1 Introduction
2 Data and method
Figure 1. (a) paper B, in field 75.10 (also 75.30, 75.40, and 75.50) and from Japan, is cited by paper A, in field 75.10 (also 75.30) and from the USA, German and Japan. (b) Citations (from A to B and from A to C) are converted into a citation network among the countries × subfields of physics. |
3 Results
3.1 The direct input-output flow among countries/regions
Figure 2. The direct citations are shown on a world map. For each node c, we show the number of received citations and the calculated IOF, $S_{IO}^{c}$. On each edge $ e _{i}^{j}$ on the world map, we code with the thickness of the line the value of both $ x _{i}^{j}$ and $ x _{i}^{j}$:$ e _{ j }^{i}$ is the line near i and $ e _{ j }^{i}$ is the line near j. Each edge is also color-coded: the line starting from i is red when $ x _{i}^{j}$> $ x _{j}^{i}$ and green otherwise. |
3.2 The net influence (IOF) ranks of countries × subfields
Figure 3. The net influence rank of countries × subfields. Each country is represented by its flag. The ones with higher net influence rank than the direct rank are above the diagonal line, thus undercited, while they are under the diagonal line when their net influence ranks are lower, thus overcited. |
Figure 4. (a) Percentage of undercited fields of each country are plotted in a figure of the number of undercited fields v.s. the number of contributed fields. More information than just the percentage of undercited fields can be seen from (b) the relative and absolute ranking difference between the net and the direct rank of each country c. |
Table 1 Top 10 undercited or overcited subfields of USA and China. |
USA | China | |||
UnderCited | UnderCited | |||
1 | 14.17 | Properties of specific particles | 12.25 | Models for gravitational interactions |
2 | 91.67 | Geochemistry | 96.40 | Cosmic rays |
3 | 25.38 | Properties of specific particles | 11.40 | Currents and their properties |
4 | 66.46 | Quantum tunneling of defects | 42.66 | Physiological optics |
5 | 26.10 | Nuclear astrophysics | 31.90 | Other topics in the theory of the electronic structure of atoms and molecules |
6 | 23.70 | Heavy-particle decay | 93.30 | Information related to geographical regions |
7 | 24.87 | Surrogate reactions | 51.35 | Mechanical properties; compressibility |
8 | 91.80 | Geochronology | 34.60 | Scattering in highly excited states |
9 | 95.80 | Astronomical catalogs, atlases, sky surveys, databases, retrieval systems, archives, etc. | 47.37 | Hydrodynamic aspects of superfluidity |
10 | 42.27 | Wave optics | 25.43 | Antiproton-induced reactions |
OverCited | OverCited | |||
1 | 68.25 | Phase transitions in liquid thin films | 43.80 | Bioacoustics |
2 | 68.48 | Solid-gas/vacuum interfaces: types of surfaces | 91.65 | Geophysical aspects of geology, mineralogy, and petrology |
3 | 53.35 | Other topics in physics of plasmas and electric discharges | 82.75 | Molecular sieves, zeolites, clathrates, and other complex solids |
4 | 07.58 | Infrared, submillimeter wave, microwave and radiowave instruments and equipment | 28.50 | Fission reactor types |
5 | 07.90 | Other topics in instruments, apparatus, and components common to several branches of physics and astronomy | 87.56 | Radiation therapy equipment |
6 | 62.90 | Other topics in mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter | 35.80 | Atomic and molecular measurement |
7 | 85.15 | Electronic and magnetic devices; microelectronics | 46.15 | Computational methods in continuum mechanics |
8 | 68.40 | Chemisorption/physisorption: adsorbates on surfaces | 29.17 | Electrostatic, collective, and linear accelerators |
9 | 01.50 | Educational aids | 85.40 | Microelectronics: LSI, VLSI, ULSI; integrated circuit fabrication technology |
10 | 25.50 | Photonuclear reactions | 84.30 | Electronic circuits |