
Call for Contribution to and Participation in CDKD2021

1. JDIS Background

JDIS (ISSN 2096-157X, CN 10-1394/G2,, an English-language research journal, publishes research on (1) new theories, methods, and techniques of data-driven analytics, knowledge discovery, and informetrics, (2) new methods, architectures, and facilities to develop knowledge infrastructure capable to support knowledge analytics, and (3) new mechanisms, methods, and tools to embed knowledge analytics into actual workflows and services. JDIS is indexed by ESCI (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus. All issues of JDIS are online.

2. Format of CDKD2021

Due to the pandemic, CDKD will be held online using internationally accepted online meeting platforms.

The themes of CDKD2021 will be a focused one to enable a problem-driven, in-depth, and intensive exploration of topics, avoiding concentration and deliberating challenges coming with the online format.

The participation will be invitation-only, to ensure learned interaction and high-quality discussion. Invitees will be people studying and practicing on the themes, including those from commercial analytic service providers. Additional invitations may be extended to those with a high potential of impactful contribution to the discussion of the themes. The total number of participants is expected to be within 150, international and domestic included.

The participation is free of charge.

3. Themes of CDKD2021
3.1 Thematic background
Government-driven large-scale strategic investment is now the key propeller and enabler for R&D development and competition worldwide. The performance, impact, effectiveness, and efficiency of the investment are prominent and urgent challenges, which in turn become challenges to the accountability and sustainability of the investment and the funders or funding government.

The international community has been making efforts to develop decision-driven, scientifically sound, and operationally practical assessment schemes to match up the complexity of those challenges. Many policy statements, such as DOAR, Leiden Manifesto, and those from the Chinese State Council and governmental agencies such as MoST and MoE, are calling for further development here. National, regional, and institutional experiments and implementations are abundant. Still, the efforts failed to provide decision-makers and research communities with the theories, methods and tools they needed. This community needs to rise to the occasion and challenge itself to answer the call of the times.

3.2 Main Theme & Sub-themes
Main theme of CDKD2021
Challenges to Evaluation of Research, Development, and Innovation: Theories, Methods, and Tools for Multiple Purpose and Multi-Variable Evaluation

  Challenges and Changes in Evaluation Theories in general and for R&D
  Challenges and Changes in Theories, Methods, and Tools for Practices of Diagnostic, Predictive, and Prescriptive Analytics
  Evaluation of Universities
  Evaluation of Research Institutions & National Research Labs
  Evaluation of R&D Competitiveness of ST Parks, Cities, Regions, and Countries
  Evaluation of Researchers & Research Teams & Research Projects
  Evaluation of R&D Initiatives and Programs
  Evaluation of R&D&I Collaborations and Tech Transfer
  Evaluation of Think Tanks and Policy Studies
  Big data-AI-Hybrid computing-driven Evaluation Methods, Tools, and Services
  Interpretable and Decision-oriented Analytics in Evaluation
  Real-Time and Interactive Analysis in Evaluation and its enablers
  Building R&D Situation Room for Decision-makers
  Building the evaluation analysis into operational, decision-making, and planning processes
  Other topics closely related to these themes or that could have a substantial impact on them

4. Contributions to CDKD2021
4.1 Types of Contributions
(1) CDKD2021 welcomes problem-driven, context or situation-based, decision-oriented, up-to-date, and innovative research on the sub-themes.

(2) CDKD2021 welcomes analysis-driven reports on assessment practices with unique, authoritative, and innovative practices in the areas covered by the sub-themes.

(3) CDKD2021 welcomes in-depth, structured analytic-oriented, evidence-based analysis of assessment policies or assessment practices.

(4) CDKD2021 welcomes systematic, analytic-oriented, evidence-oriented, theoretical analysis of assessment theories and methodologies, ready to be operationalized.

(5) General statements or comments or reflections on the theme or any of the subthemes can be made, if appropriate to the point, during the discussion of the sessions.

4.2 Submissions of the Contributions
(1) Prospective contributors are invited to send their short abstracts first, with a clear, concise, objective, and down-to-earth description of the purpose, design/methodology, experiment or implementation settings, data and computing resources, findings, of the contribution, or in a way in which it is clear what the contributor is to say and what the theoretic or practical merit the contribution will have. Vague statements or claims without research proof are strongly discouraged. The short abstract should be within one page in a single-spaced A4 page of 12 band characters. A full presentation or paper is not required at this time, but of course, welcomed.

(2) A small team from JDIS Editorial Board will review the short abstracts and the selected ones will be notified and asked to send a longer version.

(3) These long abstracts can be 2-3 pages giving more details. The basic writing requirements are the same as for the short abstracts, in addition to a detailed table of content for the presentation. JDIS reserves its right to de-select any long abstract if the long abstract fails to provide extended details.

(4) Colleagues whose contributions are not selected are still welcome to participate in the conference and are encouraged to contribute during the sessions.

4.3 Publishing of the Contributions
(1) JDIS is intended to publish a digital “proceeding” with short abstracts only, with a CC_BY_NC_ND license. Contributors who would not want their short abstracts published this way should indicate this at the beginning of the process but this will not affect the possible selection.

(2) JDIS would like to publish the full paper versions of some further selected presentations if the authors agree. JDIS will approach the respective authors before or during the conference.

5. Organization of CDKD2021
5.1 Basic Scheduling

To accommodate an international community, and taking the advantages of the online communication new normal, a special schedule is planned as follows:

5.2 Session Organization
Opening & Closing Ceremonies will each invite two keynote speakers with 25 minutes presentations in addition to conference formalities.
Most parallel sessions will be 15-minute presentations each with 5 minutes Q/A. There may be a few panel discussion sessions if topics require this format.
Presentations, including the keynote speeches, will be strictly timed with technical cutting off capabilities if one goes beyond 1 minute grace period.

Presenters are required to make the presentation in person. A presenter may want to make a pre-recorded video of his/her presentation just in case some urgent happenings prevent him/her from being in the session in person. The presenter could designate another participant or JDIS EO to play the presentation.

5.3 Code of Conduct

The organizer and all the participants of CDKD2021 should work together to ensure that the conference provides an inclusive, collaborative, caring, and respectful community environment, and all those involved will be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. No harassment or intimidation is allowed based on race, religion, ethnicity, language, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical or cognitive ability, age, appearance, level of knowledge, or other group status.

Protection of copyrights of all the shareholders will be consciously and explicitly, including protection of the copyrighted materials from third parties by all the presenters, and protection of the copyrights of presenters and contributors by the organizer and all the participants.

CDKD2021 will strive for fair gender representativeness.

6. Important Dates of CDKD2021
15 Feb. 2021: Invitation to contribute and to participate
31 Mar. 2021: Short Abstract due
30 Apr. 2021: Preliminary Program with presenter recommendation
01 May 2021: Formal registration (confirmation of registration)
20 May 2021: Long Abstract due
31 May 2021: Final Program (and on-site seminar plan)
15 Jun. 2021: Presentations ready
21-23 Jun. 2021: Conference days

7. Contact
The registration is by responses from invitation to JDIS.

All contact is going through JDIS Editorial Office at Please indicate in the mail subject “CDKD2021”.

Or, through the postal address:

Editorial Office,
       Journal of Data and Information Science,
       National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
       33 Beisihuan Xilu, Haidian District, Beijing, 100190

Pubdate: 2021-03-10    Viewed: 301