Author Guidelines

 Article Types

Research Articles: original research work or a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a topic (around 5,000 to 8,000 words).
Review Articles: manuscripts that provide a novel synthesis of a research area (around 5,000 to 10,000 words).
Research notes: short data-based discussions of research findings of interest to the wider community  (around 1,000 to 3,000 words).
Perspectives: forward-looking viewpoints that advocate important future directions in the field (around 2,000 to 3,000 words).
Commentaries: call attention to published articles, books, or reports (around 1,000 to 2,000 words).
Letters to the Editor: comments on previously published articles in JDIS (around 1,000 to 2,000 words).
Opinions: pieces to present ideas, discuss recent books, propose arguments, or initiate debates (around 1,000 to 3,000 words).
Editorial: editors or guest editors may occasionally provide background information on an issue or an event.

Submission Guidelines

JDIS does not require specific formats for first submissions. Both Word and PDF are acceptable file types. However, the following elements should be incorporated into your manuscript:

Names and affiliations of all authors.

For a research article, the abstract should be prepared in a structured form, including Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Findings, Research limitations, Practical implications, and Originality/value

Provide a list of up to six keywords

Pages, sections, and subsections should be numbered. In addition, we suggest line numbering as well.

Figures and tables should be placed close to where they are first referenced.

References should adhere to APA (American Psychological Association) style

Acknowledgments, author contribution statements, competing interest statements, funding information, data availability statements, and appendices should be included at the end of the manuscript.


Journal of Data and Information Science is an OA journal dedicated to promoting rapid dissemination of research papers together with scholars. We encourage you to publish your manuscripts (including the initial version, revised versions, and the version accepted for publication) submitted to JDIS on a preprint server, for instance on arXiv,MetaArXiv,SocArXiv,or ChinaXiv.

ChinaXiv is a preprint platform of Chinese Academy of Science ( JDIS has established a cooperative relationship with ChinaXiv to jointly promote the manuscripts reposition, online first publication, and impact broaden of research works.

Data Sharing Policies

JDIS encourages authors of articles published in this journal to share their research data by archiving it in an appropriate public repository. Science Data Bank is our recommended data repository. Or you may visit to find other data repositories relevant to your subject area. Also, JDIS encourages authors to submit a data availability statement that explains how and where the associated data is shared. Here is an example of statement.


The associated data for this paper (DOI) can be accessed in the (Database Name) database (permanent web link).

Pubdate: 2018-03-16    Viewed: 4304