1 Introduction
2 The Method
3 Results
3.1 Data
Table 1 Basic statistics. For each university, its name, number of academics(N), mean score(‹•›), standard variance (σ) of the corresponding index, are shown |
University | N | Citation | h-index | g-index | |||
‹c› | σ | ‹h› | σ | ‹g› | σ | ||
Cluj | 596 | 24.75 | 124.66 | 1.69 | 2.23 | 2.53 | 4.03 |
Bucharest | 1119 | 18.41 | 80.81 | 1.45 | 1.99 | 2.15 | 3.56 |
Timişoara | 505 | 15.93 | 57.61 | 1.42 | 2.03 | 1.93 | 3.16 |
Iaşi | 547 | 15.86 | 75.22 | 1.54 | 1.90 | 2.06 | 3.08 |
Craiova | 280 | 14.19 | 40.95 | 1.50 | 1.91 | 1.98 | 2.90 |
Tg. Mureş | 327 | 5.40 | 22.19 | 0.83 | 1.28 | 1.08 | 2.04 |
Figure 1. Box-plot for the citation distribution. The citation distributions of six universities are shown in box-plot. The five horizontal lines in each box represent the maximum, third quartile, median, first quartile and minimum citation (the last two lines can not be seen in these figures since they are to close to zero.), respectively. The star markers represent the mean of the citations. There is a huge difference between mean and median in each distribution. |
3.2 Pairwise comparison
Figure 2. Box-plot for the g-index distribution of Cluj and Tg. Mureş. (a) The original distribution of Cluj and Tg. Mureş. The five horizontal lines in each box represent the maximum, third quartile, median, first quartile and minimum g-index, respectively. The star markers represent the mean g-index. (b) Distribution of the Bootstrap κ-sample average of κ-index, with the minimum representative sizes of the two sets when the two sets are pair-wisely compared. |
Figure 3. Heatmap of the pairwise compared. (a) Faculties are sorted in descending order by average citations. The darkness of each circle represents the value of for the pair formed by the faculty on row r and the one on column c. The size of the circles represents the ratio of the mean citation for the faculties corresponding to row r and column c. The gray circles on the diagonal are reference circles with size 1. (b) Results are calculated based on h-index. (c) Results are calculated based on g-index. |
3.3 Group comparison
Table 2 Values of κrest. For each university, its name, mean score of the rest university (‹c›rest, ‹h›rest, ‹g›rest), and minimum number of representative academics (κrest), calculated by the corresponding index, are shown. |
University | N | Citation | h-index | g-index | |||
‹c›rest, | σ | ‹h›rest | σ | ‹g›rest | σ | ||
Cluj | 596 | 15.50 | 480 | 1.40 | 183 | 1.95 | 145 |
Bucharest | 1119 | 16:50 | 5283 | 1:44 | > 104 | 2.00 | 1664 |
Timişoara | 505 | 17:35 | 4900 | 1.45 | 9066 | 2.08 | 1378 |
Iaşi | 547 | 17:38 | 7187 | 1.43 | 893 | 2.06 | > 104 |
Craiova | 280 | 17:40 | 477 | 1.42 | 3375 | 2.06 | 3634 |
Tg. Mureş | 327 | 18:39 | 2 | 1.51 | 12 | 2.16 | 13 |