Research Paper

Normalizing Book Citations in Google Scholar: A Hybrid Cited-side Citing-side Method

  • John Mingers † ,
  • Eren Kaymaz
  • Kent Business School, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
Corresponding author: John Mingers (Email: ).

Received date: 2019-02-04

  Request revised date: 2019-02-19

  Accepted date: 2019-02-25

  Online published: 2019-05-30


Open Access


Purpose: To design and test a method for normalizing book citations in Google Scholar.

Design/methodology/approach: A hybrid citing-side, cited-side normalization method was developed and this was tested on a sample of 285 research monographs. The results were analyzed and conclusions drawn.

Findings: The method was technically feasible but required extensive manual intervention because of the poor quality of the Google Scholar data.

Research limitations: The sample of books was limited and also all were from one discipline —business and management. Also, the method has only been tested on Google Scholar, it would be useful to test it on Web of Science or Scopus.

Practical limitations: Google Scholar is a poor source of data although it does cover a much wider range citation sources that other databases.

Originality/value: This is the first method that has been developed specifically for normalizing books which have so far not been able to be normalized.

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John Mingers † , Eren Kaymaz . Normalizing Book Citations in Google Scholar: A Hybrid Cited-side Citing-side Method[J]. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2019 , 4(2) : 19 -35 . DOI: 10.2478/jdis-2019-0007

1 Introduction

Any form of research evaluation across disciplines that uses citation counts requires that the citations are normalized to the field or discipline involved. This is because there are very significant differences between research areas—science and particularly biology and medicine have very high citations rates; social sciences generally much less; and the arts and humanities relatively very low (Bornmann & Marx, 2015; Leydesdorff et al., 2011; Opthof & Leydesdorff, 2010; Waltman & van Eck, 2013). Normalization involves relativizing the research publication’s citations to the average1(1Often the average is measured in terms of the mean but as citation distributions are always heavily skewed the median is a better metric.) density of citations within the field. There are several ways of doing this, both in terms of the source of citations and the comparator used. In terms of sources, most normalization uses specialized citation databases such as Web of Science (WoS) or Scopus. These provide reliable data but are limited in coverage—they are poor in the social sciences and humanities, and they do not yet cover, comprehensively, books, conferences or reports (Glänzel et al., 2016; Kousha et al., 2011; Leydesdorff & Felt, 2012; Torres-Salinas et al., 2014). This has led to consideration of Google Scholar (GS) as a source which has much more comprehensive coverage of both disciplines and types of output but has unreliable data and a limited user interface (Adriaanse & Rensleigh, 2013; Crespo et al., 2014; Harzing & Alakangas, 2016; Meho & Yang, 2007;Mingers & Lipitakis, 2010; Prins et al., 2016).
So far, there have only been limited attempts to normalize Google Scholar data. Prins et al. (2016) compared citations from WoS and Google Scholar in the areas of anthropology and education. They tried to normalize the GS data using Publish or Perish (Harzing, 2007), which is a more user-friendly interface to GS, and concluded that it was technically feasible but that the results were unsatisfactory, although they did not explain why they were unsatisfactory. Following from this, Bornmann et al.(2016) conducted a more explicit test using data on 205 outputs from a research institute. Of these, 56 were papers also included in WoS, 29 papers not covered by WoS, 71 book chapters, 39 conference papers and 10 books. Their results were positive in that they managed to normalize the papers, book chapters and conference papers (but not the books) although it required considerable manual intervention to control for data errors. This test was replicated by Mingers and Meyer (2017) on a sample of 186 publications within the management area with similar results—papers, chapters and conference papers could be normalized but required considerable manual effort.
Neither study attempted to normalize books as they pose a particular problem for normalization, that is, what should be the comparator set of publications? Papers are generally compared with similar types of papers from similar journals of the same year. Book chapters can be compared to the other chapters in the book. Conference papers can be compared to the other papers at the conference. But how can one find a set of books that would provide a reasonable comparison? Would it be all the research books (as opposed to textbooks?) published within a discipline or field within the same year? If so, how would one generate such a list? And how would one delineate the discipline or field within it? Attempting to answer this question is the contribution of this paper.
When normalizing journal papers, there are broadly two approaches to determining the comparator set for a particular output (Leydesdorff et al., 2011; Mingers & Leydesdorff, 2015b; Waltman & van Eck, 2013)—cited-side (Mingers & Lipitakis, 2013; Opthof & Leydesdorff, 2010; Waltman et al., 2010; Waltman et al., 2011) and citing-side (source normalization) (Moed, 2010b; Waltman et al., 2013; Zitt, 2010, 2011). In cited-side normalization, the number of citations of the target paper are compared with the citations that have been received by similar papers where the comparator set consists of similar papers from the same journal in the same year, or from the set of journals used by the research entity under evaluation, or from the set of all journals in the same field as defined by WoS’s field lists. Whichever is used, it is the number of received citations that are counted, and the comparator list is pre-defined and is the same for all the papers being compared. Examples are the journal normalized citation score (JNCS) and the mean (field) normalized citation score (MNCS).
With citing-side normalization, it is the source of citations that is used for normalization, that is, the reference lists of the citing papers are used as a measure of the citation density in the field. This is based on Garfield’s view that “the most accurate measure of citation potential is the average number of references per paper published in a given field” (Garfield, 1979). An example is SNIP which is available in Scopus (Moed, 2010a; Moed, 2010b; Waltman et al., 2013). This method also differs from traditional cited-side normalization in the way it determines the reference set of journals or papers. Rather than taking a pre-defined list of journals in the field as defined by WoS, the subject field is defined as the set of papers that cite the target paper (Moed, 2010a), or more widely the set of journals that contain these citing papers. The reference lists of these papers, or relevant parts of them, are then averaged to generate the normalization factor. This means that each target paper has its own, unique reference set of citing papers, and that it is assumed that these papers represent the field of discipline appropriately.
In this research we use a hybrid of the two approaches to normalize book citations. We use the citing-side method to determine a set of books that have cited the target book, and which should therefore be relevant to it and delimit the book’s field or discipline, but then we count the number of citations that these books have received rather than the size of the reference lists to normalize with. It would theoretically be possible to use the books’ reference lists but these can be extremely large and unwieldy, and are not easily available in the citing databases.
Bornmann and Haunschild (2016) have also suggested a hybrid method for normalizing papers. In their method, the field for a target paper or journal is defined using the WoS field lists (as in the cited-side method) but it is the reference lists of these papers that are used for the normalization rather than the number of times they have been cited (as in the citing-side method). These differences are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Variations in methods of normalization.
Metric used for the normalization
Mean number of citations received by comparator papers Mean number of references in the comparator papers
Method for determining the comparator set of papers WoS field list of journals Traditional cited-side methods such as MNCS Bornmann and Haunschild hybrid
Papers that have cited the target paper or journal Mingers and Kaymaz hybrid in this paper Traditional citing-side methods such as SNIP
This shows that in some sense our method is the obverse of Bornmann and Haunschild’s.
The first section of the paper will explain the method in more detail; the second section will discuss the dataset and problems encountered in collecting the data; and the third section will present the results.

2 The hybrid method

2.1 Defining the comparator set

The hybrid method uses the citing-side approach to identify a set of relevant books with which to normalize the target book. These will be the books that have cited the target book according to GS. We choose to look only at citing books rather than papers for several reasons. First, generally all normalization approaches aim to compare like with like. They take into account the type of publication—journal paper, editorial, review, conference paper, report etc.—and they also only consider outputs produced in the same year. Second, studies of book citations have shown that they do indeed differ from citations of other types of publications in a variety of ways (Glänzel et al., 2016; Kousha et al., 2011; Leydesdorff & Felt, 2012; Torres-Salinas et al., 2014). There are also problems in bibliometrically identifying books that do not occur so much with journal papers (Giménez-Toledo et al., 2016; Williams et al., 2018; Zuccala et al., 2018; Zuccala & Cornacchia, 2016) which will be discussed in the data collection section.
One question that could be raised is, to what extent do the set of citing books (as opposed to a WoS field list) actually capture the appropriate field or discipline? This is fundamental to the purpose of normalization as Garfield stated:
“Evaluation studies using citation data must be sensitive to all divisions, both subtle and gross, between areas of research; and when they are found, the study must properly compensate for disparities in citation potential” ((Garfield, 1979) quoted in (Moed, 2010b)).
It could be the case, for example, that the citing books come from a range of different disciplines with different citing characteristics. There has been little research on this so far. We also have to be aware that our method, counting the citations (all citations not just book citations) to books that cite the focal book, makes them one step removed. This is related to the idea of a “citation wake” (Fragkiadaki & Evangelidis, 2014, 2016; Klosik & Bornholdt, 2014) which traces the citation network of indirect citations following the publication of a particular target paper, but this approach is more concerned with giving due credit to the impact of important papers rather than normalizing them.
As we outlined above, there are currently two main methods of delineating the field but we do not believe that there is, at the moment, a perfect answer—both methods have advantages and limitations. With our citing-side methodology, it is true that the set of citing books could potentially range across fields and even disciplines but the main reason for us choosing it is because there simply is no available equivalent of the WoS field lists for books—that is the main reason that no book normalization methods have been developed. More positively, however, this approach is well-established and accepted (Leydesdorff & Opthof, 2010; Moed, 2010a, 2010b; Zitt, 2010, 2011), and Moed argues that it is actually superior to field lists:
“Delimitation of a journal’s subject field does not depend upon some pre-defined categorization of journals into subject categories, but is entirely based on citation relationships. It is carried out on a (citing) paper-by-paper basis, rather than on a (citing) journal-by-journal basis.
The delimitation is ‘tailor-made’. A subject field can be defined accurately even when general or multidisciplinary journals covering several fields rather than one play an important role in it.” (Moed, 2010a)
Using WoS fields as in cited-side normalization has the advantage of a pre-defined list of journals that is open and transparent, and is the same for all the publications being normalized. And, clearly, in some sense it is seen, at least by WoS, as defining a field. However, there are also well recognized problems. Bornmann and Haunschild (2016) point out that there are multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary journals that cannot be easily assigned to a field, and that the WoS fields are themselves not well defined being a mix of broad and fine-grained categories with journals appearing in more than one category. Mingers and Leydesdorff (2015a) conducted an empirical analysis of the field of business and management, which is very diverse, using factor analysis on a journal cross-citation matrix from WoS. They found that clear groupings could be established although it was difficult to decide how many groups there should be, and the groupings were significantly different from those of WoS for this area.

2.2 Defining the normalization metric

We then count the number of citations in GS that each of these books have received and calculate the average either using the mean or the median (to be discussed later). One problem with this is that by definition the citing books will all be more recent than the target book otherwise they would not be able to cite it. This means that they will have had less time to generate citations and so the comparison would not be fair. To overcome this, we actually use the rate of citations rather than the absolute number of citations, that is the number of citations divided by the number of years since the book’s publication2(2Current year—original publication year. A book that was published in the current year would be excluded.). This is not perfect since it takes some years for citations to fully develop (Mingers, 2008) but no better alternative could be found.
Step 1 Identify the target book in Google Scholar using the authors, title and year of publication. Sometimes the ISBN from the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) dataset was also used.
Step 2 Find all the citations of the target book within GS and the number of years since publication, and divide the citations by the years to calculate the citations per year for that book.
Step 3 Select only those citing works that are books. This turns out to be practically very difficult as will be discussed in the next section.
Step 4 Ascertain the number of citations that these books have received from all sources not just other books, and the number of years since publication, and calculate the citations per year for each one. Note that GS includes citations from many sources not just papers or books. Again there are problems in this stage.
Step 5 Calculate the mean or median of these citation rates.
Step 6 Divide the citation rate for the target book by the average citation rate for the citing books to give the normalized value.

3 The dataset and problems in data collection

3.1 The dataset

To test this method we required a set of books, primarily research books since textbooks are not usually included in research evaluations, that were published some time ago in order to allow citations to develop and about which we had accurate publication details. The set we chose was all the books submitted to the 2008 UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) in the field of Business and Management (this can be downloaded from These were all books published between 2001 and 2007, and should all be research books. Their publication details should have been validated by the RAE although in fact some errors were found. This is the same source as used by Kousha and Thelwall (2011). In all there were 285 (there are only 283 in the dataset as two were not found as books)—although this is not a very large number, given the extensive manual work that was required it was still extremely time-consuming. They involved querying 5,366 citing books although the number of total citations is very much greater than this.

3.2 Problems in using the Google Scholar data

We will discuss the process and problems of data collection in terms of the six steps outlined above. All GS searches were done using the Publish or Perish (PoP) interface but while this makes it much easier to examine and analyze the results, PoP is only performing GS searches and so inherits all the data problems of GS. One noticeable problem it that searches are extremely sensitive to the particular information typed in, and the fields that are used. In general, we found it better to begin searches with a minimal amount of information, e.g. just the title, and then add in more if necessary. If one begins with the full information then sometimes GS cannot find it as it is too specific in comparison with the information that GS mines.
Step 1 Identifying the target book.
a) Type book name on “All of the words”
b) If more than one result found with different names, then look up for the ISBN number given on the list in GS; thus, find the correct name of the book and search again with this book name
c) If more than one result is found with different names, then type the authors name on “Authors” to narrow down the search
d) Check again number of cites on Google Scholar manually
e) If there are more than one entry, perhaps from different sources, then combine the citation lists but this must be done carefully as some of the citations may be the same.
Step 2 Having found all the citations, the publication date should also be known and so it was straightforward to calculate the citations per year for the target book. Note that this includes all citations, not just those by other books.
Step 3 For the target book, select from its citations only those that are books. At first sight this seemed easy but in fact it raised quite fundamental issues.
a) GS does try to classify citing works as being of particular types, one of which is “book”. This appears as a column in PoP. However, this is highly inaccurate both because some classified as books in fact are not, but more so because many that are not classified as books in fact are.
b) The first stage is with those classified as “books” by GS. Ideally the “publisher” field will have the actual publisher and clicking on the title does take you to the publisher’s website where it can be confirmed as a book. However, sometimes the publisher field refers to something else, perhaps an institutional repository, or is just blank. In these cases it is necessary to search manually to try and find the book, looking in Google Books, Amazon, the British Library or the Library of Congress and even occasionally eBay.
Different results for the same book can also be found, perhaps because the citations have been entered differently (e.g. the authors the wrong way round), or because GS finds it from different sources. It is necessary to investigate each one and if they do appear to refer to the same book, the citations are amalgamated.
c) With entries not classified as “books” the situation is more complex (Zuccala et al., 2018; Zuccala & Cornacchia, 2016). The general possibilities are “citation”, “pdf”, “html” or most commonly just “blank”. We can firstly rule out most journal papers because they generally have the journal in the “publisher” field and it is relatively rare that “pdf” or “html” refer to actual books. But that leaves a large number of “citation” and “blank” each one of which has to be investigated. Several publishers appeared regularly in the “publisher” field but were generally not books:
● Proquest are nearly always dissertations
● GRIN Publishing was rarely seen as books by GS but in fact specializes in e-books
● DiVA Portal is mainly dissertations but does have some books
● JSTOR is nearly always journal articles
● “gov”, “edu”, and “ac” are nearly always theses, reports or papers.
These investigations raised another issue which turned out to be rather fundamental and that is the question “what actually counts as a book?” One of the criteria that we tried to use was the possession of an International Standard Book Number (ISBN). After all, this is a “book” number and so should only be applied to a book. But we found that in fact many reports had ISBNs as did dissertations and conference proceedings. It turns out that ISBNs can be purchased by institutions and then applied fairly indiscriminately to anything they want. In fact, the ISBN website explains:
What does an ISBN identify?
ISBNs are assigned to text-based monographic publications (i.e. one-off publications rather than journals, newspapers, or other types of serials).
Any book made publicly available, whether for sale or on a gratis basis, can be identified by ISBN.
In addition, individual sections (such as chapters) of books or issues or articles from journals, periodicals or serials that are made available separately may also use the ISBN as an identifier.
We then investigated a number of other sources including literature searches in the bibliometrics literature, databases such as WoS and Scopus, the REF, and the British Library and the Library of Congress but could find no clear definition that would distinguish between published books, dissertations or reports. In fact, librarians that we spoke to said that it varied between disciplines and countries. In some countries it was standard practice that PhD dissertations would be published as books with no changes. There were particular publishers who did this for a payment from the author. On the other hand, particularly in the humanities, it was considered necessary to make significant changes to a dissertation before it was published.
Similar conclusions were reached by Williams et al. (2018) in a study of the place of books in research evaluation within Europe. They found that the definition of books was equally unclear and differed between disciplines and also countries. For example, in the UK’s REF evaluation, which is by peer review, the definition was fairly broad and it was left to the reviewers to judge if an output was in fact a book, while in Poland and the Czech Republic where there are purely quantitative systems, books were defined very precisely. They concluded “None of these questions have easy answers or any answer at all. The reality is that much depends on the disciplines involved and on the evaluation policies of different institutions and countries.” (Williams et al., 2018)
For the purposes of this research we took an ad hoc definition that the item needed to have an ISBN and be traceable in either Google Books, Amazon, or the publisher’s website.
Step 4 Having decided which citing works were books, we then found the number of citations to the target book and the publication date of the citing work. Although generally straightforward, a problem emerged here when some of the citing books had extremely high numbers of citations—in the thousands rather than the usual hundreds. On investigation these generally were books that had been published many years ago and had many editions. GS, not unreasonably, counts all the citations to all the different editions of the book. The problem is that many of these editions would have been published before the target book and so could not possibly have cited it. Zuccala et al. (2018) have investigated this as part of the problem of accurate indexing and citation counts of “families” of books, that is books that have different editions, publishers or content (Zuccala & Cornacchia, 2016).
It is desirable to identify only those citations that had occurred in editions after the target book was published, but this again was not straightforward. Consulting the publisher’s website or Google Books or Amazon did not usually provide a full history of the various editions. It was possible to search for the book up in the British Library catalogue and sometimes, but not always, the publication history was available on the “Additional Information” tab. As we could not reliably get this information, we decided to use the years since first publication to calculate the citations per year otherwise they were unrealistically high.
Step 5 Once the citations per year for all the citing books were found their mean and median were calculated. One practical problem was that in some cases none of the citing works were books so no average figure could be calculated. In this case the target book could not be normalized.
Step 6 The citations for the target books were normalized by dividing their citations per year by the average of the citations per year for their citing books.

4 Results

Figure 1 shows a frequency diagram of the number of citations received by the target set of books. The majority of books, approximately 70%, have less than 100 citations but twelve of the books have more than thousand citations each which is a considerable number. Also, 38 out of 285 books have more than 500 citations.
Figure 1. Citation frequency for the set of target books.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of citations per year for the target set of 285 books where each book’s total citations have been divided by its years since publication. Roughly one hundred have 3 or less cites per year while 43 have over 31 cites per year. Approximately half the books have been cited less than 6 times per year and 70% less than 14 times.
Figure 2. Frequency distribution of cites per year for target books.
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the mean cites per year of the citing books for each of the target books. In other words, this is the distribution of the figures that will be used to normalize the data. As can be seen from the histograms, the two distributions are quite similar in shape—highly skewed—although there are fewer extreme values in Figure 3 because the data are averages which tends to reduce the variance. This can also be seen in the summary statistics in Table 1.
Figure 3. Distribution of the mean cites per year of the citing books for each target book.
Finally, in Figure 4, we see the distribution of the normalized data. With normalized citations, a value of 1 means that the book is being cited at the same rate as its reference set. Values above 1 show better citation rates and values below 1 show rates less good rates than the reference set.
Figure 4. Distribution of normalized citation scores.
Interesting, roughly half (53%) are above 1 and half below 1. Looking in more detail though, the 27 that have a value of zero are actually examples where there are no citing books and so a normalized value could not be calculated. After that, there are 64 (22%) up to and including 0.5 and a further 41 (14 %) up to 1. Generally, normalized values rarely go above 5 (i.e. 5 times the average citation rate) but here there are values going up to 74, which is certainly extreme. These large outliers were generally caused by very small mean citations of the citing books. For example, Cornford and Smithson (2005) had received 277 citations in 11 years, giving a rate of 27.2 per year. It had only eight citing books all of which had very few citations giving a mean citation rate of 0.37, thus generating the very high normalized value.
At the other extreme, there are books with very small normalized values, often because there was a citing book with a large number of citations which pushed the mean citations upwards. For example, Hecksher et al. (2003) has 44 citations but one of its citing books is Morgan’s (1986) “Images of Organization” which had 18,475 citations. Admittedly this was over 31 years but it still led to a large mean citations value giving a normalized score of 0.04. With this method it is better if books do not get cited by books that have very high citations.
In part, these extreme values are caused by there being relatively small numbers of citing books in each set generating mean citation scores with a large variance. We can also see that all the distributions are highly skewed and this affects the mean values significantly. Note that for the normalized cites, the mean is 3.2 but the median is close to 1. We will discuss possible ways of avoiding this later.
Table 2 Summary statistics for the citation distributions.
Mean Median SD Skewness Min Max
Cites of target books 200.3 69 331.9 3.2 1.0 2,543
Cites per year 15.6 5.6 24.7 3 0.1 168.9
Mean cites/year of citing books 7.9 5.9 9.1 3.4 0.0 80.5
Normalized cites 3.2 1.1 7.5 6.3 0.0 74.5
Looking at Table 2, we can see that the target set of books averaged 200 citations each in total and 15.6 per year. The median was significantly less at 69. The third row shows the summary statistics for the mean cites per year for the 283 sets of citing books. Thus the mean of 7.9 is actually a mean of means. Finally, the normalized citations have a mean of 3.2. That is, the target books are cited on average three times more than their reference sets. This may seem very high but it needs to be remembered that these books were submitted to the REF and would therefore be seen as very strong research books. There were over 12,000 outputs submitted to the REF but the vast majority were refereed journal papers as these were thought to be scored more highly so if books were submitted it was because they were felt to be very good. However, the median of this distribution is only 1.1 showing that the large outliers were affecting the mean and that the 50th percentile was in fact close to 1.
We also considered two ways to get around the problem of small sample sizes in the set of reference books. The first was to use the median cites per year for each set rather than the mean to avoid the influence of extreme outliers. However, as the distributions are positively skewed the medians are always lower and in fact the mean of the medians is 3.6, compared with 7.9 as the mean of the means. This results in the normalized values being even higher—a mean of 7.8 in comparison with 3.2—which seems excessively high.
The second approach was more radical. With the current hybrid methodology, each target book generates its own individual reference set of books and these sets can vary considerably in the number of citations they receive. We could move back to the more traditional cited-side approach and consider the complete set of citing books as the reference set for the whole field of business and management, and calculate a single overall mean for all of them. This value would then be used to normalize all the target books. This method would not be able to normalize between the target books within a subject but it would enable business and management to be normalized relative to the other fields. In the 2008 REF there were actually 68 subject panels so each would calculate its own normalization factor for books. This number was much reduced to only 36 panels in the 2014 REF.
With our data, the overall mean citation rate across all the citing books individually was 9.2 compared with 7.9 when they were taken in groups (the two values are different because of the different sizes of the sets). This makes the mean normalized value for the target books 1.7 compared with 3.2 with the individual sets method, which seems not unreasonable.

5 Conclusions

The aim of this paper was to investigate normalizing book citations using Google Scholar data. As far as we are aware, this has not been done before because there are no obvious reference sets with which to normalize books. For papers there are other papers published in the journal, or the journals of the field; for book chapters there are the other chapters in the book; and for conference papers there are the others from the conference. We have used GS because other citation databases do not yet cover books comprehensively. We have tested a novel hybrid method that uses the citing-side to generate a reference set of books for each target book but then uses their citations rather than their reference lists.
The results show that it is possible in principle to normalize books in this way. However, as with previous tests of GS for normalization, it is extremely time-consuming as it requires considerable manual intervention for searching and data correction in order to ensure even moderately reliable results. Indeed, GS data is quite unreliable and the user interface is crude.
The research threw up a more fundamental issue, what exactly is a book? There seems to be no precise or agreed definition of what should be classified as a book as opposed to a dissertation or a report for example. Both can have ISBNs as, indeed, can journals or journal papers where they are published stand-alone ( There are significant differences in practice between disciplines and between countries. Given that this is one of the fundamental categories in bibliometrics it surely deserves further research and debate.
Another fundamental question is how to understand and define the appropriate disciplinary field against which a book should be normalized, and how to measure the appropriate level of citation potential or citation rate. We have used the set of citing books as the field in this research, partly because of the lack of WoS-type field lists for books but also because it can be argued that this provides the most appropriate, fine-grained definition of a field unique for each focal book. It would be useful to have a more in-depth study of the disciplinary and citation fields of particular books to throw more light on these questions.
This paper is limited in that it is a fairly small-scale test—it would be interesting to conduct a much larger test perhaps using WoS or Scopus even though their repository of books is limited.

Author Contributions

John Mingers ( developed the concept and wrote the paper. Eren Kaymaz ( collected and analyzed the data.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Adriaanse L,&Rensleigh C. (2013). Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. The Electronic Library, 31(6), 727-744.

Bornmann L,&Haunschild R. (2016). Citation score normalized by cited references (Csncr): The introduction of a new citation impact indicator. Journal of Informetrics, 10(3), 875-887.In this paper, a new field-normalized indicator is introduced, which is rooted in early insights in bibliometrics, and is compared with several established field-normalized indicators (e.g. the mean normalized citation score, MNCS, and indicators based on percentile approaches). Garfield (1979) emphasizes that bare citation counts from different fields cannot be compared for evaluative purposes, because the “citation potential” can vary significantly between the fields. Garfield (1979) suggests that “the most accurate measure of citation potential is the average number of references per paper published in a given field." Based on this suggestion, the new indicator is basically defined as follows: the citation count of a focal paper is divided by the mean number of cited references in a field to normalize citations. The new indicator is called citation score normalized by cited references (CSNCR). The theoretical analysis of the CSNCR shows that it has the properties of consistency and homogeneous normalization. The close relation of the new indicator to the MNCS is discussed. The empirical comparison of the CSNCR with other field-normalized indicators shows that it is slightly poorer able to field-normalize citation counts than other cited-side normalized indicators (e.g. the MNCS), but its results are favorable compared to two citing-side indicator variants (SNCS indicators). Taken as a whole, the results of this study confirm the ability of established indicators to field-normalize citations.


Bornmann L,&Marx W. (2015). Methods for the generation of normalized citation impact scores in bibliometrics: Which method best reflects the judgements of experts? Journal of Informetrics, 9(2), 408-418.Evaluative bibliometrics compare the citation impact of researchers, research groups and institutions with each other across time scales and disciplines. Both factors, discipline and period have an influence on the citation count which is independent of the quality of the publication. Normalizing the citation impact of papers for these two factors started in the mid-1980s. Since then, a range of different methods have been presented for producing normalized citation impact scores. The current study uses a data set of over 50,000 records to test which of the methods so far presented correlate better with the assessment of papers by peers. The peer assessments come from F1000Prime a post-publication peer review system of the biomedical literature. Of the normalized indicators, the current study involves not only cited-side indicators, such as the mean normalized citation score, but also citing-side indicators. As the results show, the correlations of the indicators with the peer assessments all turn out to be very similar. Since F1000 focuses on biomedicine, it is important that the results of this study are validated by other studies based on datasets from other disciplines or (ideally) based on multi-disciplinary datasets.


Bornmann L., Thor A., Marx W., & Schier H. (2016). The application of bibliometrics to research evaluation in the Humanities and Social Sciences: An exploratory study using normalized Google Scholar data for the publications of a research institute. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(11), 2778-2789.Abstract In the humanities and social sciences, bibliometric methods for the assessment of research performance are (so far) less common. This study uses a concrete example in an attempt to evaluate a research institute from the area of social sciences and humanities with the help of data from Google Scholar (GS). In order to use GS for a bibliometric study, we developed procedures for the normalization of citation impact, building on the procedures of classical bibliometrics. In order to test the convergent validity of the normalized citation impact scores, we calculated normalized scores for a subset of the publications based on data from the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. Even if scores calculated with the help of GS and the WoS/Scopus are not identical for the different publication types (considered here), they are so similar that they result in the same assessment of the institute investigated in this study: For example, the institute's papers whose journals are covered in the WoS are cited at about an average rate (compared with the other papers in the journals).


Cornford T,&Smithson S (2005). Project research in information systems: A student’s guide. Springer.

Crespo J. A., Herranz N., Li Y., & Ruiz-Castillo J. (2014). The effect on citation inequality of differences in citation practices at the Web of Science subject category level. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(6), 1244-1256.This article studies the impact of differences in citation practices at the subfield, or Web of Science subject category level, using the model introduced in Crespo, Li, and Ruiz-Castillo (2013a), according to which the number of citations received by an article depends on its underlying scientific influence and the field to which it belongs. We use the same Thomson Reuters data set of about 4.4 million articles used in Crespo et090009al. (2013a) to analyze 22 broad fields. The main results are the following: First, when the classification system goes from 22 fields to 219 subfields the effect on citation inequality of differences in citation practices increases from 09080414% at the field level to 18% at the subfield level. Second, we estimate a set of exchange rates (ERs) over a wide [660, 978] citation quantile interval to express the citation counts of articles into the equivalent counts in the all-sciences case. In the fractional case, for example, we find that in 187 of 219 subfields the ERs are reliable in the sense that the coefficient of variation is smaller than or equal to 0.10. Third, in the fractional case the normalization of the raw data using the ERs (or subfield mean citations) as normalization factors reduces the importance of the differences in citation practices from 18% to 3.8% (3.4%) of overall citation inequality. Fourth, the results in the fractional case are essentially replicated when we adopt a multiplicative approach.


Fragkiadaki E,&Evangelidis G. (2014). Review of the indirect citations paradigm: Theory and practice of the assessment of papers, authors and journals. Scientometrics, 99(2), 261-288.The family of indicators presented in this paper includes indices created by taking into account not only the direct but also the indirect impact of citations and references. Three types of citation graphs are presented, namely, the Paper-Citation graph , the Author-Citation graph and the Journal-Citation graph , along with different methods for constructing them. In addition, the concept of generations of citations is examined in detail, again by presenting various methods for defining them found in the literature. Finally, a number of indirect indicators for papers, authors and journals are discussed, which among others, include PageRank, CiteRank, indirect h-index and the EigenFactor score .


Fragkiadaki E,&Evangelidis G. (2016). Three novel indirect indicators for the assessment of papers and authors based on generations of citations. Scientometrics, 106(2), 657-694.Abstract A new indirect indicator is introduced for the assessment of scientific publications. The proposed indicator ( $$fp^{k}$$ f p k -index) takes into account both the direct and indirect impact of scientific publications and their age. The indicator builds on the concept of generations of citations and acts as a measure of the accumulated impact of each scientific publication. A number of cases are examined that demonstrate the way the indicator behaves under well defined conditions in a Paper-Citation graph, like when a paper is cited by a highly cited paper, when cycles exist and when self-citations and chords are examined. Two new indicators for the assessment of authors are also proposed (fa-index and fas-index) that utilize the $$fp^{k}$$ f p k -index values of the scientific publications included in the Publication Record of an author. Finally, a comparative study of the $$fp^{k}$$ f p k and $$fa^{k}$$ f a k indices and a list of well known direct (Number of Citations, Mean number of citations, Contemporary h-index) and indirect (PageRank, SCEAS) indicators is presented.


Garfield E.(1979). Citation indexing: Its theory and application in science, technology and humanities. New York: Wiley.Discusses:- 1) conceptual and historical views of citation indexing; 2) the design and production of a citation index; 3) its usage; 4) mapping the structure of science; 5) the application of citation indexing to the patent literature; 6) the future of citation indexing


Giménez-Toledo E., Mañana-Rodríguez J., Engels T. C., Ingwersen P., Pölönen J., Sivertsen G., Verleysen F. T., & Zuccala A. A. (2016). Taking scholarly books into account: Current developments in five European countries. Scientometrics, 107(2), 685-699.For academic book authors and the institutions assessing their research performance, the relevance of books is undisputed. In spite of this, the absence of comprehensive international databases covering the items and information needed for the assessment of this type of publication has urged several European countries to develop custom-built information systems for the registration of scholarly books, as well as weighting and funding allocation procedures. For the first time, these systems make the assessment of books as a research output feasible. The present paper summarizes the main features of the registration and/or assessment systems developed in five European countries/regions (Spain, Denmark, Flanders, Finland and Norway), focusing on the processes involved in the collection and processing of data on book publications, their weighting, as well as the application in the context of research assessment and funding.


Glänzel W., Thijs B., & Chi P. S. (2016). The challenges to expand bibliometric studies from periodical literature to monographic literature with a new data source: The book citation index. Scientometrics, 109(3), 2165-2179.Abstract This study aims to gain a better understanding of communication patterns in different publication types and the applicability of the Book Citation Index (BKCI) for building indicators for use in both informetrics studies and research evaluation. The authors investigated the differences not only in citation impact between journal and book literature, but also in citation patterns between edited books and their monographic authored counterparts. The complete 2005 volume of the Web of Science Core Collection database including the three journal databases and the BKCI has been processed as source documents. The results of this study show that books are more heterogeneous information sources and addressed to more heterogeneous target groups than journals. Comparatively, the differences between edited and authored books in terms of the citation impact are not so impressive as books versus journals. Advanced models and indicators which have been developed for periodicals also work for books owever with some limitations.


Harzing A. W.2007. Publish or Perish. Retrieved from .

Harzing, A. W., &Alakangas S. (2016). Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science: A longitudinal and cross-disciplinary comparison. Scientometrics, 106(2), 787-804.This article aims to provide a systematic and comprehensive comparison of the coverage of the three major bibliometric databases: Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science. Based on a sample of...


Heckscher C. C., Maccoby M., Ramirez R., & Tixier P. E. (2003). Agents of change: Crossing the post-industrial divide. Wiley Online Library.

Klosik , D.F., &Bornholdt S. (2014). The citation wake of publications detects nobel laureates’ papers. PloS one, 9(12), e113184.Abstract For several decades, a leading paradigm of how to quantitatively assess scientific research has been the analysis of the aggregated citation information in a set of scientific publications. Although the representation of this information as a citation network has already been coined in the 1960s, it needed the systematic indexing of scientific literature to allow for impact metrics that actually made use of this network as a whole, improving on the then prevailing metrics that were almost exclusively based on the number of direct citations. However, besides focusing on the assignment of credit, the paper citation network can also be studied in terms of the proliferation of scientific ideas. Here we introduce a simple measure based on the shortest-paths in the paper's in-component or, simply speaking, on the shape and size of the wake of a paper within the citation network. Applied to a citation network containing Physical Review publications from more than a century, our approach is able to detect seminal articles which have introduced concepts of obvious importance to the further development of physics. We observe a large fraction of papers co-authored by Nobel Prize laureates in physics among the top-ranked publications.


Kousha K., Thelwall M., & Rezaie S. (2011). Assessing the citation impact of books: The role of Google Books, Google Scholar, and Scopus. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 62(11), 2147-2164.Citation indictors are increasingly used in some subject areas to support peer review in the evaluation of researchers and departments. Nevertheless, traditional journal-based citation indexes may be inadequate for the citation impact assessment of book-based disciplines. This article examines whether online citations from Google Books and Google Scholar can provide alternative sources of citation evidence. To investigate this, we compared the citation counts to 1,000 books submitted to the 2008 U.K. Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) from Google Books and Google Scholar with Scopus citations across seven book-based disciplines (archaeology; law; politics and international studies; philosophy; sociology; history; and communication, cultural, and media studies). Google Books and Google Scholar citations to books were 1.4 and 3.2 times more common than were Scopus citations, and their medians were more than twice and three times as high as were Scopus median citations, respectively. This large number of citations is evidence that in book-oriented disciplines in the social sciences, arts, and humanities, online book citations may be sufficiently numerous to support peer review for research evaluation, at least in the United Kingdom.


Leydesdorff L., Bornmann L., Opthof T., & Mutz R. (2011). Normalizing the measurement of citation performance: Principles for comparing sets of documents. arXiv.Using citation analysis, sets of documents can be compared as independent samples; for example, in terms of average citation counts using potentially different reference sets. From this perspective, the size of samples matters only for the identification of significant differences and estimating margins of error. Using the percentile rank approach, differences among citation distributions can be studied non-parametrically and in a single scheme. Comparison among the sets clarifies that the different sizes of samples affect the weighing of the probabilities and therefore the rankings. We distinguish among (1) the normalization of papers against external reference sets, (2) normalization in terms of frequencies relative to the margin-totals of independent versus dependent samples, and (3) the potentially normative definition of percentile rank classes for the evaluation (e.g., top-1% most highly cited, median, etc.). When the sets to be evaluated are considered as subsamples of a single sample, the consequent citation indicator can be negatively correlated to citation indicators used hitherto.Leydesdorff, Loet; Bornmann, Lutz; Mutz, Rdiger; Opthof, Tobias

Leydesdorff L., &Felt U. (2012). “Books” and “Book Chapters” in the Book Citation Index (Bkci) and Science Citation Index (Sci, Sosci, A & Hci). Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49(1), 1-7.In 2011, Thomson-Reuters introduced the Book Citation Index (BKCI) as part of the Science Citation Index (SCI). The interface of the Web of Science version 5 enables users to search for both "Books" and "Book Chapters" as new categories. Books and book chapters, however, were always among the cited references, and book chapters have been included in the database since 2005. We explore the two categories with both BKCI and SCI, and in the sister databases for the social sciences (SoSCI) and the arts & humanities (A&HCI). Book chapters in edited volumes can be highly cited. Books contain many citing references, but are relatively less cited. We suggest that this may find its origin in the slower circulation of books then of journal articles. It is possible to distinguish bibliometrically between monographs and edited volumes among the "Books". Monographs may be underrated in terms of citation impact or overrated using publication performance indicators because individual chapters are counted separately as contributions in terms of articles, reviews, and/or book chapters.


Leydesdorff L,&Opthof T. (2010). Scopus’s source normalized impact per paper (Snip) versus a journal impact factor based on fractional counting of citations. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(11), 2365-2369.Impact factors (and similar measures such as the Scimago Journal Rankings) suffer from two problems: (a) citation behavior varies among fields of science and, therefore, leads to systematic differences, and (b) there are no statistics to inform us whether differences are significant. The recently introduced “source normalized impact per paper” indicator of Scopus tries to remedy the first of these two problems, but a number of normalization decisions are involved, which makes it impossible to test for significance. Using fractional counting of citations—based on the assumption that impact is proportionate to the number of references in the citing documents—citations can be contextualized at the paper level and aggregated impacts of sets can be tested for their significance. It can be shown that the weighted impact of Annals of Mathematics (0.247) is not so much lower than that of Molecular Cell (0.386) despite a five-f old difference between their impact factors (2.793 and 13.156, respectively).


Meho L,&Yang K (2007). Impact of data sources on citation counts and rankings of lis faculty: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Journal American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(13), 2105-2125.The Institute for Scientific Information's (ISI) citation databases have been used for decades as a starting point and often as the only tools for locating citations and/or conducting citation analyses. ISI databases (or Web of Science [WoS]), however, may no longer be sufficient because new databases and tools that allow citation searching are now available. Using citations to the work of 25 library and information science faculty members as a case study, this paper examines the effects of using Scopus and Google Scholar (GS) on the citation counts and rankings of scholars as measured by WoS. Overall, more than 10,000 citing and purportedly citing documents were examined. Results show that Scopus significantly alters the relative ranking of those scholars that appear in the middle of the rankings and that GS stands out in its coverage of conference proceedings as well as international, non-English language journals. The use of Scopus and GS, in addition to WoS, helps reveal a more accurate and comprehensive picture of the scholarly impact of authors. WoS data took about 100 hours of collecting and processing time, Scopus consumed 200 hours, and GS a grueling 3,000 hours.


Mingers J.2008. Exploring the dynamics of journal citations: Modelling with S-Curves. Journal Operational Research Society, 59(8), 1013-1025.This paper reports on an exploratory analysis of the behaviour of citations for management science papers over a 14-year period. Citations often display s-curve type behaviour: beginning slowly, rising in response to previous citations, and then declining as the material becomes obsolete. Within the context of citation research such functions are known as obsolescence functions. The paper addresses three specific questions: (i) can collections of papers from the same journal all be modelled using the same obsolescence function? (ii) Can we identify specific patterns of behaviour such as 'sleeping beauties' or 'shooting stars'? (iii) Can we predict the number of future citations from the pattern of behaviour in the first few years? Over 600 papers published in six leading management science journals are analysed using a variety of s-curves.


Mingers J,&Leydesdorff L. (2015a). Identifying research fields within business and management: A journal cross-citation analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(8), 1370-1384.A discipline such as business and management (B&M) is very broad and has many fields within it, ranging from fairly scientific ones such as management science or economics to softer ones such as information systems. There are at least three reasons why it is important to identify these sub-fields accurately. First, to give insight into the structure of the subject area and identify perhaps unrecognised commonalities; second, for the purpose of normalising citation data as it is well-known that citation rates vary significantly between different disciplines. And third, because journal rankings and lists tend to split their classifications into different subjects or example, the Association of Business Schools list, which is a standard in the UK, has 22 different fields. Unfortunately, at the moment these are created in an ad-hoc manner with no underlying rigour. The purpose of this paper is to identify possible sub-fields in B&M rigorously based on actual citation patterns. We have examined 450 journals in B&M, which are included in the ISI Web of Science and analysed the cross-citation rates between them enabling us to generate sets of coherent and consistent sub-fields that minimise the extent to which journals appear in several categories. Implications and limitations of the analysis are discussed.


Mingers J,&Leydesdorff L. (2015b). A review of theory and practice in scientometrics. European Journal of Operational Research, 246(1), 1-19.Scientometrics is the study of the quantitative aspects of the process of science as a communication system. It is centrally, but not only, concerned with the analysis of citations in the academic literature. In recent years it has come to play a major role in the measurement and evaluation of research performance. In this review we consider: the historical development of scientometrics, sources of citation data, citation metrics and the "laws" of scientometrics, normalisation, journal impact factors and other journal metrics, visualising and mapping science, evaluation and policy, and future developments.


Mingers J,&Lipitakis E. (2010). Counting the citations: A comparison of Web of Science and Google Scholar in the field of management. Scientometrics, 85(2), 613-625.Assessing the quality of the knowledge produced by business and management academics is increasingly being metricated. Moreover,emphasis is being placed on the impact of the research rather than simply where it is published. The main metric for impact is the number of citations a paper receives. Traditionally this data has come from the ISI Web of Science but research has shown that this has poor coverage in the social sciences. A newer and different source for citations is Google Scholar. In this paper we compare the two on a dataset of over 4,600 publications from three UK Business Schools. The results show that Web of Science is indeed poor in the area of management and that Google Scholar, whilst somewhat unreliable, has a much better coverage. The conclusion is that Web of Science should not be used for measuring research impact in management.


Mingers J,&Lipitakis E. (2013). Evaluating a department’s research: Testing the Leiden methodology in business and management. Information Processing & Management, 49(3), 587-595.The Leiden methodology (LM), also sometimes called the rown indicator? is a quantitative method for evaluating the research quality of a research group or academic department based on the citations received by the group in comparison to averages for the field. There have been a number of applications but these have mainly been in the hard sciences where the data on citations, provided by the ISI Web of Science (WoS), is more reliable. In the social sciences, including business and management, many journals and books are not included within WoS and so the LM has not been tested here. In this research study the LM has been applied on a dataset of over 3000 research publications from three UK business schools. The results show that the LM does indeed discriminate between the schools, and has a degree of concordance with other forms of evaluation, but that there are significant limitations and problems within this discipline.


Mingers J,&Meyer M. (2017). Normalizing Google Scholar data for use in research evaluation. Scientometrics, 112(2), 1111-1121.Abstract Using bibliometric data for the evaluation of the research of institutions and individuals is becoming increasingly common. Bibliometric evaluations across disciplines require that the data be normalized to the field because the fields are very different in their citation processes. Generally, the major bibliographic databases such as Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus are used for this but they have the disadvantage of limited coverage in the social science and humanities. Coverage in Google Scholar (GS) is much better but GS has less reliable data and fewer bibliometric tools. This paper tests a method for GS normalization developed by Bornmann et al. (J Assoc Inf Sci Technol 67:2778 2789, 2016) on an alternative set of data involving journal papers, book chapters and conference papers. The results show that GS normalization is possible although at the moment it requires extensive manual involvement in generating and validating the data. A comparison of the normalized results for journal papers with WoS data shows a high degree of convergent validity.


Moed H. (2010a). Measuring contextual citation impact of scientific journals. Journal of Informetrics, 4(3), 265-277.This paper explores a new indicator of journal citation impact, denoted as source normalized impact per paper ( SNIP). It measures a journal's contextual citation impact, taking into account characteristics of its properly defined subject field, especially the frequency at which authors cite other papers in their reference lists, the rapidity of maturing of citation impact, and the extent to which a database used for the assessment covers the field's literature. It further develops Eugene Garfield's notions of a field's ‘citation potential’ defined as the average length of references lists in a field and determining the probability of being cited, and the need in fair performance assessments to correct for differences between subject fields. A journal's subject field is defined as the set of papers citing that journal. SNIP is defined as the ratio of the journal's citation count per paper and the citation potential in its subject field. It aims to allow direct comparison of sources in different subject fields. Citation potential is shown to vary not only between journal subject categories – groupings of journals sharing a research field – or disciplines (e.g., journals in mathematics, engineering and social sciences tend to have lower values than titles in life sciences), but also between journals within the same subject category. For instance, basic journals tend to show higher citation potentials than applied or clinical journals, and journals covering emerging topics higher than periodicals in classical subjects or more general journals. SNIP corrects for such differences. Its strengths and limitations are critically discussed, and suggestions are made for further research. All empirical results are derived from Elsevier's Scopus.


Moed H. (2010b). The source-normalized impact per paper (Snip) is a valid and sophisticated indicator of journal citation impact. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(1), 211-213.No abstract is available for this article.


Morgan G.(1986). Images of Organisation. Newbury Park: Sage.

Opthof T,&Leydesdorff L. (2010). Caveats for the journal and field normalizations in the CWTS (“Leiden”) evaluations of research performance. Journal of Informetrics, 4(3), 423-430.The Center for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University advocates the use of specific normalizations for assessing research performance with reference to a world average. The JCSFCSCPP). Thus, this normalization is based on dividing two averages. This procedure only generates a legitimate indicator in the case of underlying normal distributions. Given the skewed distributions under study, one should average the observed versus expected values which are to be divided first for each publication. We show the effects of the Leiden normalization for a recent evaluation where we happened to have access to the underlying data.


Prins A. A. M., Costas R., van Leeuwen T. N., & Wouters P. F. (2016). Using Google Scholar in research evaluation of humanities and social science programs: A comparison with Web of Science data. Research Evaluation, 25(3), 264-270.In this paper, we report on the application of Google Scholar (GS)-based metrics in the formal assessment of research programs. Involved were programs in the fields of Education, Pedagogical Sciences, and Anthropology in The Netherlands. Also, a comparative analysis has been conducted of the results based on GS and Web of Science (WoS). Studies critical of GS point at its reliability of data. We show how the reliability of the GS data for the bibliometric analysis of the assessment can be improved by excluding non-verifiable citing sources from the full second-order GS citing data. The study of the background of these second-order sources demonstrates a broadening of the citing sources. The comparison of GS with WoS citations for the publications of the programs shows that it is promising to use GS for fields with lower degrees of coverage in WoS, in particular for fields that produce more diverse types of output than just research articles. Restrictions to the use of GS are the intensive manual data handling and cleaning, necessary for a feasible and proper data collection. We discuss wider implications of the findings for bibliometric analysis and for the practices and policies in research evaluation.


Torres-Salinas D., Robinson-García N., Cabezas-Clavijo Á., & Jiménez-Contreras E. (2014). Analyzing the citation characteristics of books: Edited books, book series and publisher types in the book citation index. Scientometrics, 98(3), 2113-2127.This paper presents a first approach to analyzing the factors that determine the citation characteristics of books. For this we use the Thomson Reuters book citation index, a novel multidisciplinary database launched in 2011 which offers bibliometric data on books. We analyze three possible factors which are considered to affect the citation impact of books: the presence of editors, the inclusion in series and the type of publisher. Also, we focus on highly cited books to see if these factors may affect them as well. We considered as highly cited books, those in the top 5% of those most highly cited in the database. We define these three aspects and present results for four major scientific areas in order to identify differences by area (science, engineering and technology, social sciences and arts and humanities). Finally, we report differences for edited books and publisher type, however books included in series showed higher impact in two areas.


Waltman L., & van Eck, N. (2013). A systematic empirical comparison of different approaches for normalizing citation impact indicators. Journal of Informetrics, 7(4), 833-849.We address the question how citation-based bibliometric indicators can best be normalized to ensure fair comparisons between publications from different scientific fields and different years. In a systematic large-scale empirical analysis, we compare a traditional normalization approach based on a field classification system with three source normalization approaches. We pay special attention to the selection of the publications included in the analysis. Publications in national scientific journals, popular scientific magazines, and trade magazines are not included. Unlike earlier studies, we use algorithmically constructed classification systems to evaluate the different normalization approaches. Our analysis shows that a source normalization approach based on the recently introduced idea of fractional citation counting does not perform well. Two other source normalization approaches generally outperform the classification-system-based normalization approach that we study. Our analysis therefore offers considerable support for the use of source-normalized bibliometric indicators.


Waltman L., van Eck N., van Leeuwen T., & Visser M. (2013). Some modifications to the Snip journal impact indicator. Journal of Informetrics, 7(2), 272-285.The SNIP (source normalized impact per paper) indicator is an indicator of the citation impact of scientific journals. The indicator, introduced by Henk Moed in 2010, is included in Elsevier's Scopus database. The SNIP indicator uses a source normalized approach to correct for differences in citation practices between scientific fields. The strength of this approach is that it does not require a field classification system in which the boundaries of fields are explicitly defined. In this paper, a number of modifications that were recently made to the SNIP indicator are explained, and the advantages of the resulting revised SNIP indicator are pointed out. It is argued that the original SNIP indicator has some counterintuitive properties, and it is shown mathematically that the revised SNIP indicator does not have these properties. Empirically, the differences between the original SNIP indicator and the revised one turn out to be relatively small, although some systematic differences can be observed. Relations with other source normalized indicators proposed in the literature are discussed as well.


Waltman L., van Eck N., van Leeuwen T., Visser M., & van Raan A. (2010). Towards a new crown indicator: Some theoretical considerations. Journal of Informetrics, 5(1), 37-47.The crown indicator is a well-known bibliometric indicator of research performance developed by our institute. The indicator aims to normalize citation counts for differences among fields. We critically examine the theoretical basis of the normalization mechanism applied in the crown indicator. We also make a comparison with an alternative normalization mechanism. The alternative mechanism turns out to have more satisfactory properties than the mechanism applied in the crown indicator. In particular, the alternative mechanism has a so-called consistency property. The mechanism applied in the crown indicator lacks this important property. As a consequence of our findings, we are currently moving towards a new crown indicator, which relies on the alternative normalization mechanism.


Waltman L., van Eck N., van Leeuwen T., Visser M., & van Raan A. (2011). Towards a new crown indicator: An empirical analysis. Scientometrics, 87(3), 467-481.AbstractWe present an empirical comparison between two normalization mechanisms for citation-based indicators of research performance. These mechanisms aim to normalize citation counts for the field and the year in which a publication was published. One mechanism is applied in the current so-called crown indicator of our institute. The other mechanism is applied in the new crown indicator that our institute is currently exploring. We find that at high aggregation levels, such as at the level of large research institutions or at the level of countries, the differences between the two mechanisms are very small. At lower aggregation levels, such as at the level of research groups or at the level of journals, the differences between the two mechanisms are somewhat larger. We pay special attention to the way in which recent publications are handled. These publications typically have very low citation counts and should therefore be handled with special care.


Williams G., Basso A., Galleron I., & Lippiello T. (2018). More, less or better: The problem of evaluating books in SSH research. The Evaluation of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, A. Bonaccorsi (ed.). Springer, 133-158.

Zitt M. (2010). Citing-side normalization of journal impact: A robust variant of the audience factor. Journal of Informetrics, 4(3), 392-406.The principle of a new type of impact measure was introduced recently, called the “Audience Factor” (AF). It is a variant of the journal impact factor where emitted citations are weighted inversely to the propensity to cite of the source. In the initial design, propensity was calculated using the average length of bibliography at the source level with two options: a journal-level average or a field-level average. This citing-side normalization controls for propensity to cite, the main determinant of impact factor variability across fields. The AF maintains the variability due to exports–imports of citations across field and to growth differences. It does not account for influence chains, powerful approaches taken in the wake of Pinski–Narin's influence weights. Here we introduce a robust variant of the audience factor, trying to combine the respective advantages of the two options for calculating bibliography lengths: the classification-free scheme when the bibliography length is calculated at the individual journal level, and the robustness and avoidance of ad hoc settings when the bibliography length is averaged at the field level. The variant proposed relies on the relative neighborhood of a citing journal, regarded as its micro-field and assumed to reflect the citation behavior in this area of science. The methodology adopted allows a large range of variation of the neighborhood, reflecting the local citation network, and partly alleviates the “cross-scale” normalization issue. Citing-side normalization is a general principle which may be extended to other citation counts.


Zitt M. (2011). Behind citing-side normalization of citations: Some properties of the journal impact factor. Scientometrics, 89(1), 329-344.A new family of citation normalization methods appeared recently, in addition to the classical methods of “cited-side” normalization and the iterative measures of intellectual influence in the wake of Pinski and Narin influence weights. These methods have a quite global scope in citation analysis but were first applied to the journal impact, in the experimental Audience Factor (AF) and the Scopus Source-Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP). Analyzing some properties of the Garfield’s Journal Impact Factor, this note highlights the rationale of citing-side (or source-level, fractional citation, ex ante) normalization.


Zuccala A., Breum M., Bruun K., & Wunsch B. T. (2018). Metric assessments of books as families of works. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(1), 146-157.Abstract We describe the intellectual and physical properties of books as manifestations, expressions and works and assess the current indexing and metadata structure of monographs in the Book Citation Index (BKCI). Our focus is on the interrelationship of these properties in light of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). Data pertaining to monographs were collected from the Danish PURE repository system as well as the BKCI (2005-2015) via their International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs). Each ISBN was then matched to the same ISBN and family-related ISBNs cataloged in two additional databases: OCLC-WorldCat and Goodreads. With the retrieval of all family-related ISBNs, we were able to determine the number of monograph expressions present in the BKCI and their collective relationship to one work. Our results show that the majority of missing expressions from the BKCI are emblematic (i.e., first editions of monographs) and that both the indexing and metadata structure of this commercial database could significantly improve with the introduction of distinct expression IDs (i.e., for every distinct editions) and unifying work-related IDs. This improved metadata structure would support the collection of more accurate publication and citation counts for monographs and has implications for developing new indicators based on bibliographic levels.


Zuccala A,&Cornacchia R. (2016). Data matching, integration, and interoperability for a metric assessment of monographs. Scientometrics, 108(1), 465-484.Abstract This paper details a unique data experiment carried out at the University of Amsterdam, Center for Digital Humanities. Data pertaining to monographs were collected from three autonomous resources, the Scopus Journal Index, and Goodreads, and linked according to unique identifiers in a new Microsoft SQL database. The purpose of the experiment was to investigate co-varied metrics for a list of book titles based on their citation impact (from Scopus), presence in international libraries ( and visibility as publically reviewed items (Goodreads). The results of our data experiment highlighted current problems related citation indices and the way that books are recorded by different citing authors. Our research further demonstrates the primary problem of matching book titles as ‘cited objects’ with book titles held in a union library catalog, given that books are always recorded distinctly in libraries if published as separate editions with different International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs). Due to various ‘matching’ problems related to the ISBN, we suggest a new type of identifier, a ‘Book Object Identifier’, which would allow bibliometricians to recognize a book published in multiple formats and editions as ‘one object’ suitable for evaluation. The BOI standard would be most useful for books published in the same language, and would more easily support the integration of data from different types of book indexes.





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