
The 2nd International Conference on Data-driven Knowledge Discovery

& Seminar on Knowledge Mapping Theory and Practice


Nowadays, large-scale data has shown a trend of relevance, cross-cutting, and integration. Fusion innovation has provided new impetus and new opportunities for the coordinated development of various industries. In the changing and massive information environment, supporting complex decision-making and providing in-depth knowledge service through data mining and exploring cross-cutting, large-span, deep-level and comprehensive fusion data research methods have become the key capabilities and core competitiveness for innovation. Meanwhile, being familiar with and master data fusion method and technology will not only help researchers and students improve their innovation capabilities and research levels, but also help support personnel involved in practice work to improve their service capabilities and business literacy.


To provide a leading forum for well-known domestic and foreign experts to exchange ideas on these topics, the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is organizing the 2nd International Conference on Data-driven Knowledge Discovery (CDKD2018) & Training Course on Theory and Practice of Knowledge Graph, which will be held in Beijing, China, during October, 30th - December 2nd, 2018.


The conference will focus on the exploration and practice of data development, big data gathering, big data management, big data analysis, big data service and so on. Moreover, We will invite internationally renowned knowledge mapping experts, Kevin Boyack, main founder of SciVal, and Nees-jan van Eck, main founder of VOSviewer, to provide in-depth guidance and training on the practice of big data visualization. Colleagues engaged in relevant research and work at home and abroad are welcome to sign up for participation. For your convenient, the course is equipped with translations.



Seminar on Knowledge Mapping Theory & Practice

Day 1: OCT. 30

Speaker: Dr. Kevin Boyack, President of SciTech Strategies

Translator and auxiliary staff : Yanqi Zhai and Zhesi Shen, Center of Scientometrics (CoS), NSL, CAS


 Science mapping theory and methods




 Global maps creating instructions




 Bibliometric networkanalysis and science mapping (SciVal) (1)




 Bibliometric networkanalysis and science mapping (SciVal) (2)



Day 2: OCT. 31

Speaker: Dr. Nees-Jan van Eck, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University

Translator and auxiliary staff : Yanqi Zhai and Zhesi Shen, Center of Scientometrics (CoS), NSL, CAS


 Bibliometric visualization and to the VOSviewer software




 Bibliometric data sources and data collection




 Bibliometric network analysis and science mapping (VOSviewer) (1)




 Bibliometric network analysis and science mapping (VOSviewer) (2)



 International Conference on Data-driven Knowledge Discovery

Day 1: NOV. 1


Opening ceremony


Prof. HuiZhou Liu, Director of National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Prof. Xiaolin Zhang, Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Data and Information Science


Session 1: Evolution in Science (1)


Ronald Rousseau

New developments related to delayed recognition


An Zeng

Quantifying the evolution of cross-disciplinary scientific collaborations


Li Tang

When International Academic Mobility Meets Local Connections


Group photo & Break


Session 2: Policy and research evaluation


Gunnar Sivertsen

Balancing the representation and stimulation of research activities: Experiences with the Norwegian Model


Henning Kroll

Evaluation in the European Union- Horizon 2020 and beyond


Fei Yu

Using Citation Analytics to Assist UNC Health Affairs Schools in Knowledge Discovery




Session 3: Indicator/method/model of S&T (1)


Lin Zhang

Measuring Scientific Production with Modified Fractional Counting


Sarah Huggett

Using AI to define AI: semi-automated data-driven approaches to scientific field definition


Yue Chen

New ideas of research organization evaluation: interdisciplinary index and researchers cohesion index




Session 4: Text mining and Semantic Data


Zhixiong Zhang

 Semantic recognition of scientific and technological literature based on deep learning


Chang Liu

Personalization of Information Retrieval based on users’ interactions and search contexts


Juncheng Wang

Policy highlights discovery based on text data mining




Editorial board meeting

Day 2: NOV. 2


Session 5: Knowledge Mapping


Kevin Boyack

Accurately identifying topics using text: Mapping PubMed


Nees-Jan van Eck

Visualizing science based on open data sources


Ting Chen

Mapping of research funding: comparison of networking and embedding graph




Session 6: Research performance of China


Rainer Frietsch

Science-Industry co-publications in China and Germany


Tao Jia

China's research works are underrepresented


Jiang Li

Overseas scientists who returned home country went overseas again: A case study of China and India.




Session 7: Evolution in Science (2)


Xiaojun Hu

Is scientific research becoming more application - oriented?  A case study of an emerging topic: “metabolic engineering”


Wei Yuan

To be determined


Jian Du

Detecting early signs of the potential ahead-of-time and transformative research




Session 8: Indicator/method/model of S&T (2)


Everard Noyons

Characterizing journals using advanced bibliometrics: Area-Based Connectedness (ABC) to society


Weiping Yue

Identifying emerging research areas for next generation energy systems


Jinshan Wu

Multilayer network framework of Scientometrics and its application


Closing remarks




Invited speakers

1         Dr. Kevin Boyack

President of SciTech Strategies, Inc. Previously he worked at Sandia National Labs in areas of combustion, transport processes, socio-economic war gaming, and science mapping. His recent work and current interests include detailed mapping of the structure and dynamics of science and technology, accuracy of maps and classifications, merging of multiple data types and sources, identification and prediction of emerging topics, and development of advanced metrics. Editorial board member of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS).

2         Dr. Ting Chen

Assistant researcher of Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include scientific knowledge graph and data visualization.

3         Prof. Yue Chen

Professor of Faculty of Humanities and Scoial Sciences at Dalian University of Technology. Reviewer of Scientometrics, International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies and other journals. Her research interests include mapping knowledge domain, innovation management, technical management and scientometrics.

4         Dr. Jian Du

Assistant researcher of Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Science. He is specialized in scientometrics and scientific evaluation.

5         Dr. Nees-Jan van Eck

Dr. Nees Jan van Eck, a researcher of Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University, the Netherlands, Editor of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS). His research focuses on the development of visualization tools and algorithms, mainly for analyzing the structure and development of science. Dr. Nees Jan van Eck has published numerous scientific articles on this topic. The VOSviewer tool developed by Nees Jan (together with Ludo Waltman) is widely used by researchers in thefield of bibliometrics and scientometrics. In addition to his visualization research, Nees Jan also manages the IT department of CWTS.

6         Dr. Rainer Frietsch

Deputy Head of the Competence Center Policy – Industry – Innovation Coordinator of Business Unit Innovation Indicators, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. He is specialized in regional innovation indicators.

7         Prof. Sivertsen Gunnar

Researcher and Special Adviser at the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) in Oslo. Editorial board member of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS). Specialized in studies of scholarly publishing and in the development and use of bibliometric indicators for statistics, evaluation, funding, and science policy. The “Norwegian model” has been widely used.

8         Prof. Xiaojun Hu

Professor of School of Medicine of Zhejiang University. Editorial board member of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS), Frontier and Science and Management. Her research interests include biomedical information systems and management, network medicine, and scientometrics & informetrics, S & T policy.

9         Dr. Sarah Huggett

Sarah Hugett is Analytical Services Product Manager with Elsevier, which involves preparing reports on research performance. Sarah’s first job at Elsevier in Research & Academic Relations gave her an understanding of how bibliometrics can be used to inform strategic planning. She has a particular interest in new developments in research evaluation, such as measures of attention and engagement. After completing a Bachelor’s then Master’s degrees at the University of Grenoble (France), Sarah moved to the UK to teach French at the University of Oxford prior to joining Elsevier in 2006, relocating to Singapore in 2014 to focus on the APAC region.

10     Dr. Tao Jia

Dr. Tao Jia obtained his Master in industrial and system engineering and Ph.D. in physics at Virginia Tech (USA). He worked as the postdoctoral researcher at Northeastern University (USA) from 2011 to 2013 and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA) from 2013 to 2015. In September 2015, he worked as the professor at Southwest University (China). Dr. Jia's research interest focuses on the computational and analytical understanding of complex systems, including complex networks, social systems, and biological systems. As the first author (and co-corresponding author sometimes), he has published on top journals such as Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Communications and Physical Review Letters. He is awarded the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad in 2011 and the 1000 Young Talents Plan by the Chinese Government in 2015. Editorial board member of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS).

11     Prof. Jiang Li

Professor of School of Information Management at Nanjing University. He is the Chief Editor of a wechat subscription account called LinMo which has great influence in China. He has published over 20 papers on Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Informetrics, Scientometrics and other SSCI/SCI journals.

12     Dr. Chang Liu

Dr. Chang Liu obtained her Ph.D. in Information ScienceRutgers, The State University of New Jersey(USA). She works as associate professor at Department of Information Management, Peking University. Her research interests include Human Information Behavior, Information Services, Interactive Information Retrieval, Personalization of Information Retrieval.

13     Prof. Henning Kroll

Project Manager of Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. His work focus on analysis and evaluation of regional innovation and technology policy, smart specialisation, advanced manufacturing in German and European regions, regional innovation and technology indicators, university-industry relations, cluster-based regional development, innovation system and innovation policy in China.

14     Dr. Ed Noyons

Dr. Everard Noyons, Deputy Director of Science and Technology Research Center (CWTS) at Leiden University, the Netherlands, Editorial board member of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS). Presently his main research interests involve structures, mapping of science and their use in science policy and research management, field delineation, and multi-dimensional, in particular societal impact of science. He has published and co-authored many papers in peer-reviewed international journals, delivers key-note lectures in international conferences and has been program chair in several scientometric conferences.

15     Prof. Ronald Rousseau

Professor of University of Leuven, Belgium, Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS). He was the former President of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI). He was also the winner of Derek J. de Solla Price Award (2001). Prof Rousseau has kept close cooperation with Chinese scholars. He is a honorary member of China’s Science and Technology Policy Study Society, Guest Professor of National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, etc. He has published more than 200 papers. He is a member of editorial board of several top SSCI journals.

16     Prof. Li Tang

Professor of School of International Relations & Public Affairs, Fudan University. She is specialized in technology innovation policy, public policy and project evaluation, and knowledge management. Recently, her research mainly focuses on the the application of informetrics in technology evaluation and innovation policies, international talent flow and scientific research integrity. Editorial board member of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS).

17     Dr. Juncheng Wang

Deputy director of the National Engineering Research Center of Science and Technology Information, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China. His research interests mainly include information analysis and data visualization, policy text mining, new-media technology and visual communication.

18     Prof. Jinshan Wu

Professor of School of Systems Science at Beijing Normal University, China. He received his Ph.D. degree from Columbia University, USA. Prof.Wu is a physicist who works in non-equilibrium quantum statistical physics, game theory and experiments, network science and scientometrics. He sees connections beyond boundaries. He has published many peer-reviewed articles in international journals.

19     Dr. Fei Yu

Dr. Yu is an Assistant Professor at the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS). She is also a Health Technology and Informatics Librarian at the UNC Health Sciences Library. Her research interests include electronic health records, user interface design and evaluation, data analytics and visualization, clinical care research, digital health, and research impact metrics. Her current work focuses on health information system evaluation for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and validation and reliability testing of digital health devices.

20     Prof. Wei Yuan

Chief engineer of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China. He is mainly engaged in the management and research of open and shared scientific resources, and is committed to promoting the open sharing and evaluation of national scientific research facilities and instruments, scientific data, biological resources and experimental materials.

21     Dr. Weiping Yue

Senior consultant of Clarivate China.

22     Prof. Lin Zhang

Professor of School of Information Management, Wuhan University, visiting professor of University of Louvain, Belgium and Chengdu Library and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Editor-in-chief of Scientometrics Asia. Editorial board member of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS). Specialized in informetrics, technology management and evaluation.

23     Dr. An Zeng

Associate professor of School of Systems Science Beijing Normal University. He mainly studies the complexity science, network science and cyber-physics, especially the synchronous process on the Internet, the robustness of Internet, spatial network, and network information filtering.

24     Prof. Zhixiong Zhang

Professor of National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of Informaiton System Department. His research interests include information extraction, long-term preservation technology, metedata, library network and automation system construction and other related aspects. Editorial board member of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS).


Yuanchenxin International Hotel will be the venue for CDKD 2018.

Adress: No. 12 Yumin Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China


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Photos at 2nd CDKD

Participants take group photo

Participants take group photo after the conference

Prof. Xiaolin Zhang, Co-editor-in-Chief of JDIS, speaks at the conference

Dr. Kevin Boyack, President of SciTech Strategies, Inc., speaks at the conference

Prof. Lin Zhang, Professor of School of Information Management, Wuhan University, speaks at the conference

Pubdate: 2018-05-15    Viewed: 338