• Employment (87/425 female and 1/202 male terms (surgeon) are health-related; 0/425 F and 33/202 M are computing-related): #bitcoin, accountant, actor, advice, aerospace, aircraft, analyst, analytic, android, app, architect, army, asset, astronomer, automation, automotive, aviation, azure, blockchain, broker, build, builder, building, bus, business, businessman, cameraman, carpenter, CEO, chairman, chartered, chef, civil, cloud, code, coder, comedian, commentator, commercial, company, composer, computer, computing, conductor, construction, contractor, contributor, crypto, CTO, cyber, data, database, defence, designer, dev, developer, devop, director, DJ, driver, driving, drum, economic, economist, electrical, electrician, electronic, employer, energy, engine, engineer, engineering, entrepreneur, equipment, Esport, estate, evangelist, ex, filmmaker, finance, financial, fire, firefighter, firm, fleet, former, fx, gas, graphic, greenkeeper, groundsman, guru, hacker, hardware, heating, HGV, hire, host, industrial, industry, infosec, infrastructure, insurance, internet, investing, investment, investor, iOS, IOT, JavaScript, lighting, Linux, logistic, machine, magician, maintenance, managing, manufacturing, market, match, md, mechanic, mechanical, merchant, Microsoft, military, mobile, money, motoring, musician, MVP, navy, net, official, operator, pastor, philosopher, philosophy, photographer, php, physic, physicist, pilot, plumbing, podcast, podcaster, police, politician, postman, premier, product, professor, programmer, programming, property, radio, RAF, record, renewable, retired, royal, sale, salesman, security, server, serving, software, soldier, solution, songwriter, sound, source, SQL, stack, station, stock, surgeon, surveyor, system, tax, techie, technical, technologist, technology, telecom, tenor, test, tour, trade, trader, trading, train, transport, truck, union, vehicle, venture, veteran, videographer, web, wind, windows, commission, postgrad ,#actress, #comms, #diversity, #equality, #hellomynameis, #inclusion, #mentalhealth, #nhs, #pr, #sbs, #wellbeing, #women, #womeninstem, #womenintech, @graziauk, @irwinmitchell, @kingsioppn, @lshtm, @metrouk, @stylistmagazine, AAC, about, accessories, actress, acute, administrator, adolescent, advanced, AHP, alto, ambassador, ANP, anthropologist, anthropology, aromatherapy, art, artist, assistant, associate, attachment, awareness, baker, BDA, beauty, behaviour, bereavement, bestselling, biomedical, board, book, bridal, bride, businesswoman, CAMH, campaign, cancer, care, career, carer, celebrant, centred, championing, change, charity, childcare, childhood, choreographer, chronic, classes, clinical, clothe, CN, cohort, colour, comm, commissioning, committed, committee, communication, communities, community, complementary, contemporary, coordinator, co-ordinator, copywriter, costume, counselling, counsellor, creative, creativity, criminology, critical, cultural, culture, curator, CYP, dance, dancer, debut, dementia, deputy, development, diabetes, diagnostic, dietetic, dietitian, disabilitie, disability, disabled, disease, disorder, diversity, doctoral, domestic, doula, drama, drawing, dysphagia, ed, education, educational, educator, emotional, empowering, empowerment, engagement, English, equality, equestrian, Etsy, event, examiner, exploring, EYF, fabric, facilitator, families, fashion, feature, fellow, fiction, Florence, florist, forensic, foundation, frailty, freelance, French, funded, fundraiser, fundraising, gender, gift, hair, handmade, head, healer, health, healthcare, healthy, HEE, heritage, historical, holistic, hospice, hospital, housewife, HR, hub, human, HVS, hypnotherapist, ICU, illness, illustration, illustrator, impact, improvement, improving, inclusion, inclusive, inequalities, inequality, infant, infection, inpatient, inspire, inspired, inspiring, integrated, interested, interior, interpreter, intersectional, intervention, intuitive, involvement, Irwin, jewellery, journalist, journo, justice, ks2, ks3, language, law, lead, learning, lecturer, librarian, libraries, library, lifestyle, lingerie, linguist, linguistic, lit, literacy, literary, literature, Macmillan, maid, makeup, make-up, making, manager, Marie, marketer, marketing, massage, matron, medical, medicine, meditation, menopausal, menopause, mental, mentee, mentor, mezzo, MFL, MH, midwife, midwifery, midwives, migration, mindfulness, mistress, Mitchell, Mslexia, MUA, museum, nail, nanny, natural, neonatal, neuro, neuroscience, nh, nightingale, NIHR, novel, NQT, NUH, nurse, nursery, nursing, nutritional, nutritionist, occupational, od, officer, oncology, OT, OU, outdoor, outreach, PA, paed, paediatric, pain, painting, palliative, paralegal, parenting, participation, partnership, passion, passionate, patient, pattern, performer, perinatal, pharmacist, pharmacy, physio, physiotherapist, physiotherapy, PICU, plant, poet, poetry, policy, postnatal, PR, practice, practitioner, prev, prevention, previous, primary, printmaker, programme, project, proofreader, PSHE, psych, psychologist, psychology, psychotherapist, public, publishing, QI, qualitative, quality, radiographer, raising, rape, receptionist, recovery, reducing, reflexologist, refugee, registered, rehab, rehabilitation, relationship, rep, rep’d, reproductive, research, researcher, researching, respiratory, reviewer, RNA, romance, romantic, safeguarding, SCBWI, scholar, school, seamstress, secondary, SENCO, senior, sex, sexual, shop, singer, skill, skincare, SLE, slimming, SLT, social, sociology, solicitor, soprano, special, specialising, specialist, speech, staff, stem, stitch, stroke, student, studies, studying, style, stylist, support, supporting, sustainability, teacher, teaching, teen, textile, theatre, therapies, therapist, therapy, thrive, trained, trainee, training, translation, translator, trauma, trust, trustee, tutor, UHB, uni, university, veterinary, viability, violence, violinist, visitor, welfare, wellbeing, well-being, wellness, widening, women, worker, workforce, working, workshop, writer, writing, young.
• Multiple: again, agree, any, away, back, bad, been, bio, but, die, do, don’t, egg, electric, elite, else, etc, few, fly, follower, force, from, general, giant, glory, god, here, hit, if, is, it, I’ve, know, last, lifelong, like, lord, ltd, mainly, may, mod, motor, not, nothing, now, occasionally, odd, old, on, once, only, or, order, other, over, play, played, player, playing, poor, problem, real, regular, road, round, served, since, some, someone, Steve, stuff, than, that, the, then, these, think, those, till, time, used, war, was, we, white, chaotic, mod , abuse, adult, all, always, at, baby, be, being, body, bunnies, busy, by, child, children, chronically, colourful, currently, drag, early, fairy, glass, glitter, healing, heart, in, juggling, ld, life, little, live, living, make, miss, mixed, my, navigating, our, people, person, princess, rainbow, right, Sarah, send, sharing, slightly, small, story, ta, thing, tiny, to, tree, with, word, pro.