1 Introduction
2 Difference-in-Difference regression modeling
2.1 Notation
2.2 Assumptions
Figure 1. Visualized demonstration of the DID regression. Notation is declared in the text. |
2.3 Models
2.3.1 Models setting
2.3.2. Proposition of outcomes
2.4 Limitation of DID
3 Matching techniques serving for DID
3.1 Coarsened exact matching technique
3.2 Propensity score matching method
4 Practical application
4.1 Problem description
4.2 Data preparation
Table 1. Statistics for the treatment effects. |
Treatment | Control | Treatment-Control | |
Prior | E(Y01) | E(Y00) | E(Y01)-E(Y00) |
Posterior | E(Y11) | E(Y10) | E(Y11)-E(Y10) |
Posterior-Prior | E(Y11)-E(Y01) | E(Y10)-E(Y00) | [E(Y11)-E(Y01)]-[E(Y10)-E(Y00)] |
Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the entire sample (Nobel laureates and their prizewinning-work collaborators). |
Prize year | Total #Publication | Total #Citation | |
Minimum | 1934 | 10 | 443 |
Maximum | 2011 | 1,627 | 194,896 |
Mean | 1987 | 245.9 | 25,662.6 |
Median | 1991 | 157 | 13,061 |
Standard deviation | 18.6 | 266.1 | 31,571.4 |
Count | 335 | 335 | 335 |
4.3 Modeling
Table 3. Matching results by applying different matching techniques. |
Average citation index before prizewinning | ||||||
Matching Techniques | - | CEM | PSM | |||
Group | Control | Treated | Control | Treated | Control | Treated |
Observations | 227 | 108 | 80 | 80 | 84 | 108 |
Mean | 4.7083 | 5.2350 | 5.0701 | 5.2869 | 5.1353 | 5.2350 |
Std. dev. | 1.4886 | 1.5034 | 1.7627 | 1.6595 | 1.5821 | 1.5034 |
Minimum | 0.3519 | 0.1997 | 0 | 0 | 1.3754 | 0.1997 |
Maximum | 8.4902 | 8.2194 | 8.3668 | 8.4933 | 8.4902 | 8.2194 |
Table 4. Regression results and CTA tests by applying different matching techniques. |
DID regression Model Results | |||
Model | Model I | Model II | Model III |
Matching Techniques | - | CEM | PSM |
ATT | -0.1488 | -0.0780 | -0.1481 |
SE | 0.0998 | 0.1307 | 0.1317 |
Common trend assumption | Fail | Pass | Pass |
p-value | 0.0999 | 0.6836 | 0.1582 |
Fixed Effect Controls | |||
Individual | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Year | Yes | Yes | Yes |