, cited (as of October 30, 2016) 22,602 times), as well as the earlier discussed highly cited work of Stankovich et al. (2006) on graphene-based composite materials. We refer to Winnink and Tijssen (2015) for a detailed discussion of graphene research based on an early stage identification of breakthrough work in this field at the interface of science and technology.
Figure 10. Co-citation map of papers citing the Zarrin SNPR (co-citation threshold = 3). The size of the circles is proportional to the number of times a paper is cited in the uploaded set. By definition, the target paper (here Zarrin) is the most cited paper, as all papers in the set cite the Zarrin paper.
If we look at the Zarrin paper in Figure 10 we see another paper indicated with a large circle very close at the left-hand side. By zooming into this part of the map, Figure 11, it is clear that this is the pioneering Hummers paper we discussed earlier.
Figure 11. Zoom into the co-citation map of the papers citing the Zarrin SNPR as shown in Figure 10. The next-to-Zarrin most central paper is the Hummers paper, see text.

5.3 The Conceptual Environment of SNPRs

The above discussed results are all based on citations links. Publications can also be characterized with a list of concepts and mathematically similar mapping procedures as with citations can be carried out. In order to do so, we use natural language processing (text mining) to extract the important, publication-specific concepts (terms such as keywords or noun phrases) from the titles and abstracts of a set of publications. Alternatively, keywords given by the authors and by the database can be used. By measuring all co-occurrences of any possible pair of concepts, co-word maps can be created in which the conceptual structure of the research represented by the set of publications is visualized. For a recent discussion of the concept mapping methodology we refer to Waltman, van Raan, and Smart (2014).
Figure 12. Concept (co-word) map of the papers citing the Zarrin SNPR (mapping parameter: co-occurrence threshold = 3).
In Figure 12 we present the co-word map based on both author- as well as database-given keywords of all papers citing the Zarrin SNPR. We clearly observe many concepts directly related to the Zarrin SNPR and the patent in which the Zarrin paper is cited. Examples are fuel cells, graphene, graphene oxide, water, humidity, nanocomposite membrane, proton-exchange membrane, and nafion. Colors indicate clusters of concepts and can be seen as research themes. For instance, the red cluster is about membranes particularly in relation to methanol fuel-cells, the dark blue relates to graphite oxide research, and the purple cluster to graphene oxide. Figure 13 shows the same map, but now the colors indicate the average publication year of the papers belonging to a specific concept. We see that most of the more recent work is concentrated in the middle of the map, especially around methanol fuel-cells.
Figure 13. Same map as in Figure 12, but now the colors indicate the average publication year of the papers belonging to a specific concept.

6 Suggestions for Evaluation Practices

In order to assess the technological relevance of scientific publications a focus on SNPRs is not sufficient. We suggest that in the assessment of technological relevance also the highly cited references of SNPRs up till five years before the publication of the SNPR are taken into account.
A procedure to achieve this could be as follows. First, by combining the patent database with the WoS or Scopus, all SNPRs from, for instance, 2005 can be identified. Second, collect all references of these SNPRs and select (1) the “young” references with publication year up till five years before the publication year of the SNPR, and (2) within this set of “young” references those that are highly cited (in the Zarrin SNPR the citation threshold was 100 citations). Third, collect all papers citing the SNPRs and again select those citing papers with a high impact, for instance the top 10% or 20%. These steps generate about an order of magnitude more technology-relevant papers than only the SNPRs, depending, of course, on the citation threshold used to define high impact.
In the above described way, a database of technology-relevant papers (TRPs) is created. In a bibliometric assessment the publications of research groups, research programs or institutes can be matched with the TRPs and thus the extent to which the work of groups, programs, or institutes are relevant for technological development can be measured.

About author

Ton (Anthony F.J.) van Raan is Professor of Quantitative Studies of Science. Founder and until 2010 Director of the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, the Netherlands. After his retirement as Director of CWTS, he remained research professor. He studied mathematics, physics, and astronomy at Utrecht University. PhD in Physics, Utrecht (1973). Post-doctoral fellow (1973-1977) at the University of Bielefeld (Germany), visiting scientist in the US, UK, and France. Work in atomic physics, laser-physics, astrophysics, and in science policy and research management. From 1977 senior research fellow physics in Leiden, in 1985 “field switch” from physics to science and technology studies, 1991 Full Professor. His research focuses on design, construction, and application of quantitative indicators on important aspects of science and technology. Contract research for the government of the Netherlands, other European Union member states, the European Commission, national and international research organizations, and the business sector. Main research interests: application of bibliometric indicators in research evaluation, science as a “self-organizing” cognitive ecosystem, statistical properties of bibliometric indicators, ranking and benchmarking of universities, mapping of science, and scaling of universities and cities. In 1995 he received together with the American sociologist Robert K. Merton, the Derek de Solla Price Award, the highest international award in the field of quantitative studies of science. He published (as author and co-author) around 30 articles in physics and 200 in science and technology studies. He is editor of the Handbook of Quantitative Studies of Science and Technology and member of the editorial board of the international journals Scientometrics, Research Evaluation, and Journal of Informetrics. Prof. van Raan set up a small spin-off company for advice on research evaluation and science policy issues. On the occasion of his retirement as CWTS Director he was awarded by the Queen of the Netherlands with the royal distinction of Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion. More info:

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Aharonson B.S., & Schilling M.A. (2016). Mapping the technological landscape: Measuring technology distance, technological footprints, and technology evolution. Research Policy, 45(12), 81-96.We develop and apply a set of measures that enable a fine-grained characterization of technological capabilities based on the USPTO database. These measures can capture the distance between any two patents, and help to identify outlier patents. They also provide a rich characterization of a firm's technological footprint, including its depth and breadth. The measures also enable researchers to assess the technological overlap, similarity, and proximity of the technological footprints of two or more firms. At the level of the macro technology landscape, the measures can be used to explore such dynamics as technology agglomeration, knowledge spillovers, and technology landscape evolution. We show applications of each of the measures and compare the results obtained with those that would be obtained with previously existing measures of firm diversity, similarity and proximity, highlighting the advantages of the measures used here.


Albert M.B., Avery D., Narin F., & McAllister P. (1991). Direct validation of citation counts as indicators of industrially important patents. Research Policy, 20(3), 251-259.This paper examines how the institutional set-up of public research organisations (PROs) affects how firms are able to utilise direct interaction with publicly employed researchers. We argue that the role that PRO interaction has to play in the firm innovation processes depend on the organisational and cognitive distances between the firm and the PRO. In particular, this paper empirically explores how Swedish engineering firms assess the value of R&D partnerships with universities and research institutes. Our theoretical discussion of organizational distance suggests that managers should perceive institute contacts to be more strongly associated with short-term R&D projects than university contacts. This hypothesis cannot be verified. Following from our discussion of cognitive distance, we find that firms with advanced R&D capabilities obtain differential benefits. Their interaction with universities provides impulses for innovation and offers opportunities to learn to a greater extent than contacts with public research institutes. However, firms with less advanced R&D capabilities perceive no significant differences between university and institute interaction. Thus, both organizational and cognitive distance affect firms interactions with PROs, and our results have implications for the current push in Europe to reform universities and institutes.


Alcácer J., Gittelman M., & Sampat B. (2009). Applicant and examiner citations in U.S. patents: An overview and analysis. Research Policy, 38(2), 415-427.Prior art patent citations have become a popular measure of patent quality and knowledge flow between firms. Interpreting these measurements is complicated, in some cases, because prior art citations are added by patent examiners as well as by patent applicants. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) adopted new reporting procedures in 2001, making it possible to measure examiner and applicant citations separately for the first time. We analyzed prior art citations listed in all U.S. patents granted in 2001-2003, and found that examiners played a significant role in identifying prior art, adding 63% of citations on the average patent, and all citations on 40% of patents granted. An analysis of variance found that firm-specific variables explain most of the variation in examiner-citation shares. Using multivariate regression, we found that foreign applicants to the USPTO had the highest proportion of citations added by examiners. High-volume patent applicants had a greater proportion of examiner citations, and a substantial number of firms won patents without listing a single applicant citation. In terms of technology, we found higher examiner shares among patents in electronics, communications, and computer-related fields. Taken together, our findings suggest that firm-level patenting practices, particularly among high-volume applicants, have a strong influence on citation data and merit additional research.


Appio F.P., Cesaroni F., & Di Minin A. (2014). Visualizing the structure and bridges of the intellectual property management and strategy literature: A document co-citation analysis. Scientometrics, 101(1), 623-661.This article uses document co-citation analysis to objectively explore the underlying structure of the intellectual property research domain, taken from a managerial and strategic standpoint. The goal of this study is identifying its main research areas, understanding its current state of development and suggesting potential future directions, by analyzing the co-citations from 181 papers published between 1992 and 2011 in the most influential academic journals. Five main clusters have been identified, mapped, and labeled as follows: Economics of patent system, technological and institutional capabilities, university patenting, intellectual property exploitation, and division of labor. Their most active areas on this topic, and the most influential and co-cited papers have been identified and described. Also, intra- and inter-cluster knowledge base diversity has been assessed by using indicators stemming from the domains of information theory and biology. A t test has been performed to assess the significance of the inter-cluster diversity. The knowledge bases of these five clusters are significantly diverse, this meaning that they are five co-existing paradigms.


Arts S., Appio F., & van Looy B. (2012). Validating patent indicators that assess technological radicalness: The case of biotechnology. In E. Archambault, Y. Gingras, & V. Larivière (Eds.), Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (Vol. 1, pp. 82-97). Montréal: Science-Metrix and OST.Technological innovations vary considerably in terms of novelty and impact with only a minority of new inventions contributing considerably to economic growth. More recently a number of patent-based indicators have been advanced to capture the different characteristics of technologically important inventions among which the notion ‘radical’ figures prominently. Radical inventions combine a high degree of novelty with a significant impact on future technology trajectories. Within this contribution, we compare and validate these indicators within the field of biotechnology. An extensive analysis of the recent history of biotechnology allows to identify important inventions (n=290) for the time period 1976 – 2001. A considerable number of these inventions have been patented between 1976 and 2001 (n= 216; 75%). For all USPTO biotech patents filed between 1976 and 2001 (n= 84,119) relevant indicators have been calculated. Within a next step, logistic regression models are used to assess which indicators allow to distinguish between important, radical, inventions and their less noticeable counterparts. Our findings suggest the relevance of using multiple, complementary, indicators to capture the multidimensional nature of technological radicalness whereby ex post indicators clearly outperform ex ante indicators in terms of precision and recall.

Bakker J., Verhoeven D., Zhang L., & van Looy B. (2016). Patent citation indicators: One size fits all? Scientometrics, 106(1), 187-211.The number of citations that a patent receives is considered an important indicator of the quality and impact of the patent. However, a variety of methods and data sources can be used to calculate this measure. This paper evaluates similarities between citation indicators that differ in terms of (a) the patent office where the focal patent application is filed; (b) whether citations from offices other than that of the application office are considered; and (c) whether the presence of patent families is taken into account. We analyze the correlations between these different indicators and the overlap between patents identified as highly cited by the various measures. Our findings reveal that the citation indicators obtained differ substantially. Favoring one way of calculating a citation indicator over another has non-trivial consequences and, hence, should be given explicit consideration. Correcting for patent families, especially when using a broader definition (INPADOC), provides the most uniform results.


Balconi M., Breschi S., & Lissoni F. (2004). Networks of inventors and the role of academia: An exploration of Italian patent data. Research Policy, 33(1), 127-145.This paper proposes a quantitative analysis of social distance between Open Science and Proprietary Technology. A few general properties of social networks within both realms are discussed, as they emerge from the new economics of science and recent applied work on 'small worlds'. A new data-set on patent inventors is explored, in order to show that social networks within Proprietary Technology are much more fragmented than Open Science ones, except for science-based technologies. Two propositions are then put forward on the 'open' behaviour expected from academic inventors, namely university scientists getting involved in Proprietary Technology networks by signing patents. Both propositions are confirmed by data, which show academic inventors to be more central and better connected than non-academic ones. The database and methodology produced for this paper are suggested to be relevant for the more general debate on the role of geographical and cognitive distance in university-industry technology transfer.


Benson C.L., & Magee C.L.,(2015). Quantitative determination of technological improvement from patent data. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0121635.The results in this paper establish that information contained in patents in a technological domain is strongly correlated with the rate of technological progress in that domain. The importance of patents in a domain, the recency of patents in a domain and the immediacy of patents in a domain are all strongly correlated with increases in the rate of performance improvement in the domain of interest. A patent metric that combines both importance and immediacy is not only highly correlated (r = 0.76, p = 2.6*10[superscript -6]) with the performance improvement rate but the correlation is also very robust to domain selection and appears to have good predictive power for more than ten years into the future. Linear regressions with all three causal concepts indicate realistic value in practical use to estimate the important performance improvement rate of a technological domain.


Boyack K.W., & Klavans R. (2008). Measuring science-technology interaction using rare inventor-author names. Journal of Informetrics, 2, 173-182.The relationship between science and technology has been extensively studied from both theoretical and quantitative perspectives. Quantitative studies typically use patents as proxy for technology and scientific papers as proxy for science, and investigate the relationship between the two. Most such studies have been limited to a single discipline or country. In this paper, we investigate science-technology interaction over a broad range of science and technology by identifying and validating a set of 18,251 inventor-authors through matching of rare names obtained from paper and patent data. These inventor-authors are listed as inventors on nearly 56,000 US patents between 2002 and 2006. Analysis of the distribution of these patents over classes shows that this 6.7% sample is a suitable sample for further analysis. In addition, a map of 290 IPC patent subclasses was created, showing the relationship between patent classes and industries as well as the distribution of patent classes with high science orientation and low science orientation.


Briggs K.(2015). Co-owner relationships conducive to high quality joint patents. Research Policy, 44(8), 1566-1573.Multi-country joint ownership of a patent positively impacts patent quality, which is evidenced by their receiving statistically more forward patent citations than patents co-owned within a single country. This paper also considers the possibility that university partnerships and income differences between international co-owners further influence joint patent quality. Multi-country co-ownership in countries with similar per capita incomes enhances the likelihood a joint patent is high quality in the short run, when quality is assessed as forward citations received within three years. However, this short run benefit disappears when differences in national patent regimes are controlled for in the analyses. Finally, although co-ownership with a university is not found to have an immediate impact, it does enhance the likelihood that a joint patent is classified as high over the life of the patent.


Breitzman A., & Thomas P. (2015). The emerging clusters model: A tool for identifying emerging technologies across multiple patent systems. Research Policy, 44(1), 195-205.Different ways of knowing are acknowledged. What constitutes ‘knowledge’ is open to debate. The authority of the ‘author’ is being questioned, and related to that is the role and purpose of the ‘publisher’ as arbiter of quality. The nature of education is changing as learners take a more active role in the process and help shape what is ‘taught’ and how the curriculum is delivered. Emerging technologies offer possibilities for multi sensory engagement with learning materials and methods. A space now exists in which multiple learners may interact with experienced educators through digital media in a trialogical relationship that encourages the creative construction of new learning content and shared understandings that possibly may challenge and/or alter existing ones. This chapter speculates on such a framework for learning. It draws on extensive experience in creative practice, inquiry through practice and related pedagogy. Although currently only a concept, it is clear how such a framework might be realised.


Bruck P., Rethy I., Szente J., Tobochnik J., & Erdi P. (2016). Recognition of emerging technology trends: Class-selective study of citations in the US Patent Citation Network. Scientometrics, 107(3), 1465-1475.By adopting a citation-based recursive ranking method for patents the evolution of new fields of technology can be traced. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the laser/inkjet printer technology emerged from the recombination of two existing technologies: sequential printing and static image production. The dynamics of the citations coming from the different “precursor” classes illuminates the mechanism of the emergence of new fields and give the possibility to make predictions about future technological development. For the patent network the optimal value of the PageRank damping factor is close to 0.5; the application of d = 0.85 leads to unacceptable ranking results.


Callaert J., van Looy B., Verbeek A., Debackere K., & Thijs B. (2006). Traces of prior art: An analysis of non-patent references found in patent documents. Scientometrics, 69(1), 3-20.The recent developments towards more systemic conceptualizations of innovation dynamics and related policies highlight the need for indicators that mirror the dynamics involved. In this contribution, we assess the role that 'non-patent references', found in patent documents, can play in this respect. After examining the occurrence of these references in the USPTO and EPO patent systems, their precise nature is delineated by means of a content analysis of two samples of nonpatent references (n=10,000). Our findings reveal that citations in patents allow developing nontrivial and robust indicators. The majority of all non-patent references are journal references, which provide ample possibilities for large-scale analyses focusing on the extent to which technological developments are situated within the vicinity of scientific knowledge. Application areas, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.


Callaert J., Grouwels J., & van Looy B. (2012). Delineating the scientific footprint in technology: Identifying science within non-patent references. Scientometrics, 91(2), 383-398.Indicators based on non-patent references (NPRs) are increasingly being used for measuring and assessing science–technology interactions. But NPRs in patent documents contain noise, as not all of them can be considered ‘scientific’. In this article, we introduce the results of a machine-learning algorithm that allows identifying scientific references in an automated manner. Using the obtained results, we analyze indicators based on NPRs, with a focus on the difference between NPR- and scientific non-patent references-based indicators. Differences between both indicators are significant and dependent on the considered patent system, the applicant country and the technological domain. These results signal the relevancy of delineating scientific references when using NPRs to assess the occurrence and impact of science–technology interactions.


Callaert J., Pellens M., & van Looy B. (2014). Sources of inspiration? Making sense of scientific references in patents. Scientometrics, 98(3), 1617-1629.Scientific references in patent documents can be used as indicators signaling science-technology interactions. Whether they reflect a direct 'knowledge flow' from science to technology is subject of debate. Based on 33 interviews with inventors at Belgian firms and knowledge-generating institutes active in nanotechnology, biotechnology and life sciences, we analyze the extent to which scientific references in patents reflect sources of inspiration. Our results indicate that scientific knowledge acts as a source of inspiration for about 50 % of the inventions. At the same time, the scientific references cited in patent documents and available in patent databases do not provide an accurate picture in this respect: 30 % of patents that were inspired by scientific knowledge do not contain any scientific references. Moreover, if scientific references are present, half of them are evaluated as unimportant or background information by the inventor. Overall, these observations provide evidence that scientific references in patent documents signal relatedness with the implied inventions without necessarily implying a direct, inspirational, knowledge flow between both activity realms.


Callaert J., Vervenne J.B., van Looy B., Magerman T., Song X., & Jeuris W. (2014. Patterns of science-technology linkage. European Commission. Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from .

Carpenter M.P., Cooper M., & Narin F. (1980). Linkage between basic research literature and patents. Research Management, 13(2), 30-35.CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Linkage between basic research literature and patents

Carpenter M.P., Narin F., & Woolf P. (1981). Citation rates to technologically important patents. World Patent Information, 3(4), 160-163.The purpose of this study was to determine whether the average number of citations received by issued U.S. patents from subsequently issued U.S. patents is higher for patents associated with important technological advances than for a group of randomly selected patents. Analysis of examiners' citations to 100 selected patents showed that these selected patents, which underlay technically important products, were more than twice as frequently cited (significance level of 0.0001) as a randomly selected set of 102 control patents. This finding provides strong evidence for the hypothesis that patent citation data can be used in technological indicators development, and in technological policy analysis, since it implies that the location and analysis of groups of highly cited patents can provide a valid indicator of patent areas of technical importance.


Carpenter M.P., & Narin F. (1983). Validation study: Patent citations as indicators of science and foreign dependence. World Patent Information, 5(3), 180-185.The purpose of this study was to test whether the distribution of citations from issued U.S. patents could be used to measure the science dependence and the foreign dependence of patented technologies. The citations considered were front page references from U.S. patents citing to U.S. and foreign patents, to research papers and to other publications. Rankings based on the number of citations per patent to the scientific literature were compared to peer rankings of the science dependence of the technologies. Rankings based on the number of citations to foreign origin material, including foreign origin U.S. patents, foreign patents and foreign priority statements, were compared to peer rankings of the foreign dependence of the technological areas. For the analysis a total of 24 technologies were chosen. Twelve of these were judged in advance to be science dependent and twelve were judged in advance to be foreign dependent. A peer group of 19 high level R&D managers was asked to rank all 24 technologies in terms of both their science and their foreign dependence. The bibliometric rankings of the technologies, based on their citations, were then compared with the peer rankings of the technologies. Overall, a high degree of agreement was found between the experts' opinion as to the science and foreign dependence of the areas and the corresponding bibliometric rankings. For example, the eight technologies judged most science dependent by experts averaged 0.92 cites per patent to scientific journal papers, while the eight technologies judged least science dependent had only 0.05 references per patent to journal papers. Similarly, large and statistically significant differences were found in the number of cites to foreign origin material for the eight technologies judged most foreign dependent by the experts when compared with the eight technologies judged least foreign dependent by the experts. These findings provide support for the hypothesis that patent citation data can be used in technological indicators development, and in technological policy analysis. They imply that citation-based location and analysis of science and foreign dependent technologies is a valid research tool when applied to the U.S. patent system.


Cassiman B., Glenisson P., & van Looy B. (2007). Measuring industry-science links through inventor-author relations: A profiling methodology. Scientometrics, 70(2), 379-391.In this pilot study we examine the performance of text-based profiling in recovering a set of validated inventor-author links. In a first step we match patents and publications solely based on their similarity in content. Next, we compare inventor and author names on the highest ranked matches for the occurrence of name matches. Finally, we compare these candidate matches with the names listed in a validated set of inventor-author names. Our text-based profile methodology performs significantly better than a random matching of patents and publications, suggesting that text-based profiling is a valuable complementary tool to the name searches used in previous studies.


Chai S., & Shih W. (2016). Bridging science and technology through academic-industry partnerships. Research Policy, 45(1), 148-158.Partnerships that foster the translation of scientific advances emerging from academic research organizations into commercialized products at private firms are a policy tool that has attracted increased interest. This paper examines empirical data from the Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation, an agency that funds partnerships between universities and private companies. We assess the effect on participating firms’ innovative performance, comparing patent count, publication count and proportion of cross-institutional publications between funded and unfunded firms. Specifically, we measure the impact on each of these variables based on three dimensions – small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), younger firms, and size of the collaboration firms participated in – to establish boundary conditions. Our results suggest that receiving funding affects firms’ innovative behavior differently depending on the type of firm, where (1) peer-reviewed publications increased significantly more for SMEs and larger projects, (2) granted patents increased significantly up to 4 years after funding for young firms and those in larger projects, and (3) proportion of cross-institutional publications increased significantly more 3 years after funding for all three sample specifications.


Cho Y., & Kim M. (2014). Entropy and gravity concepts as new methodological indexes to investigate technological convergence: Patent network-based approach. PLoS ONE, 9(6), e98009.The volatility and uncertainty in the process of technological developments are growing faster than ever due to rapid technological innovations. Such phenomena result in integration among disparate technology fields. At this point, it is a critical research issue to understand the different roles and the propensity of each element technology for technological convergence. In particular, the network-based approach provides a holistic view in terms of technological linkage structures. Furthermore, the development of new indicators based on network visualization can reveal the dynamic patterns among disparate technologies in the process of technological convergence and provide insights for future technological developments. This research attempts to analyze and discover the patterns of the international patent classification codes of the United States Patent and Trademark Office's patent data in printed electronics, which is a representative technology in the technological convergence process. To this end, we apply the physical idea as a new methodological approach to interpret technological convergence. More specifically, the concepts of entropy and gravity are applied to measure the activities among patent citations and the binding forces among heterogeneous technologies during technological convergence. By applying the entropy and gravity indexes, we could distinguish the characteristic role of each technology in printed electronics. At the technological convergence stage, each technology exhibits idiosyncratic dynamics which tend to decrease technological differences and heterogeneity. Furthermore, through nonlinear regression analysis, we have found the decreasing patterns of disparity over a given total period in the evolution of technological convergence. This research has discovered the specific role of each element technology field and has consequently identified the co-evolutionary patterns of technological convergence. These new findings on the evolutionary patterns of technological convergence provide some implications for engineering and technology foresight research, as well as for corporate strategy and technology policy.


Chowdhury G., Koya K., & Philipson P. (2016). Measuring the impact of research: Lessons from the UK's research excellence framework 2014. PLoS ONE, 11(6), e0156978.

Coward H.R., & Franklin J.J. (1989). Identifying the science-technology interface: Matching patent data to a bibliometric model. Science, Technology and Human Values, 14(1), 50-77.CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Identifying the Science-Technology Interface: Matching Patent Data to a Bibliometric Model


Criscuolo P, & Verspagen B. (2008). Does it matter where patent citations come from? Inventor vs. examiner citations in European patents. Research Policy, 37(10), 1892-1908.This paper addresses the question of whether patent citations are useful indicators of technology flows. We exploit the distinction between citations added by inventors and patent examiners. We use information from the search reports of European Patent Office patent examiners to construct our dataset of patenting activity in Europe and the US, and apply various econometric models to investigate what determines the probability that a citation is added by the inventor rather than the examiner. Contrary to previous work which uses US Patent and Trademark Office data, we find that geographical distance is a factor that strongly diminishes the probability of knowledge flows. We find other significant effects of such factors as cognitive distance, time and strategic factors on citing behaviour.


Engelsman E.C., & van Raan A.F.J. (1991). Mapping of technology. A first exploration of knowledge diffusion amongst fields of technology. Policy Studies on Technology and Economy (BTE) Series. The Hague: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Engelsman E.C., & van Raan A.F.J. (1994). A patent-based cartography of technology. Research Policy, 23(94), 1-26.We use bibliometric (in particular patent-based) methods and techniques to develop a cartography of technology. Two types of maps are presented: co-word maps and co-classification maps. Both types of maps have been constructed for the entire domain of technology (the macro-level), i.e. the ensemble of all fields of technology in their mutual relations. Time series clearly illustrates the changing relations between the major clusters of technology, and in particular the changing role of fields which act as a “bridge” between clusters, or as a (declining or emerging) centre of technological activities within a specific cluster. Maps visualize relations between fields of technology. In order to have measures of the relative strength of these relations, we develop the concept of affinity between fields. A special feature of our macro-maps concerns the role of Japan in technology.A second hierarchical level is the combination of several fields of technology (meso-level). As an example we constructed a co-word map for the emerging “crossroad” technology optomechatronics based on patents as well as on scientific publications. In this way, optomechatronics is mapped from a technological point of view, and from a research point of view.The third hierarchical level concerns one specific field of technology (micro-level). Co-word maps have been constructed for the technology fields coating and crystal growing, optical equipment, and building materials.An important aspect of the map is the possibility to identify centers of activity within a specifically defined field of technology. These centers of activity may indicate important innovative developments, or they may reflect important markets. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of “technological peripheries”: for a specific technology field one may identify the direct “surroundings”; i.e. the most strongly linked fields.Also, first attempts are made to map the “science and technology interface” by a specific combination of publication and patent data.Our general conclusion is that the mapping methods and techniques presented in this publication already offer a unique way to visualize developments in fields of technology, and within technology as a whole. We emphasize that our technology maps are intended as a support tool, and never as a replacement of experts.


European Commission. (2005. Study on evaluating the knowledge economy - What are patents actually worth? The value of patents for today’s economy and society (PATVAL study). Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from .

Finardi U. (2011). Time relations between scientific production and patenting of knowledge: The case of nanotechnologies. Scientometrics, 89(1), 37-50.Nanosciences and nanotechnologies are considered important for the development of science, technology and innovation, and the study of their characters can be a great help to the decisions of policy makers and of practitioners. This work is centred on the issue of the time relations between science and technology/innovation, and in particular on the speed of transfer of science-generated knowledge towards its exploitation in patenting. A methodology based on patent citations is used in order to measure the time lag between cited journal articles and citing patent, and thus the time proximity between the two steps. Keywords regarding nanotechnology/nanoscience items are searched in order to collect data useful for the analysis. Collateral measures, performed on another class of materials and on the spatial origin of citing/cited documents, help giving evidence of the peculiarity of the behaviour and on its nature. The most representative time lag between production of scientific knowledge and its technological exploitation appears being around 3-4 years.


Fukuzawa N., & Ida T. (2016). Science linkages between scientific articles and patents for leading scientists in the life and medical sciences field: The case of Japan. Scientometrics, 106(2), 629-644.We analyze the distributions of paper–paper and paper-patent citations and estimate the relationship between them, based on a 4763-paper sample among the top 100 researchers in the life and medical sciences fields in Japan. We find that paper–paper citations peak at a 4-year average, while the corresponding lag for paper-patent citations is 6 years. Moreover, we show that paper quality is important for being cited by a patent. An inverse U-shaped relationship exists between the research grant and research quality, whereas a U-shaped relationship exists between research quality and total number of papers.


Geim A.K., & Novoselov K.S. (2007). The rise of graphene. Nature Materials, 6(3), 183-191.

Grant J., Green L., & Mason B. (2003). Basic research and health: A reassessment of the scientific basis for the support of biomedical science. Research Evaluation, 12(3), 217-224.The bibliographic details of research papers underpinning five clinical advances in neonatal intensive care were collated and analysed using applied bibliometric techniques. After a time-lag of about 17 years, between 2% and 21% of research underpinning clinical advances in NIC could be described as basic. This observation is at odds with Comroe and Dripps 1976 finding.


Grupp H. (Ed.). (1992). Dynamics of science-based innovation. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Guan J.C., & Yan Y. (2015). Technological proximity and recombinative innovation in the alternative energy field. Research Policy, 44(3), 545-559.Recombination of knowledge elements has been recognized as important innovation activities. This study aims to develop a new measurement of recombinative innovation and firstly explores its antecedents at the country-dyad level. We analyze 41,007 US alternative energy patents granted between 1976 and 2012. Based on multi-source data and longitudinal design, Quadratic Assignment Procedure (QAP) model results indicate that two countries鈥 technological proximity (TP) takes an inverted U-shaped relationship with their recombinative innovation (RI), which means that TP could raise the potential of joint recombination, but should not become too high because of great knowledge homogenization. Furthermore, we test two types of distances (i.e., cultural and geographical) as moderators of the relationship between TP and RI. Cultural distance negatively moderates the relationship between TP and RI, but moderating role of geographical distance is not supported in this research. The findings of this study, besides having implications for management and policy, have implications on the research of recombinative innovation, inter-national collaboration and partner selection strategy.


Guerzoni M., Aldridge T.T., Audretsch D.B., & Desai S. (2014). A new industry creation and originality: Insight from the funding sources of university patents. Research Policy, 43(10), 1697-1706.Scientific breakthroughs coming from universities can contribute to the emergence of new industries, such as in the case of biotechnology. Obviously, not all research conducted in universities leads to a radical change from existing technological trajectories. Patents and patent dynamics have long been recognized as critical in understanding the emergence of new technologies and industries. Specifically, patent citations provide insight into the originality of a discovery that has received patent protection. Yet while a large body of literature addresses the impact of patent originality on various firm performance measures, we address the question of what conditions drive patent originality in the process of knowledge creation within the university. Using data on patented cancer research, we examine how research context - as reflected by the funding source for each scientist is associated with patent originality. We find that when university scientists are partly funded by their own university, they have a higher propensity to generate more original patents. By contrast, university scientists funded either by industry or other non-university organizations have a lower propensity to generate more original patents. The significance of our findings in the cancer research setting call for further research on this question in other research fields. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Halevi G., & Moed H.F. (2012). The technological impact of library science research: A patent analysis. In E. Archambault, Y. Gingras, & V. Larivière (Eds.), Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (Vol.1, pp. 371-380), Montréal: Science-Metrix and OST.This study examines the characteristics of research articles published in Library Science journals and the manner by which they are cited in patents. A search of 42 top performing LIS journals within the non patent literature citations between 1991 and 2011 revealed 8 distinct journals cited in patents. The articles cited were mainly ones featuring library information and customer management systems as well as indexing and classification methodologies; the patents citing these articles featured mainly online commerce applications. A long time lap of about 20 years between the publication year of the articles and the application year of the patents which they were cited was identified. This finding bares the conclusion that library systems and records management methodologies were answering an advanced set of remote customers needs using computerized solutions long before the concepts of online commerce and internet access were conceived.

Hall B.H., Jaffe A., & Trajtenberg M. (2005). Market value and patent citations. RAND Journal of Economics, 36(1), 16-38.

Harhoff D., Narin F., Scherer M., & Vopel K. (1999). Citation frequency and the value of patented inventions. Review of Economics and Statistics, 81(3), 511-515. Through a survey, private economic value estimates were obtained on 964 inventions made in the United States and Germany and on which German patent renewal fees were paid to full-term expiration in, 1995. A search of subsequent U.S. and German patents yielded counts of citations to those patents. Patents renewed to full-term were significantly more highly cited than patents allowed to expire before their full term. The higher an invention's economic value estimate was, the more the patent was subsequently cited.


Hazuda D.J., Felock P., Witmer M., Wolfe A., Stillmock K., Grobler J.A., Espeseth A., Gabryelski L., Schleif W., Blau C., & Miller M.D. (2000). Inhibitors of strand transfer that prevent integration and inhibit HIV-1 replication in cells. Science, 287(5453), 646-650.


Heilbron J.L. (1972). Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute -Technology in retrospect and critical events in science. Isis, 63(1), 115.

Ho M.H.C., Lin V.H., & Liu J.S. (2014). Exploring knowledge diffusion among nations: A study of core technologies in fuel cells. Scientometrics, 100(1), 149-171.Technological trajectory is a representation of the development of technology. Based on the analysis of the trajectories of prominent technologies, we can explore the phenomena of technology evolution and knowledge diffusion. In this study, we focus on explaining knowledge diffusion in the core technology used in fuel cells, i.e. the development of 5-layer membrane electrode assembly (MEA) technologies. Through an investigation of path analysis, this study explores how the knowledge of this technology has evolved and diffused across different locations. The empirical analysis also explains how certain technological knowledge plays a critical role in main path. In this study, patent data of 5-layer MEA technologies for fuel cells is collected from the US Patent Office, for a total of 1,356 patents, followed by constructing a patent citation network based on citation relationships, recognising prominent patents with many citations through path analysis. Using the local main path analysis and global key-route method, we identify three stages of technological development, including an improvement of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) and catalyst synthesis. Additionally, we use regression analysis to demonstrate that patents with specific characteristics play a vital role in the process of knowledge diffusion. Patents from Japan and South Korea are relatively more important than patents from other countries. The brokerage characteristics of a patent (e.g., coordinating domestically or liaising among three or more countries) also facilitate the diffusion of technological knowledge. However, the importance of these brokerages changes when we look at inventing time. Furthermore, the technological diversification of a patent exerted no substantial influence on its network position.


Hu D., Chen H., Huang Z., & Roco M.C. (2007). Longitudinal study on patent citation to academic research articles in nanotechnology (1976-2004). Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 9(9), 529-542.Academic nanoscale science and engineering (NSE) research provides a foundation for nanotechnology innovation reflected in patents. About 60% or about 50,000 of the NSE-related patents identified by “full-text” keyword searching between 1976 and 2004 at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) have an average of approximately 18 academic citations. The most cited academic journals, individual researchers, and research articles have been evaluated as sources of technology innovation in the NSE area over the 28-year period. Each of the most influential articles was cited about 90 times on the average, while the most influential author was cited more than 700 times by the NSE-related patents. Thirteen mainstream journals accounted for about 20% of all citations. Science, Nature and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) have consistently been the top three most cited journals, with each article being cited three times on average. There is another kind of influential journals, represented by Biosystems and Origin of Life , which have very few articles cited but with exceptionally high frequencies. The number of academic citations per year from ten most cited journals has increased by over 17 times in the interval (1990–1999) as compared to (1976–1989), and again over 3 times in the interval (2000–2004) as compared to (1990–1999). This is an indication of increased used of academic knowledge creation in the NSE-related patents.


Huang M.H., Chen D.Z., Shen D.Q., Wang M.S., & Ye F.Y. (2015). Measuring technological performance of assignees using trace metrics in three fields. Scientometrics, 104(1), 61-86.The study establishes three synthetic indicators derived from academic traces—assignee traces T 1, T 2 and ST—and investigates their application in evaluating technological performance of assignees. Patent data for the top 100 assignees in three fields, “Computer Hardware & Software”, “Motors, Engines & Parts”, and “Drugs & Medical”, were retrieved from USPTO for further analysis. The results reveal that traces are indeed valid and useful indicators for measuring technological performance and providing detailed technical information about assignees and the industry. In addition, we investigate the relationship between traces and three other indicators: patent citation counts, Current Impact Index and patent h-index. In comparison with the three other indicators, traces demonstrate unique advantages and can be a good complement to patent citation analysis.


Hummers W.S., & Offeman R.E. (1958). Preparation of graphitic oxide. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 80(6), 1339-1339.The preparation of graphitic oxide by methods described in the literature is time consuming and hazardous. A rapid, relatively safe method has been developed for preparing graphitic oxide from graphite in what is essentially an anhydrous mixture of sulfuric acid, sodium nitrate and potassium permanganate.


Hung S.C., & Tu M.F. (2014). Is small actually big? The chaos of technological change. Research Policy, 43(7), 1227-1238.In this paper, we develop themes from complexity and chaos theory that help to explain the technological change process. We apply two quantifiers, correlation dimensions and Lyapunov exponents, to examine the signs and degrees of chaotic technological dynamics. To illustrate our ideas, we study the development of electronic displays from 1976 to 2010, using patent data. The results of the chaos model are matched against the profiles of patent citations. Our analysis contributes to the development of a chaotic model of technological change.


Hung W.C., Ding C.G., Wang H.J., Lee M.C., & Lin C.P. (2015). Evaluating and comparing the university performance in knowledge. Scientometrics, 102(2), 1269-1286.

Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). (1968). Technology in retrospect and critical events in science. Vol. 1. Chicago, Illinois: Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute.

Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). (1969). Technology in retrospect and critical events in science. Vol. 2. Chicago, Illinois: Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute.

Isenson R.S. (1969). Project Hindsight (final report). Washington, DC, 20301: Office of the Director of Defense Research Engineering, AD495905.

Kim B., Gazzola G., Lee J.M., Kim D., Kim K., & Jeong M.K. (2014). Inter-cluster connectivity analysis for technology opportunity discovery. Scientometrics, 98(3), 1811-1825.In today's competitive business environment, the timely identification of potential technology opportunities is becoming increasingly important for the strategic management of technology and innovation. Existing studies in the field of technology opportunity discovery (TOD) focus exclusively on patent textual information. In this article, we introduce a new method that tackles TOD via technology convergence, using both patent textual data and patent citation networks. We identify technology groups with high convergence potential by measuring connectivity between clusters of patents. From such technology groups we select pairs of core patents based on their technological relatedness, on their past involvement in convergence, and on the impact of their new potential convergence. We finally carry out TOD by extracting representative keywords from the text of the selected patent pairs and organizing them into the basic description of a new invention, which the potential convergence of the patent pair might produce. We illustrate our proposed method using a data set of U.S. patents in the field of digital information and security.


Kim E., Cho Y., & Kim W. (2014). Dynamic patterns of technological convergence in printed electronics technologies: Patent citation network. Scientometrics, 98(2), 975-998.The importance of the convergent approach to technology development has increased recently. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of technology convergen


Ko S.S., Ko, N,Kim D., Park H., & Yoon J. (2014). Analyzing technology impact networks for R&D planning using patents: Combined application of network approaches. Scientometrics, 101(1), 917-936.Recently, national governments have tried to improve technology ecology, by formulating research and development (R&D) policies and investing in R&D programs. For strategically designed national R&D plans, analytic approaches that identify and assess the impact of each technology from short-term and long-term perspectives are necessary. Further, in methodological perspective, the approaches should be able to synthetically consider the most recent technological information, the direct and hidden impacts among technologies, and the relative impacts of the focal technology in globally-linked technological relationship from the overall perspective. However, most previous studies based patent citation networks are insufficient for these requirements. As a remedy, we present a combined approach for constructing a technology impact network and identifying the impact and intermediating capability of technology areas from the perspective of a national technology system. To construct and analyze the technology impact network, our method integrates three network techniques: patent co-classification (PCA), decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL), and social network analysis (SNA). The advantages of the proposed method are threefold. First, it identifies the directed technological knowledge flows from the most recent patents, by employing PCA. Second, the proposed network contains both the direct and indirect impacts among different technology areas, by applying the DEMATEL method. Third, using SNA, the method can analyze the characteristics of the technologies in terms of the comprehensive impacts and the potential brokerage capabilities. The method is illustrated using all of the recent Korean patents (58,279) in the United States patent database from 2008 to 2012. We expect that our method can be used to provide input to decision makers for effective R&D planning.


Lee B., & Jeong Y. (2008). Mapping Korea’s national R&D domain of robot technology by using the co-word analysis. Scientometrics, 77(1), 3-19.In this paper, we show a “Strategic Diagram” of the robot technology by applying the co-word analysis to the metadata of Korean related national R&D projects in 2001. The strategic diagram shows the evolutionary trends of the specific R&D domain and relational patterns between subdomains. We may use this strategic diagram to support both the strategic planning and the R&D Program.


Leten B., Landoni P., & van Looy B. (2014). Science or graduates: How do firms benefit from the proximity of universities? Research Policy, 43(8), 1398-1412.This paper examines the impact of universities on the technological performance of adjacent firms. We extend existing research by jointly analyzing, and comparing, the effects of education (graduates) and scientific research (publications) activities of universities on firms' technological performance. Adopting the knowledge production framework, our study is conducted at the level of 101 Italian territorial areas (provinces) and four industries. Overall, fixed-effect panel data models reveal a positive effect of both university graduates and scientific publications on the technological performance of firms. At the same time, considerable industry differences are observed. While the provision of university graduates positively affects firm performance in all industries under study, additional effects for scientific research are only observed in electrical and pharmaceutical industries that are science-intensive and where the scientific knowledge base is changing rapidly over time. The observation that spillovers from academia into the industrial texture of provinces rely on education and research in an industry-specific manner is relevant to the design of appropriate research and innovation policies. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Leydesdorff L., & Rafols I. (2011). Local emergence and global diffusion of research technologies: An exploration of patterns of network formation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(5), 846-860.Grasping the fruits of "emerging technologies" is an objective of many government priority programs in a knowledge-based and globalizing economy. We use the publication records (in the Science Citation Index) of two emerging technologies to study the mechanisms of diffusion in the case of two innovation trajectories: small interference RNA(siRNA) and nanocrystalline solar cells (NCSC). Methods for analyzing and visualizing geographical and cognitive diffusion are specified as indicators of different dynamics. Geographical diffusion is illustrated with overlays to Google Maps; cognitive diffusion is mapped using an overlay to a map based on the ISI subject categories. The evolving geographical networks show both preferential attachment and small-world characteristics. The strength of preferential attachment decreases over time while the network evolves into an oligopolistic control structure with small-world characteristics. The transition from disciplinary-oriented ("Mode 1") to transfer-oriented ("Mode 2") research is suggested as the crucial difference in explaining the different rates of diffusion between siRNA and NCSC.


Lo S.S. (2010). Scientific linkage of science research and technology development: A case of genetic engineering research. Scientometrics, 82(1), 109-120.In this study, the author tried to demonstrate the linkage between science research and technology development through non-patent citation analysis to reveal that the important knowledge resources from science research had significant impact on technology development. Genetic engineering technology was the field examined in this study. From the references listed in the patents, it was observed that the technology development in genetic engineering was influenced heavily by the research done by public sector. Over 90% of the citations were non-patent literatures, and the majority of non-patent citations were journal articles. Citing preferences, such as country preference and institute preference were observed from the data included in this study.


Luan C.J., Hou H.Y., Wang Y.T., & Wang X.W. (2014). Are significant inventions more diversified? Scientometrics, 100(2), 459-470.This study aims at exploring whether significant inventions are more technologically diversified or have more diverse applications, investigating whether there are any innovation laws existing in R&D activities. Based on technology co-classification analysis, we select patent dataset meets the specific standard from the worldwide patent database named Derwent Innovations Index as sample dataset. Three indicators out of four verify the proposed hypotheses, i.e., significant inventions are more diversified in terms of individual invention. The fourth indicator implies that focusing on some core technology domains maybe better for creating significant inventions when R&D activities are considered as a whole. The results are of great theoretical significance by helping us identifying the diversified characteristic laws of significant inventions; moreover, they are of crucial practical meanings to R&D work and technology innovation activities etc.


Magerman T., van Looy B., & Song X. (2010). Exploring the feasibility and accuracy of Latent Semantic Analysis based text mining techniques to detect similarity between patent documents and scientific publications. Scientometrics, 82(2), 289-306.In this study, we examine and validate the use of existing text mining techniques (based on the vector space model and latent semantic indexing) to detect similarities between patent documents and scientific publications. Clearly, experts involved in domain studies would benefit from techniques that allow similarity to be detected—and hence facilitate mapping, categorization and classification efforts. In addition, given current debates on the relevance and appropriateness of academic patenting, the ability to assess content-relatedness between sets of documents—in this case, patents and publications—might become relevant and useful. We list several options available to arrive at content based similarity measures. Different options of a vector space model and latent semantic indexing approach have been selected and applied to the publications and patents of a sample of academic inventors (n =6). We also validated the outcomes by using independently obtained validation scores of human raters. While we conclude that text mining techniques can be valuable for detecting similarities between patents and publications, our findings also indicate that the various options available to arrive at similarity measures vary considerably in terms of accuracy: some generally accepted text mining options, like dimensionality reduction and LSA, do not yield the best results when working with smaller document sets. Implications and directions for further research are discussed.


Magerman T., van Looy B., & Debackere K. (2015). Does involvement in patenting jeopardize one's academic footprint? An analysis of patent-paper pairs in biotechnology. Research Policy, 44(9), 1702-1713.

Maraut S., & Martinez C (2014). Identifying author-inventors from Spain: Methods and a first insight into results. Scientometrics, 101(1), 445-476.The purpose of this paper is twofold: methodological and empirical. Methodologically, we describe a matching and disambiguation procedure for the identification of author-inventors (researchers who publish and patent) located in the same country. Our methodology aims to maximize precision and recall rates by taking into account national name writing customs and country-specific dictionaries for person and institution names (academic and non-academic) in the name matching stage and by including a recursive validation step in the person disambiguation stage. An application of this methodology to the identification of Spanish author-inventors is described in detail. Empirically, we present the first results of applying the described methodology to the matching of all SCOPUS 2003-2008 publications of Spanish authors to all 1978-2009 EPO applications with Spanish inventors. Using this data, we identify 4,194 Spanish author-inventors. A first look at their patenting and publication patterns reveals that they make quite a significant contribution to the country's overall scientific and technological production in the time period considered: 27 % of all EPO patent applications invented in Spain and 15 % of all SCOPUS publications authored in Spain, excluding non-technological disciplines. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a large scale identification of author-inventors from Spain has been done, with no limitation in terms of fields, regions or types of institutions. We also make available online for scientific use an anonymized subset of the database (patent applications invented by authors affiliated to Spanish public universities).


Mehta A., Rysman M., & Simcoe T. (2010). Identifying the age profile of patent citations: New estimates of knowledge diffusion. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 25(7), 1179-1204.Previous research studies the age profile of patent citations to learn about knowledge flows over time. However, identification is problematic because of the collinearity between application year, citation year, and patent age. We show empirically that a patent's ‘citation clock’ does not start until it issues, and propose a highly flexible identification strategy that uses the lag between application and grant as a source of exogenous variation. We examine the potential bias if our assumptions are incorrect, and discuss extensions into other research areas. Finally, we use our method to re-examine prior results on citation age profiles of patents from different technological fields and application year cohorts. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Meyer M. (2000). Patent citations in a novel field of technology: What can they tell about interactions between emerging communities of science and technology. Scientometrics, 48(2), 151-178.This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of patent citation analysis in general and its application to novel fields of science and technology in particular. It introduces into the subject-matter by discussing an empirical problem, the relationship of nano-publications and nano-patents as representations of nano-science and nano-technology. Drawing on a variety of sources, different interpretations of patent citations are presented. Then, the nature of patent citations is further investigated by comparing them to citations in the scientific literature. After characterizing the citation linkage as indicators of reciprocal relationships between science and technology, patent citations in nano-science and technology are analyzed in terms of interfield and organizational knowledge-flows.


Meyer M. (2001). Patent citation analysis in a novel field of technology: An exploration of nano-science and nano-technology. Scientometrics, 51(1), 163-183.This paper explores the interrelationships between science and technology in the emergingarea of nano-science and technology. We track patent citation relations at the sectoraldisciplinary,the organizational, and the combined industrial/organizational levels. Then weinvestigate the geographic location and organizational affiliation of inventor/authors. Our mainfinding is that there are only a small number of citations connecting nano-patents with nanosciencepapers, while nano-science and technology appear to be relatively well connected incomparison with other fields. Further explorations suggest that nano-science and technology arestill mostly separated spheres, even though there are overlaps, as an analysis of title words shows.Another observation is that university-assigned patents seem to cite papers more frequently thanother patents.


Meyer M. (2005). Inventor-authors: Knowledge integrators or weak links? An exploratory comparison of co-active researchers with their non-inventing peers in nano-science and technology. Working Paper No 2005/1, Helsinki University of Technology.Policy-makers in many countries emphasize the importance of non-publication output of university research. Increasingly, policies are pursued that attempt to encourage entrepreneurial activity in universities and public research institutes. Apart from generating spin-out companies, technology licensing, and collaborative research, attention is focused on patenting activities of researchers. Some analysts suggest that there is a trade-off between scholarly publication and patenting activity. This paper explores this relationship drawing on a data set of nanoscience publications and nanotechnology patents in three European countries. In particular, this study examines whether researchers who both publish and patent are more productive and more highly cited than their peers who concentrate on scholarly publication in communicating their research results. Furthermore, this study investigates the collaborative activity of inventor-authors and their position in their respective networks of scientific communication. The findings suggest that overall there seems to be no adverse relationship between publication and patenting activity, at least not in this area of science and technology. Patenting scientists appear to outperform their solely publishing, non-inventing peers in terms of publication counts and citation frequency. However, while they are considerably over-represented in the top performance class, the data indicates that inventor-authors may not occupy top positions within that group. An analysis of co-authorship links indicates that patenting authors can also play a prominent role within networks of scientific communication. The network maps also point to groups where inventor-authors occur frequently and others where this is not the case, which possibly reflects cognitive differences between sub-fields. Finally, the data indicates that inventor-authors account only for a marginal share of publishing scholars while they play a substantial role amongst inventors.


Morescalchi A., Pammolli F., Penner O., Petersen A.M., & Riccaboni M. (2015). The evolution of networks of innovators within and across borders: Evidence from patent data. Research Policy, 44(3), 651-668.

Mowery D.C., & Ziedonis A.A. (2015). Markets versus spillovers in outflows of university research. Research Policy, 44(1), 50-66.A substantial body of research has examined the contributions of university research to regional economic development and technological innovation. This literature suggests that the channels through which university-based research affects regional economic or innovative activity may be divided into two broad categories—knowledge “spillovers” (i.e., positive externalities from university research) and “market-mediated” channels such as technology licensing or various types of employment relationships between academic scientists and firms. Yet little research has compared the geographic incidence of these market and nonmarket channels of interaction. This paper compares the localization of knowledge flows from university inventions through market contracts (licenses) and nonmarket “spillovers” exemplified by patent citations. We find knowledge flows through market transactions to be more geographically localized than those operating through nonmarket spillovers. Moreover, the differential effects of distance on licenses and citations are most pronounced for exclusively licensed university patents. We interpret these findings as reflecting the incomplete nature of licensing contracts and the need for licensees to maintain access to inventor knowhow for many university inventions. Such access appears to be less important for inventions that are nonexclusively licensed.


Murray F. (2004). The role of academic inventors in entrepreneurial firms: Sharing the laboratory life. Research Policy, 33(4), 643-659.While science-based entrepreneurial firms are a key feature of the modern economy, our insights into their organization and productivity remain limited. In particular, our understanding of the mechanisms through which academic inventors shape entrepreneurial firms established to commercialize their scientific ideas is based upon a traditional perspective that highlights the importance of human capital. Based on a study of biotechnology firms and their academic inventors, this paper examines the extent and mechanisms through which academic scientists contribute not only human capital but also social capital to entrepreneurial firms. The paper makes two contributions to our understanding of the academic-firm interface: First, it establishes that the social capital of academic scientists is critical to firms because it can be transformed into scientific networks that embed the firm in the scientific community through a variety of mechanisms. Second, the paper argues that an academic inventors career plays a critical role in shaping his social capital, thus scientific careers mediate the networks and potential for embeddedness that an academic inventor brings to a firm. Specifically, the foundations of an academics social capital can be traced to two sources: The first element that the firm may leverage is the academics local laboratory networka network to current and former students and advisors established by the inventor through his laboratory life. The second form of social capital is a wider, cosmopolitan network of colleagues and co-authors established through the social patterns of collaboration, collegiality and competition that exemplify scientific careers. These findings suggest that scientific careers are central in shaping an academics social capital which can be translated into critical scientific networks in which entrepreneurial firms become embedded.


Nakamura H., Suzuki S., Kajikawa Y., & Osawa M. (2015). The effect of patent family information in patent citation network analysis: A comparative case study in the drivetrain domain. Scientometrics, 104(2), 437-452.Previous researchers of citation analysis often analyze patent data of a single authority because of the availability of the data and the simplicity of analysis. Patent analysis, on the other hand, is used not only for filing and litigation, but also for technology trend analysis. However, global technology trends cannot be understood only with the analysis of patent data issued by a single authority. In this paper, we propose the use of patents from multiple authorities and discuss the effect of bundling patent family information. We investigate the effect of patent families with cases from automobile drivetrain technology. Based on the results, we conclude that the use of multiple authorities patent data bundled with the patent family information can significantly improve the coverage and practicability of patent citation analysis.


Narin F., & Noma E. (1985). Is technology becoming science? Scientometrics, 7(3-6), 369-381.

Narin F., Rosen M., & Olivastro D.(1989). Patent citation analysis: New validation studies and linkage statistics In AFJ van Raan, AJ Nederhoff, & HF Moed (Eds), Science and Technology Indicators: Their Use in Science Policy and their Role in Science Studies Leiden: DSWO Press New validation studies and linkage statistics. In A.F.J. van Raan, A.J. Nederhoff, & H.F. Moed (Eds.), Science and Technology Indicators: Their Use in Science Policy and their Role in Science Studies. Leiden: DSWO Press.

Narin F., Hamilton K., & Olivastro D. (1997). The increasing linkage between U.S. technology and public science. Research Policy, 26(3), 317-330.A detailed and systematic examination of the contribution of public science to industrial technology would be useful evidence in arguing the case for governmental support of science. This paper provides such an examination, by tracing the rapidly growing citation linkage between U.S. patents and scientific research papers. Seventy-three percent of the papers cited by U.S. industry patents are public science, authored at academic, governmental, and other public institutions; only 27% are authored by industrial scientists. A strong national component of this citation linkage was found, with each country's inventors preferentially citing papers authored in their own country, by a factor of between two and four. Particularly rapid growth was found for the dependence of patented technology on U.S. papers. References from U.S. patents to U.S.-authored research papers have tripled over a six-year period, from 17,000 during 1987-1988 to 50,000 during 1993-1994, a period in which the U.S. patent system grew by only 30%. The cited U.S. papers are from the mainstream of modern science; quite basic, in influential journals, authored at top-flight research universities and laboratories, relatively recent, and heavily supported by NIH, NSF, and other public agencies.


Novoselov K.S., Geim A.K., Morozov S.V., Jiang D., Zhang Y., Dubonos S.V., Grigorieva I.V., & Firsov A.A. (2004). Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films. Science, 306(5696), 666-669.We describe monocrystalline graphitic films, which are a few atoms thick but are nonetheless stable under ambient conditions, metallic, and of remarkably high quality. The films are found to be a two-dimensional semimetal with a tiny overlap between valence and conductance bands, and they exhibit a strong ambipolar electric field effect such that electrons and holes in concentrations up to 1013 per square centimeter and with room-temperature mobilities of 6510,000 square centimeters per volt-second can be induced by applying gate voltage.


Noyons E.C.M., Engelsman E.C., & van Raan A.F.J. (1991). Tracing technological developments. Policy Studies on Technology and Economy (BTE) Series. The Hague: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Noyons E.C.M., & van Raan A.F.J. (1994). Bibliometric cartography of scientific and technological developments of an R&D field. The case of optomechatronics. Scientometrics, 30(1), 157-173.This paper presents the results of an exploration of bibliometric mapping as an analytic tool to study the important aspects of the relation between science and technology, in particular the ‘science base’ of technology. We discuss a bibliometric (in particular a publication- and patent-based) approach to develop a cartography of science and technology, i.e., the construction of geometrically organized maps in order to visualize the changing internal structure of science and technology. These maps are based on co-occurrences of publication and patent keywords. We focus on a specific R & D field: optomechatronics. This field is characterized by a strong knowledge transfer between science and technology. We constructed maps for both the science as well as the technology ‘side’. Comparison of these two allows the exploration of existing or possible interaction of scientific and technological developments. We identified related subfields (co-word clusters) in the maps of both ‘sides’ in order to illustrate the interaction between science and technology. Subsequently, we extended the information given by the maps with information on the role and position of a number of countries in the different subfields of optomechatronics, both at the science side as well as at the technology side. This is done by identification of actors in the subfields represented by word clusters in the maps. Cartography of science and technology allows the observation of the structure (and its changes) of scientific and technology fields. Moreover, it illustrates both existing as well as possible links between science and technology. It therefore presents a powerful tool for science, technology and R & D policy.


Noyons E.C.M., van Raan A.F.J., Grupp H., & Schmoch U. (1994). Exploring the science and technology interface: Inventor-author relations in laser medicine research. Research Policy, 23(4), 443-457.The aim of this study is to investigate a specific aspect of the science and technology interface: inventor-author relations. The subject area is application of lasers in medicine. The empirical material consists of a set of 30 patents, representing the ‘technology side’ and 1057 publications authored by the inventors, representing the ‘science side’ of lasers in medicine.Our study includes four different approaches. First, we tried to find evidence, by looking at the scientific part, for the claim that references in patents to non-patent literature (NPL references, mostly scientific publications) indicate ‘science intensity’. It appeared that inventors of patents with many NPL references did not publish significantly more in science than inventors of patents with few NPL references. The former did, however, use more basic scientific journals to publish in than the latter.Second, we tried to identify at the science side one paper per patent which would best represent the R&D activities related to the patent. Here, a weak correlation was found between the number of NPL references in the patents and the number of references in their scientific counterparts.In our third approach, we compared the number of NPL references in the patents with expert assessments about the science intensity of each individual patent. Moreover, other aspects were taken in consideration, such as legal status of a patent (number of claims), complexity of the invention (number of pages), size of the inventor team. We found out that some of these other aspects could be related to a higher number of NPL references in patents.In the fourth and final approach of the study, we analysed the inventors' publications in more detail, in particular for the period before and around the patent application date. We tested and found evidence for two hypotheses. These two hypotheses state that, in preparation of a patent application, (1) co-inventors increase their co-activity in science; and (2) companies and universities level up their co-operation.


Noyons E.C.M., Buter R.K., van Raan A.F.J., Schmoch U., Heinze T., Hinze S., & Rangnow R. (2003). Mapping excellence in science and technology across Europe: Nanoscience and nanotechnology. Report of project EC-PPN CT-2002-0001 to the European Commission. Leiden: Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University.

Packer A., & Webster K. (1996). Patenting culture in science: Reinventing the scientific wheel of credibility. Science, Technology and Human Values, 21(4), 427-453.This article discusses the emergence of a patenting culture in university science. Patenting culture is examined empirically in the context of the increasing commercialization of science, and theoretically within debates over scientific ''credibility.'' The article explores the translation of academic credit into patents, and vice versa, and argues that this process raises new questions for our understanding of scientific recognition and of scientists' networks. In particular; the analysis suggests that scientists must move between two distinct social worlds to manage the rewards that academic and patent cultures carry.


Park H., & Yoon J. (2014). Assessing coreness and intermediarity of technology sectors using patent co-classification analysis: The case of Korean national R&D. Scientometrics, 98(2), 853-890.Rapid technological advancements and increasing research and development (R&D) costs are making it necessary for national R&D plans to identify the coreness and intermediarity of technologies in selecting projects and allocating budgets. Studies on the coreness or intermediarity of technology sectors have used patent citations, but there are limitations to dealing with patent data. The limitations arise from the most current patents and patents that do not require citations, e.g. Korean patents. Further, few or no studies have simultaneously considered both coreness and intermediarity. Therefore, we propose a patent co-classification based method to measure coreness and intermediarity of technology sectors by incorporating the analytic network process and the social network analysis. Using IPC co-classifications of patents as technological knowledge flows, this method constructs a network of directed knowledge flows among technology sectors and measures the long-term importance and the intermediating potential of each technology sector, despite the limitations of patent-based analyses. Considering both coreness and intermediarity, this method can provide more detailed and essential knowledge for decision making in planning national R&D. We demonstrated this method using Korean national R&D patents from 2008 to 2011. We expect that this method will help in planning national R&D in a rapidly evolving technological environment.


Perkmann M., Fini R., Ross J.M., Salter A., Silvestri C., & Tartari V. (2015). Accounting for universities' impact: Using augmented data to measure academic engagement and commercialization by academic scientists. Research Evaluation, 24(4), 380-391.

Ribeiro L.C., Kruss G., Britto G., Bernardes A.T., & Albuquerque E.D.E. (2014). A methodology for unveiling global innovation networks: Patent citations as clues to cross border knowledge flows. Scientometrics, 101(1), 61-83.This paper presents a new methodology to describe global innovations networks. Using 167,315 USPTO patents granted in 2009 and the papers they cited, this methodology shows “scientific footprints of technology” that cross national boundaries, and how multinational enterprises interact globally with universities and other firms. The data and the map of these flows provide insights to support a tentative taxonomy of global innovation networks.


Rodriguez A., Kim B., Turkoz M., Lee J.M., Coh B.Y., & Jeong M.K. (2015). New multi-stage similarity measure for calculation of pairwise patent similarity in a patent citation network. Scientometrics, 103(2), 565-581.Being able to effectively measure similarity between patents in a complex patent citation network is a crucial task in understanding patent relatedness. In the past, techniques such as text mining and keyword analysis have been applied for patent similarity calculation. The drawback of these approaches is that they depend on word choice and writing style of authors. Most existing graph-based approaches use common neighbor-based measures, which only consider direct adjacency. In this work we propose new similarity measures for patents in a patent citation network using only the patent citation network structure. The proposed similarity measures leverage direct and indirect co-citation links between patents. A challenge is when some patents receive a large number of citations, thus are considered more similar to many other patents in the patent citation network. To overcome this challenge, we propose a normalization technique to account for the case where some pairs are ranked very similar to each other because they both are cited by many other patents. We validate our proposed similarity measures using US class codes for US patents and the well-known Jaccard similarity index. Experiments show that the proposed methods perform well when compared to the Jaccard similarity index.


Schmoch U. (1993). Tracing the knowledge transfer from science to technology as reflected in patent indicators. Scientometrics, 26(1), 193-211.The use of references of patent search reports as transfer indications needs a good theoretical understanding of the underlying examination procedures. On this background, different patent indicators based on sample patents and on respective references can be established and combined to a network which gives an interesting insight into the complex process of knowledge transfer from science to technology.


Sherwin C.W., & Isenson R.S. (1967). Project Hindsight - A defense department study of the utility of research. Science, 156(3782), 1571-1577.Recently developed weapon systems were compared with systems of similar function in use 10 to 20 years earlier. The most significant finding was that the improvement in performance or reduction in cost is largely the synergistic effect of a large number of scientific and technological innovations, of which only about 10 percent had been made at the time the earlier system was designed. The common scientific and technological base of the systems was not analyzed. Of the innovations, or Events, 9 percent were classified as science and 91 percent as technology. Ninety-five percent of all Events were funded by the defense sector. Nearly 95 percent were motivated by a recognized defense need. Only 0.3 percent came from undirected science. The results of the study do not call in question the value of undirected science on the 50-year-or-more time scale. In light of our finding that 5 to 10 years are often required before even a piece of highly applied research is "fitted in" as an effective contributing member of a large assembly of other Events, it is not surprising that "fragments" of undirected science are infrequently utilized on even a 20-year time scale. The most obvious way in which undirected science appears to enter into technology and utilization on a substantial scale seems to be in the compressed, highly organized form of a well-established, clearly expressed general theory, or in the evaluated, ordered knowledge of handbooks, textbooks, and university courses.


Squicciarini M., Dernis H., & Crisculo C.(2013). Measuring patent quality: Indicators of technological and economic value. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2013/03, OECD Publishing. Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from .

Small H.G., Boyack K.W., & Klavans R. (2014). Identifying emerging topics in science and technology. Research Policy, 43(8),1450-1467.The identification of emerging topics is of current interest to decision makers in both government and industry. Although many case studies present retrospective analyses of emerging topics, few studies actually nominate emerging topics for consideration by decision makers. We present a novel approach to identifying emerging topics in science and technology. Two large scale models of the scientific literature, one based on direct citation, and the other based on co-citation, are combined to nominate emerging topics using a difference function that rewards clusters that are new and growing rapidly. The top 25 emergent topics are identified for each year 2007 through 2010. These topics are classified and characterized in various ways in order to understand the motive forces behind their emergence, whether scientific discovery, technological innovation, or exogenous events. Topics are evaluated by searching for recent major awards associated with the topic or its key researchers. The evidence presented suggests that the methodology nominates a viable list of emerging topics suitable for inspection by decision makers.


Stankovich S., Dikin D.A., Dommett G.H.B., Kohlhaas K.M., Zimney E.J., Stach E.A., Piner R.D., Nguyen S.T., & Ruoff R.S. (2006). Graphene-based composite materials. Nature, 442(7100), 282-286.

Sternitzke C. (2010). Knowledge sources, patent protection, and commercialization of pharmaceutical innovations. Research Policy, 39(6), 810-821.This paper investigates different types of innovations (from radical to incremental) in the pharmaceutical industry by studying bibliometric data of drugs approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), looking at time-to-market aspects, knowledge sources of these innovations, and protection strategies. Scientific knowledge stemming from the public sector is found to be important for all innovations. Nevertheless, radical innovations build on a higher degree on basic research, and they build on a significantly higher share of own prior scientific research than do incremental innovations. Furthermore, each drug is shown to be accompanied by, on average, about 19 journal publications and 23 additional patents. Additional patent filings peak when the commercialization of the drug is in reach. Firms do not differ among the various types of innovations regarding the amount of additional patent filings, but rather with the speed of filing these patents. Finally, this work contributes to the improvement of future econometric analyses that aim to link bibliometric indicators such as patent or publication counts to firm success.


Tijssen R.J.W., Buter R.K., & van Leeuwen T.N. (2000). Technological relevance of science: Validation and analysis of citation linkages between patents and research papers. Scientometrics, 47(2), 389-412.Patent citations to the research literature offer a way for identifying and comparing contributions of scientific and technical knowledge to technological development. This case study applies this approach through a series of analyses of citations to Dutch research papers listed on Dutch-invented and foreign patents granted in the US during the years 1987-1996. First, we examined the general validity and utility of these data as input for quantitative analyses of science-technology interactions. The findings provide new empirical evidence in support of the general view that these citations reflect genuine links between science and technology. The results of the various analyses reveal several important features of industrially relevant Dutch science: (1) the international scientific impact of research papers that are also highly cited by patents, (2) the marked rise in citations to Dutch papers on foreign-invented patents; (3) the large share of author-inventor self-citations in Dutch-invented patents; (4) the growing relevance of the life sciences, (5) an increase in the importance of scientific co-operation. We also find significant differences between industrial sectors as well as major contributions of large science-based multinational enterprises, such as Philips, in domestic science-technology linkages. The paper concludes by discussing general benefits and limitations of this bibliometric approach for macro-level analysis of science bases in advanced industrialised countries like the Netherlands.


Tijssen R.J.W. (2001). Global and domestic utilization of industrial relevant science: Patent citation analysis of science-technology interactions and knowledge flows. Research Policy, 30(1), 35-54.The development of science-based technologies may draw heavily on codified and tacit outputs from both domestic research bases and foreign sources. Having a view of the scientific underpinnings of these technical innovations and related knowledge diffusion and utilization processes, especially those concerning public-financed basic research, is of major importance to policymakers nowadays. Some of those scientific and technical inputs are pivotal to technical inventions and are acknowledged as such by explicit references (“citations”) to related research papers in the reference list on the corresponding patents. This case study deals with citations to Dutch-authored research papers on USPTO patents granted during the period 1987–1996. Results of the citation analysis reveal several important features of contributions made by the Dutch science base to Dutch-invented and/or foreign-invented patents such as (1) a marked overall increase of patent citations to Dutch research papers, and (2) significant differences between domestic and foreign citation patterns where (3) domestic citation links are dominated by author–inventor self-citations and patents originating from the large R&D-intensive multinational firms such as Philips. These findings provide new empirical evidence that patent citation analysis produces systemic quantitative data providing strategic background information regarding nation-specific and sector-specific factors in domestic and cross-border science–technology linkages and knowledge flows.


Trajtenberg M. (1990). A penny for your quotes: Patent citations and the value of innovations. RAND Journal of Economics, 21(1), 172-187.The use of patents in economic research has been seriously hindered by the fact that patents vary enormously in their importance or value, and hence, simple patent counts cannot be informative about innovative output. The purpose of this article is to put forward patent counts weighted by citations as indicators of the value of innovations, thereby overcoming the limitations of simple counts. The empirical analysis of a particular innovation (Computed Tomography scanners) indeed shows a close association between citation-based patent indices and independent measures of the social value of innovations in that field. Moreover, the weighting scheme appears to be nonlinear (increasing) in the number of citations, implying that the informational content of citations rises at the margin. As in previous studies, simple patent counts are found to be highly correlated with contemporaneous R&D; however, here the association is within a field over time rather than cross-sectional.


Upham S.P., & Small H. (2010). Emerging research fronts in science and technology: Patterns of new knowledge development. Scientometrics, 83(1), 15-38.Research fronts represent the most dynamic areas of science and technology and the areas that attract the most scientific interest. We construct a methodology to identify these fronts, and we use quantitative and qualitative methodology to analyze and describe them. Our methodology is able to identify these fronts as they form with potential use by firms, venture capitalists, researchers, and governments looking to identify emerging high-impact technologies. We also examine how science and technology absorbs the knowledge developed in these fronts and find that fronts which maximize impact have very different characteristics than fronts which maximize growth, with consequences for the way science develops over time.


van Looy B., Debackere K., Callaert J., Tijssen R., & van Leeuwen T. (2006). Scientific capabilities and technological performance: An exploration of emerging industrial relevant research domains. Scientometrics, 66(2), 295-310.Today's theories and models on innovation stress the importance of scientific capabilities and science-technology proximity, especially in new emerging fields of economic activity. In this contribution we examine the relationship between national scientific capabilities, the science intensity of technology and technological performance within six emergent industrial fields. Our findings reveal that national technological performance is positively associated with scientific capabilities. Countries performing better on a technological level are characterized both by larger numbers of publications and by numbers of involved institutions that exceed average expected values. The latter observation holds for both companies and knowledge generating institutes actively involved in scientific activities. As such, our findings seem to suggest beneficial effects of scientific capabilities shouldered by a multitude of organizations. In addition, higher numbers of patent activity coincide with higher levels of science intensity pointing out the relevance of science 'proximity' when developing technology in newer, emerging fields. Limitations and directions for further research are discussed.


van Looy B., Magerman T., & Debackere K. (2007). Developing technology in the vicinity of science: An examination of the relationship between science intensity (of patents) and technological productivity within the field of biotechnology. Scientometrics, 70(2), 441-458.In this paper we investigate — at a country level — the relationship between the science intensity of patents and technological productivity, taking into account differences in terms of scientific productivity. The number of non patent references in patents is considered as an approximation of the science intensity of technology whereas a country’s technological and scientific performance is measured in terms of productivity (i.e., number of patents and publications per capita). We use USPTO patent-data pertaining to biotechnology for 20 countries covering the time period 1992–1999. Our findings reveal mutual positive relationships between scientific and technological productivity for the respective countries involved. At the same time technological productivity is associated positively with the science intensity of patients. These results are confirmed when introducing time effects. These observations corroborate the construct validity of science intensity as a distinctive indicator and suggest its usefulness for assessing science and technology dynamics.


van Raan A.F.J. (2015). Dormitory of physical and engineering sciences: Sleeping beauties may be sleeping innovations. PLoS ONE, 10(10), e0139786.A 'Sleeping Beauty in Science' is a publication that unnoticed ('') for a long time and then, almost suddenly, attracts a lot of attention ('is awakened by a prince'). The aim of this paper is to present a general methodology to investigate (1) important properties of Sleeping Beauties such as the time-dependent distribution, author characteristics, journals and fields, and (2) the cognitive environment of Sleeping Beauties. We are particularly interested to find out to what extent Sleeping Beauties are application-oriented and thus are potential Sleeping Innovations. In this study we focus primarily on physics (including materials science and astrophysics) and present first results for chemistry and for engineering & computer science. We find that more than half of the SBs are application-oriented. To study the cognitive environments of Sleeping Beauties we develop a new approach in which the cognitive environment of the SBs is analyzed, based on the mapping of Sleeping Beauties using their citation links and conceptual relations, particularly co-citation mapping. In this way we investigate the research themes in which the SBs are 'used' and possible causes of why the premature work in the SBs becomes topical, i.e., the trigger of the awakening of the SBs. This approach is tested with a blue skies SB and an application-oriented SB. We think that the mapping procedures discussed in this paper are not only important for bibliometric analyses. They also provide researchers with useful, interactive tools to discover both relevant older work as well as new developments, for instance in themes related to Sleeping Beauties that are also Sleeping Innovations.


van Raan A.F.J. (2016). Sleeping beauties cited in patents: Is there also a dormitory of inventions? To be published, preprint retrieved on November 29, 2016, from .05750.

van Vianen B.G., Moed H.F., & van Raan A.F.J. (1990). An exploration of the science base of recent technology. Research Policy, 19(1), 61-81.This paper examines the role of guanxi in the emergence of the Chinese institutional environment, institutional structure and business environment. In China, the institutional environment, institutional structure and resulting business environment are rapidly evolving and are not yet stable or predictable. Under these circumstances, guanxi is important to business executives in enacting successful business exchanges in the face of uncertainty and unpredictability. By using institutional theory and negotiated order theory, we argue that the use of guanxi will improve enterprise performance and shape the emerging institutional environment and resulting business environment.


Verbeek A., Debackere K., Luwel M., Andries P., Zimmermann E., & Deleus F. (2002). Linking science to technology: Using bibliographic references in patents to build linkage schemes. Scientometrics, 54(3), 399-420.In this paper, we develop and discuss a method to design a linkage scheme that links the systems of science and technology through the use of patent citation data. After conceptually embedding the linkage scheme in the current literature on science-technology interactions and associations, the methodology and algorithms used to decelop the linkage scheme are discussed in detail. The method is subsequently tested on and applied to subsets of USPTO patents. The results point to highly skewed citation distributions, enabling us to discern between those fields of technology that are highly science-interactive and those fields where technology develoment is highly independent from the scientific literature base.


Verhoeven D., Bakker J., & Veugelers R. (2016). Measuring technological novelty with patent-based indicators. Research Policy, 45(3), 707-723.This study provides a new, more comprehensive measurement of technological novelty. Integrating insights from the existing economics and management literature, we characterize inventions ex ante along two dimensions of technological novelty: Novelty in Recombination and Novelty in Knowledge Origins. For the latter dimension we distinguish between Novel Technological and Novel Scientific Origins. For each dimension we propose an operationalization using patent classification and citation information. Results indicate that the proposed measures for the different dimensions of technological novelty are correlated, but each conveys different information. We perform a series of analyses to assess the validity of the proposed measures and compare them with other indicators used in the literature. Moreover, an analysis of the technological impact of inventions identified as novel shows that technological novelty increases the variance of technological impact and the likelihood of being among the positive outliers with respect to impact. This holds particularly for those inventions that combine Novelty in Recombination with Novelty in Technological and Scientific Origins. Overall, the results support our indicator as ex ante measure of technological novelty with the potential to drive radical technological change.


Wada T. (2016). Obstacles to prior art searching by the trilateral patent offices: Empirical evidence from International Search Reports. Scientometrics, 107(2), 701-722.Despite many empirical studies having been carried out on examiner patent citations, few have scrutinized the obstacles to prior art searching when adding patent citations during patent prosecution at patent offices. This analysis takes advantage of the longitudinal gap between an International Search Report (ISR) as required by the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and subsequent national examination procedures. We investigate whether several kinds of distance actually affect the probability that prior art is detected at the time of an ISR; this occurs much earlier than in national phase examinations. Based on triadic PCT applications between 2002 and 2005 for the trilateral patent offices (the European Patent Office, the US Patent and Trademark Office, and the Japan Patent Office) and their family-level citations made by the trilateral offices, we find evidence that geographical distance negatively affects the probability of capture of prior patents in an ISR. In addition, the technological complexity of an application negatively affects the probability of capture, whereas the volume of forward citations of prior art affects it positively. These results demonstrate the presence of obstacles to searching at patent offices, and suggest ways to design work sharing by patent offices, such that the duplication of search costs arises only when patent office search horizons overlap.


Walter S.G., Schmidt A., & Walter A. (2016). Patenting rationales of academic entrepreneurs in weak and strong organizational regimes. Research Policy, 45(2), 533-545.This study explores why academic entrepreneurs seek patents for spin-off technology in weak organizational regimes (the employee owns her inventions) and strong organizational regimes (the employer, i.e. the university or research organization, owns these inventions). Specifically, we examine organizational and founding team characteristics as alternative explanations. Matched data of academic spin-offs from both contexts combined with patent data show that founding team characteristics (expert knowledge and entrepreneurial orientation) matter in weak, but not strong regimes. In contrast, organizational patenting norms are the key driver of patenting in strong, but not weak regimes. We discuss the implications of our results for the current literature and technology transfer policies.


Waltman L., van Raan A.F.J., & Smart S. (2014). Exploring the relationship between the engineering and physical sciences and the health and life sciences by advanced bibliometric methods. PLoS ONE, 9(10), e111530.We investigate the extent to which advances in the health and life sciences (HLS) are dependent on research in the engineering and physical sciences (EPS), particularly physics, chemistry, mathematics, and engineering. The analysis combines two different bibliometric approaches. The first approach to analyze the 'EPS-HLS interface' is based on term map visualizations of HLS research fields. We consider 16 clinical fields and five life science fields. On the basis of expert judgment, EPS research in these fields is studied by identifying EPS-related terms in the term maps. In the second approach, a large-scale citation-based network analysis is applied to publications from all fields of science. We work with about 22,000 clusters of publications, each representing a topic in the scientific literature. Citation relations are used to identify topics at the EPS-HLS interface. The two approaches complement each other. The advantages of working with textual data compensate for the limitations of working with citation relations and the other way around. An important advantage of working with textual data is in the in-depth qualitative insights it provides. Working with citation relations, on the other hand, yields many relevant quantitative statistics. We find that EPS research contributes to HLS mainly in the following five ways: new materials and their properties; chemical methods for analysis and molecular synthesis; imaging of parts of the body as well as of biomaterial surfaces; medical engineering mainly related to imaging, radiation therapy, signal processing technology, and other medical instrumentation; mathematical and statistical methods for data analysis. In our analysis, about 10% of all EPS and HLS publications are classified as being at the EPS-HLS interface. This percentage has remained more or less constant during the past decade.


Wang X., Zhang X., & Xu S. (2011). Patent co-citation networks of Fortune 500 companies. Scientometrics, 88(3), 761-770.This paper provides an overview of the progression of technology structure based on patent co-citation networks. Methods of patent bibliometrics, social network analysis and information visualization are employed to analyze patents of Fortune 500 companies indexed in Derwent Innovations Index, the largest patent database in the world. Based on the co-citation networks, several main technology groups are identified, including Chemicals, Petroleum Refining, Motor Vehicles, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, etc. Relationships among the leading companies and technology groups are also revealed.


Wang Y., Roijakkers N., & Vanhaverbeke W. (2014). How fast do Chinese firms learn and catch up? Evidence from patent citations. Scientometrics, 98(1), 743-761.There is a wealth of research on technological learning in developing countries, but few scholars have clearly addressed the issue of learning time in an empirical way. This paper aims to fill this void by presenting an empirical investigation of the time needed by Chinese firms to learn from the technologies that they have in-licensed. Furthermore, we analyzed in detail the antecedents leading to an acceleration or deceleration of the learning process among Chinese licensees. The results of an event history analysis indicate that recipient firms take on average 5.8 years to learn from their in-licensed technologies. The absorptive capacity and firm age of the licensees, the technology licensing scale, the age of the licensed technology, and the desorptive capability of the licensor firm all play a role in shortening the learning time.


Winnink J.J., Tijssen R.J.W., & van Raan A.F.J. (2013. The discovery of introns: Analysis of the science-technology interface. In S. Hinze, & A. Lottmann (Eds.), Translational Twists and Turns: Science as a Socio-economic Endeavor. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (pp. 427-438). Berlin, Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance (iFQ). Retrieved on November 29, 2016, from .

Winnink J.J., & Tijssen R.J.W. (2014). R&D dynamics and scientific breakthroughs in HIV/AIDS drugs development: The case of integrase inhibitors. Scientometrics, 101(1), 1-16.

Winnink J.J., & Tijssen R.J.W. (2015). Early stage identification of breakthroughs at the interface of science and technology: Lessons drawn from a landmark publication. Scientometrics, 102(1), 113-114.Certain scholarly publications or patent publications may signal breakthroughs in basic scientific research or radical new technological developments. Are there bibliographical indicators that enable an analysis of R&D dynamics to help identify these ‘local revolutions’ in science and technology? The focus of this paper is on early stage identification of potential breakthroughs in science that may evolve into new technology. We analyse bibliographic information for a typical example of such a breakthrough to pinpoint information that has the potential to be used as bibliographic indicator. The typical example used is the landmark research paper by Novoselov et al. (Science 306(5696): 666–669, 2004 ) concerning graphene. After an initial accumulation of theoretical knowledge about graphene over a period of 5002years this publication of the discovery of a method to produce graphene had an immediate and significant impact on the R&D community; it provides a link between theory, experimental verification, and new technological applications. The publication of this landmark discovery marks a sharp rise in the number of scholarly publications, and not much later an increase in the number of filings for related patent applications. Noticeable within 202years after publication is an above average influx of researchers and of organisations. Changes in the structure of co-citation term maps point to renewed interest from theoretical physicists. The analysis uncovered criteria that can help in identifying at early stage potential breakthroughs that link science and technology.


Yang G.C., Li G., Li C.Y., Zhao Y.H., Zhang J., Liu T., Chen D.Z., & Huang M.H. (2015). Using the comprehensive patent citation network (CPC) to evaluate patent value. Scientometrics, 105(3), 1319-1346.Most approaches to patent citation network analysis are based on single-patent direct citation relation, which is an incomplete understanding of the nature of knowledge flow between patent pairs, which are incapable of objectively evaluating patent value. In this paper, four types of patent citation networks (direct citation, indirect citation, coupling and co-citation networks) are combined, filtered and recomposed based on relational algebra. Then, a method based on comprehensive patent citation (CPC) network for patent value evaluation is proposed, and empirical study of optical disk technology related patents has been conducted based on this method. The empirical study was carried out in two steps: observation of network characteristics over the entire process (citation time lag and topological and graphics characteristics), and measurement verification by independent proxies of patent value (patent family and patent duration). Our results show that the CPC network retains the advantages of patent direct citation, and performs better on topological structure, graphics features, centrality distribution, citation lag and sensitivity than a direct citation network; The verified results by the patent family and maintenance show that the proposed method covers more valuable patents than the traditional method.


Zarrin H., Higgins D., Jun Y., Chen Z.W., & Fowler M. (2011). Functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposite membrane for low humidity and high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(42), 20774-20781.Functionalized graphene oxide Nafion nanocomposites (F-GO/Nafion) are presented as a potential proton exchange membrane (PEM) replacement for high temperature PEM fuel cell applications. The GO nanosheets were produced from natural graphite flakes by the modified Hummer’s method and then functionalized by using 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) as the sulfonic acid functional group precursor. F-GO/Nafion composite membranes were fabricated by a simplistic solution casting method. Several physicochemical characterization techniques were applied to provide insight into the specific structure and morphology, functional groups, water uptake, and ionic conductivities of the membranes. Proton conductivity and single cell test results demonstrated significant improvements for F-GO/Nafion membranes (4 times) over recast Nafion at 120 °C with 25% humidity.





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